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Upcoming games you like the look of....


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Been meanig to do this for a while...

Anyone want to point out any upcoming games that have caught their eye?


It's probably redundant to post about the big ones like HL2, Doom3 and WoW, but if anyone has any other games they like the look of then post them here.

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These threads seem to be about in various places, so I have a quick reply ;) I'm going to make the assumptions of 2004 releases.



- Star Wars BattleFront

- Dungeon Lords

- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

- Medal of Honor Pacific Assault

- Call of Duty: United Offensive

- Gothic II: Night of the Raven (if it gets a US release)

- Call of Cthulhu

- Bard's Tale

- Doom 3 (yeah, I'll get it ... but will it be as good as Painkiller ;) )

- HL2 (the first one never 'did it' for me, but this one might be decent)



- Tron 2.0 Killer App

- Star Wars: Apprentice of the Force


(I don't have or care about console games ... well, we do have a GameCube, but I don't care about it ...)


... then heading into 2005 we get KotOR II, SW Republic Commando, F.E.A.R., Dragon Age, The Witcher ... and whenever NWN2 and BG3 arrive, I'll be wanting them ...



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I'll start:


Kohan 2: Kings of War


The first (two) kohan game(s) were great. I've never been that huge of a fan of RTS games as i find the base building repetetive and the combat to be mainly about numbers rather than tactical skill. Kohan changed all this. Base building was nicely automated, but still with the odd strategic decision. Combat was all about formations of (correctly grouped) units being used tactically... with terrain, leaders, supply, control, morale and other issues being much more important than numbers.


The sequel looks like it will maintain all the cool features, while updating it to 3d and streamlining the UI.




Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines


I've not really been following this, but a few recent previews have made me take interest. First, it uses the HL2 engine, second, the game it seems closest to seems to be the original Deus Ex.

I loved DX, and found the sequel dissappointing... but this looks like it might follow on the DX tradition in a different universe. (one that i though looked interesting when they were making the first vamp masquerade PC game... but that game didn't turn out how i had hoped at all)



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Originally posted by toms

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines


I've not really been following this, but a few recent previews have made me take interest. First, it uses the HL2 engine, second, the game it seems closest to seems to be the original Deus Ex.

I loved DX, and found the sequel dissappointing... but this looks like it might follow on the DX tradition in a different universe. (one that i though looked interesting when they were making the first vamp masquerade PC game... but that game didn't turn out how i had hoped at all)



I want this game too :)

Other than that I'll just wait and see... maybe I'll get SW: Battlefrons :)

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I'm looking forward to Half-life 2, Doom 3, World of Warcraft, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War, The Sims 2, Rome: Total War, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Star Wars: Battlefront, Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Evil Genius, Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich, Sid Meier's Pirates!, The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth, Kohan II: Kings of War...


That's all I can think of.


I'll probobly only get at least three fourths of those, though. :p

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Originally posted by KBell

The rumored release date is Augest 24th


The release date is November 9th :dozey:




Halo 2

Lord of the Rings: The Third Age

Splinter Cell 3

Kotor II

Jade Empire



Those are my absolutely don't want to live without games that are on my radar.

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Originally posted by KBell

What makes you say that?


The rumored release date is Augest 24th


Yes, just watch the Halo 2 Theatrical Trailer, at the end, http://www.xbox.com turns into http://www.ilovebees.com for a split second. Go there, it'll tell you about something happening soon!! And then, something happening in 15 days (it changes to mean August 16th...). I highlighted invisible text, and found it saying weird stuff that are like logo sayings on the Bungie website.



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Halo 2

Doom 3

Star Wars: Republic Commando

Star Wars: Battlefront

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sithlords


MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf

Half-Life 2

Black & White 2

Sims 2

Stephen Hawking's Underground


Hey Samuel Dravis, I saw a show on the History channel, and they used Rome: Total War to simulate a battle between Hannible and Nepoleon or something.

It looked tight :D



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Yeah, it's called "Decisive Battles". They had pretty much the same thing last year on BBC. It was called "Time Commanders". I want to watch them, but don't have cable. I've seen a few of the TC series and it's sweet. The only thing that annoys me is that some of the teams that play are really, really terrible at tactics. I have Medieval: TW and even I didn't lose so badly when I first tried playing it (without reading the manual beforehand, of course).


And I almost forgot:


Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

Man, that game is going to be so awesome....If you've played TLJ, you know why I'm so excited about it. The best storytelling I've ever seen in a game. Beliveable characters, realistic scenes, great voice acting. Adventure games don't get any better than TLJ.

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Ok, i think i'll add Battlefront, KOTOR2 and Halo 2 to the list of games we all already know about.


What i was hoping for was to discover a few of the less hyped games that are coming out and why people are excited about, rather than just a list of all the games we all know all about...

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Originally posted by toms

What i was hoping for was to discover a few of the less hyped games that are coming out and why people are excited about, rather than just a list of all the games we all know all about...

Well, that depends on what you like - Dungeon Lords and Call of Cthulhu are certainly not on 'murderer's row' (what a report referenced on GameSpy called the combination of big name games coming out this fall/winter), and S.T.A.L.K.E.R., while not unknown, is a challenger to those big name games.



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I am also looking forward to NBA Live 2005. I am a hoops junkie afterall. :)


I'm taking a wait-and-see approach to Robotech Invasion, but I'm am keen to see how it turns out. I watched Robotech religiously as a kid, and I am a huge Macross fan. I just got Battlecry recently, and although it isn't the best game, I find it a lot of fun and it does do a great job of bring nostalgia by allowing old fans like me to fly a Valkyrie. I'm hoping for a similar trip down memory lane with Invasion. Here's hoping. :)

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