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Star Wars Battlefront Prima Strategy Guide


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Has any one heard anything on this? Its supposed to have come out today (September 14), but I haven't heard any official reports. Here are some links to tell you what I'm talking about.





I might go down to my local GameStop to find out whats going on, other then that, has anyone heard anything about this?

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Originally posted by thejeditraitor

are you gonna read the guide before playing the game?

wouldn't that ruin it?

Why ? For a SP game with lots of surprises etc it could ruin it, like spoilers for a movie; but i dont think it mlatters much in this case does it? Its full with map plans and some basic strategies

"There is a hole in this wall, go in it and camp". (from some other prima guide)

Its not really a necessity at all. the maps may come in handy for clans for drawing tacs.

If someone has this guide and a scanner let me know :p

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When I go there again ill see if I can find it again. The next time I go there will either be the 21st or 18th. So if its there I will beg that my dad buy it j/k. I will actually ask him and if he says no I will save up my money to get it though my dad doesnt like it when I get those guides cause he says its cheating in the game its for.

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Originally posted by MoonSlasher

the only use for a strategic guide for a shooter would have to be on different ways how to win sertain maps, the advantages and disadvantages, so yes, it would be handy for those who have one. ;)


Don't spoil the fun! Finding the best strategy is just as enjoyable as fragging a n00b!

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I took a look at the strategy guide at my local EB Games.


Vehicle Confirmations: We already know about all the vehicles that will be in the game, either from the official site or from the x-box vehicle preview. Sorry, no surprises gusy.


Planet Confirmations: Bobby's Helmet has previously posted the complete 16 levels included in the game. Thats all of 'em. The big surprise to me is that Kyshyyyk (I know i am spelling this wrong) is mostly a tropical planet map. Lots of water & huts, quite contrary to the books.


Besides that, I didn't see anything all that important... just thought I'd confirm what we already knew.

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