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Kill Bill Vol 1 or 2

ET Warrior

Vol 1 or Vol 2?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Vol 1 or Vol 2?

    • Volume 1
    • Volume 2
    • I didn't like either
    • I haven't seen them

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Well, I just watched Kill Bill vol. 2 last night (I know, it took me awhile) And I was wondering, which one if your favorite? I know they're two parts of the same movie, and they were originally going to be ONE movie. But they're not, and so if you could only watch ONE of them from now on, which would you choose and why?


For me, Vol 2 would take the cake, mostly because of Pei Mei. That old man was AWESOME. :D



Sorry I haven't been here in awhile, I've been moving back up to college and my apartment doesn't have internet hookups for another day or two. I know you're all heartbroken :p

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Unfortunately they really aren't two parts of the same movie, they are almost two entirely seperate films.


Part One is pretty full on and actiony, with a lot of variation and odd touches and references to cult films, but without the snappy dialogue a lot of people expect from tarantino.


Part two has very little action, and what there is is short, but has more of a western feel to it, less unique styles and more of the dialogue a lot of tarantino fans missed in part one.


As for my opinion, ahem, well....


(it should be bourne in mind that i didn't have any expectations when i went to see part 1, but had expectations from part 2)



I was blown away by part one. I loved it. I loved the reference material. I loved the variation, the colours, the anime, the japan references, the music, the fights.

I got free tickets to see part one with my girlfriend and didn't know what to expect, but we both loved it. I ended up watching it 3 times (something i almost never do), buying the cd (great soundtrack) and was considering shelling out 4 times the price to get the uncut japanese dvd.


Admittedly it draged a TINY bit in a few places, and i would have thought if it had have been cut by 10 minutes it would have been perfect.


So of course we had great expectations of part 2. We excitedly rushed to the cinema. We watched. We got a bit bored. We came out and went "meh... i guess it was ok...".

I didn't hate it, but i thought it was no where near as original. The pacing was off. The fights were anti-climactic after part one. Watching the entire masacre at the start (again) was a waste of 20 minutes. The music was poor. No hatori hanzo :( No sophie fatale :(


(that said, one of my mates liked part 2 and wasn't keen on part 1)


What i would love to see would be a full length version that has the 2 films edited together as a 4 hour film. Move some of 2 into the first half to spread the action out more, cut out all the repetition that was needed (or not) at the start of part one. That would be cool.


until then i'm just going to pretend part two didn't happen...

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I dont know, I just LOVED the story and dialogue in Part 2. And, like I said in my first post, Pei Mei was freakin awesome. :D


And as far as fights go, I thought the fight in the trailer was pretty freakin neat, though perhaps not quite as exciting as the fight with the crazy 88's.

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*sigh* I left out a "Both are awesome" option on purpose. I agree that both are awesome, I love them both. HOWEVER, the purpose was to decide, if you were only allowed to see one of the two ever again, which would it be and why.


I removed your option and your vote because it ruins my poll :xp:

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

*sigh* I left out a "Both are awesome" option on purpose. I agree that both are awesome, I love them both. HOWEVER, the purpose was to decide, if you were only allowed to see one of the two ever again, which would it be and why.


I removed your option and your vote because it ruins my poll :xp:


Well your poll SUCKS then, because both movies are awsome! I would have voted for both. Me and my sister watched those movies back to back, without a break in between...it just happened to be THAT gripping!

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

..... I know they're two parts of the same movie, and they were originally going to be ONE movie. But they're not.....


I know you're all heartbroken :p[/i]


They will be one movie again, when 'Kill Bill' proper is released on DVD........ so Im not taking part in this illegitimate florida-esque poll.... :p


...heartbroken is *not* the right word unfortunately :p



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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Well your poll SUCKS then, because both movies are awsome!


Maybe YOU guys suck. I think I've mentioned that I do agree, both movies are awesome. And in fact, I had a hard time choosing which one I wanted to see. But I was just curious, since they're both VASTLY DIFFERENT in terms of action / dialogue, I wanted to know which movie was superior in your eyes.

