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Frank Herbert's Dune

Darth Groovy

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Yes, I know this movie is old (2000), but I just HAD to post this.....


Well after alot of persuasion from our very own Dath Maximus, I finally decided to rent this 3 disc DVD "made for Sci-Fi Channel" epic, just to see what the fuss was about.


First of all, I am no stranger to Dune. I watched the 1984 David Lynch movie on cable, and was impressed with the effects but hopelessly lost in the story. It was VERY difficult to understand what was going on. Now some films inspire me to read the book (The Mothman Prophecies for example) yet books and movies often differ in translation due in part to the director in question. David Lynch's movie was a good premise, but it was just too confusing for the average joe to take in, and therefore tanked at the box office, despite a Lavish budget and production cycle. Later, Dune came to network Television with a Narator, to help "explain" things. It STILL didn't help. At the end of the movie I was still going "WTF just happened?!"


I had sworn off the Dune series feeling I was too stupid to comprehend the meaning behind the story, and never actually picked up a copy of Frank Herbert's "Dune" for fear that it would make me feel even more stupid.


Last night I started watching this remake, and as of now....i'm hooked! I have had no trouble following the story, yet it is a story that if you miss only a few minutes you miss major plot points. It travels at a FAST pace, telling you the story of the rival families of the Harkonen, and the Attredies, the planet Arakus (Dune) and the spice trade that plots men against each other.


As I write this, I am 75% of the way through the second disc (2 of 3) and am completely hooked! I will post again once I finish the DVD!


Any comments so far?


P.S. Special thanks to Dath Maximus for talking me into watching this! I love it! :D

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The mini-series was much better than the old movie. The movie's biggest fault was that it was too short to really tell the story,.. like trying to do the full Lord Of The Rings story in a 90 minute film. It can't be done and still make sense.

I read the book, but it was tough going. I didn't really like the writing much, and it never really held my interest. Too much hard-to-follow political intrigue.

I might enjoy it more if I tried to re-read it today, but I have my doubts. Some people love the series though, but I think I just don't like Frank Herbert's writing style.

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I managed to pick up the special edition of the dune series and the normal children of dune series for about £15 total, so i was well happy.:D


I liked FH's Dune... it definately did a lot of stuff better than the movie. However I did find myself comparing several individual scenes to the movie and the movie won. Maybe that is because i found the books inpeneterable when i tried to read them so my impression of dune WAS the movie.


The Sarakur weren't scary in the miniseries, the shields weren't as cool, duncan idaho seemed to do nothing and it all seemed a bit stagey and light. The budget limitations really showed through as well. The scene i really missed was paul & his mum on the flyer managing to escape (in the miniseries they are just released in the desert, which felt wrong...).


However having said all that, i still really enjoyed it, and overall it gave a much better account of the story than the film.


I thought children of dune was even better, maybe because i didn't have the baggage and preconceptions of having already seen a film version of it.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

I changed it because of the ninja thread.


You know, not everything in Yoda's Swamp revolves around YOU Groovy :xp:


No, of course not, but you have to admit, that I am the most quoted supermod here.


Also, I posted that before I noticed the "I'm A Ninja" thread.


Anyone here, old enough to remember the sunglasses revolution? :p


After watching the rest of Dune, I really enjoyed it. Tomorrow i'm going to go buy the Dune, and Children Of Dune DVDs.


(Not seen Children of Dune yet, so no spoilers please!)

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

.... David Lynch movie....


David Lynch ! w00t ! Yes, Astro is the swamp's resident

David Lynch buff.... Lynch's Dune was a strange film, and according to Lynch himself a great error of judgment on his part(read the great interview book Lynch on Lynch.... When the 3 hour TV version of Lynch's Dune was released, he vehemently disassociated himself from the project, thus, this version lists the directorial credits to "Alan Smithee" (the name quoted on credits when directors walk out/disown their films)


The SFC Dune is *excellent* :D I havent seen the Children of Dune tho. :(


And yes, ET, the fact that you had the Dune av/sig was the only thing that stopped you suffering the same kingly fate as Macbeth, beware.....



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Originally posted by Lord Blackadder

So it's worth watching eh? My housemate's got it on dvd and I've just over-looked it in the past when trying to find something different to watch, maybe I should see what it's all about. Is it along the same lines as the original? I saw that ages ago...


It's a very "different" kind of sci-fi genre. Somewhat spiritual, and political. But DEFINITELY worth at least one watch.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

No, of course not, but you have to admit, that I am the most quoted supermod here.


And I am the most celebrated non-mod around here....








At least I like to tell myself that :xp:




And I've been around as long as you, I didn't partake in the sunglasses revolution, but I was witness ;)

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

And I am the most celebrated non-mod around here....


There's a lotta 'self love' goin on....maybe you boys should sit by the fire and rub each other's hardcore abs with baby oil.... :D


sunglasses, ninjas, matrix avs/sigs......damn fads.... pfft !



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