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i'm waiting for the super duper all in one uncut version.


Pei Mei is a well known character who appears in a lot of hong kong historical action movies. Didn't think this version of him was especially any better than any other versions.


Admittedly the trailer fight rocked, but it was really the only fight, wheras part 1 had at least 4 big fights. I actually thought the end one with bill was clever, but far too short to be satisfying.


I really missed sophie and hattori who i thought were great characters. Budd and Daryll hannah were cool too though.

I thought the first 20 minutes were annoying and dull and we didn't need to see all the bits from the masacre (especially the bits we had seen already.). Also, it was a bit odd to have pei mei introduced and the whole five-point-palm thing introduced only in part 2... those bits needed to be mentioned in part one. I guess this was a victim of the splitting in two factor.


Maybe if the music in part 2 had been up to part one it would have carried me allong more.. or if i hadn't had to wait (and have my expectations build up over time). Or even if i had watched them in the opposite order. :D

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I liked 'em both, so...But I have a question. What the hell was the signifigance of bleeping the brides name out in volume 1? When they told her name in volume 2, and it was just a regular ass name...I dunno, but I don't get it. Was it supposed to make her more mysterious or something? Because it didn't.

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I loved volume 1 for all the incredibe fight scenes, characters and stories!


the only thing wrong with 1 is it turns black and white during the carnage with the Crazy 88!


is it true there will be a superduper uncut version? if so i hope they have that one fight scene in full color!


volme 2 i didnt care much for mainly cuse of pai mai. i dont care fo a master who would pluck your eyeball out for making a mistake. volume 2 is mostly talk!

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you can already get part one uncut from japan, but it costs a fortune ($30-$40???). You get the whole fight scene in colour, plus loads of extra violence, such as the bride chopping off sophie's other arm as well.

Only problem is the english subs are either on or off, so you will have to have them on all the time, or turn them on and off yourself when they start speaking japanese.


When i got home last night my housemate was watching an iffy russian dvd of Part 2, so i tagged along. I asked him what he thought (first time he had seen it) and he said "its a terrible film". Not a good sign.


Watching it again from 1/3 in, i thought the burying alive bit was too long, the pei mei bit and daryll hannah bits were great, the old-spanish-pimp-guy bit was stupid and pointless, the bill's house bit went on way too long and then i got bored and wandered off before the final fight.


Unless they release a cut together one, i'm just going to buy an uncut part 1 (when i find it cheap) and pretend part 2 never happened. :D

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Quentin Tarantino (this week's box-office winner Hero is being released under the banner "Presented by Quentin Tarantino," but it is not clear what involvement the director had with the release) is expressing optimism that the two Kill Bill movies will be released theatrically as a single film. In an interview with USA Today, Tarantino said that the success of the DVD release of the two films has made it possible for him to realize his dream of bringing a combined version to the screen, possibly by next year. "It's not just like slapping the two together," he told the newspaper. "There are slight changes, and it has an intermission."


Cool! I hope he does more than "slight changes" though and fully integrates the two films.

(from imdb)

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Quentin Tarantino (this week's box-office winner Hero is being released under the banner "Presented by Quentin Tarantino," but it is not clear what involvement the director had with the release) is expressing optimism that the two Kill Bill movies will be released theatrically as a single film. In an interview with USA Today, Tarantino said that the success of the DVD release of the two films has made it possible for him to realize his dream of bringing a combined version to the screen, possibly by next year. "It's not just like slapping the two together," he told the newspaper. "There are slight changes, and it has an intermission."





Cool! I hope he does more than "slight changes" though and fully integrates the two films.

(from imdb)


God, that would be great to see. I missed both of them in theaters because I didn't think they would be any good. Then, I was bed-ridden for two weeks and rented them, only to find that my assumptions were waaaaaayyyyyyyyyy off. They are simply the best movies that I have seen in a long time. I truly hope he puts them back in theaters.

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