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Guns. Please vote.


What is your opinion on the civilian ownership of guns?  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your opinion on the civilian ownership of guns?

    • Yes (civilians should be allowed to have guns)
    • No (civilians should NOT be allowed to have guns
    • Either way is fine/I dont care
    • Other (please post)

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Originally posted by kipperthefrog

the criminals have weopons WE need weopons and armor to defend ourselves!

that reminds me somehow of the cold war..


also, not every criminal has a weapon, y'know? in fact i'd say most criminals dont have guns and there are more "righteous" people in the us carrying guns than than criminals.

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Awww.... he's only a little frog, don't pick on him...:D


I wouldn't want anuke anyway (i'd just kill myself along with everyone else)... i'd be happy with a fully armed tank...


"A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." - Second Amendment to the United States Constitution


I take it that kipper is part of a well-regulated militia? :D

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Originally posted by toms

Awww.... he's only a little frog, don't pick on him...:D

Um ... that's a toad, not a frog ...


Originally posted by toms

I take it that kipper is part of a well-regulated militia? :D

Actually, the founding fathers envisioned two types of militia - a 'ready' militia and a 'standing' militia. The standing militia would essentially be the army of the state. The ready militia would be that everyone over 18 would be 'ready' to serve at a moments notice.


A couple of things - the militia is all about the state and state's rights and protections as opposed to the rights of the federal government to impose its' will ... most of them saw an overly powerful federal government as a danger against the rights of the general citizenry, and wanted to ensure that control remained local to the states. Unfortunately that is exactly the opposite of what has happened ...

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In Britain guns are almost completely banned, but you're still allowed hunting rifles and if you want handguns you'll have to get police permission (I think so anyway).


This is what I think it should be like:

1) Handguns: OK but you have to be over the age of 18 and be examined for background, mental health, ect. Expensive to make sure as little get them as possible.


2) Hunting Rifles: Just have to be over 18 to get one.


3) Shotguns: See handguns.


4) Assualt Rifles: No way

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Well i can see wanting to own a gun for protection in the home, then if you have children you need to make sure its safely put away. But that kind of defeats the purpose of having a gun for protection cause you're gonna have to get up and get it then shoot someone.

1.Handguns- okay(but since the assault gun ban being lifted,one can carry a hand gun with a 15 round clip, instead of a 8 round clip.)

2.Hunting Rifles-don't like them cause i hate hunting(other than if you eat the animal, and all of it!)

3. Shotgun- eh, don't see why you need one, but if you want one go ahead.

3.Assault Rifle- Doesn't really matter if you should be allowed to have one, cause if you really want one...you can get one with or without legalization. But i would rather them banned from civilian use. Cause then anyone who can buy an assault rifle can now out-gun our law enforcement.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

until the S.W.A.T. team shows up and shoots them in the face with an mp5


Mp5's are weak, you need like 15 shots to kill someone with them...pfft...


If Counterstrike taught me anything, it's that you need an AWP to sucessfully kill any of those pesky terrorists. :p

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Guys, I can see most of you don't hunt. I own many guns. 2 shotguns, 2 hanguns, 3 rifles, and 1 black powder. I love my gun collection. 1 of my shotguns was past down to me from my grandfather. Just because somebody takes advantage of a right, does not mean we ban it. I really don't see a use for assault rifles for a civilian, except for fun on the weekends, maybe if you can afford the ammo. But that does not mean we take them away. I have played around with a assault rifle, and it is fun to shoot. My friend has a couple. But guys guns don't kill people, people kill people. And as far as accidents go with firearms, if you are trained, and teach your children gun safety, you will not have accident. Parents hide their guns from their kids, so naturally the child will be curious. You show your child the guns, show them what it can do, and teach them about it, you will have no accidents.


Oh and Crazy.... You have to be 21 years old to get a handgun. And have to have a permit.

All long guns (rifles, shotguns) you have to be 18. And with both types you get a background check. They check for felonys etc....


Oh and a shotgun is used in hunting.


Never hide a gun from a child!!!! They will find it. Teach the child gun safety, show him\her what is can do. They will understand.


You don't ban guns, you make them harder to get. I hate guns shows. Put more preasure on gun makers.Etc...


Oh and if someone breaks into my house with me there, they are not there to steal. If it comes down to me or them, you bet your ass it will be them.

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"Son, let me teach you how we kill people entering our house."



If someone breaks in your house while your there, say at night, there not there to steal. Stupid comment. And I said you teach your child about gun safety, not show them how to shoot someone.


I find it quite odd that Americans NEED guns so much.

Why is it odd, I hunt with my guns. Thats like saying I thinks it's odd that Americans NEED a PC.:rolleyes:

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You need 2 shotguns, 2 hanguns, 3 rifles, and 1 black powder just to hunt? I don't buy it.


No, but it is my collection. Like someone would collect cars, or Star Wars memorabilia. I really only use one shotgun for dove season, and rifle for deer season. Maybe my bow sometimes. Liek I said earlier, one of my shotguns was pasted down to me. It's almost a hundread years old. It's very expensive. It's worth over a $1,000. Do you play games, I'm sure you do sence your on this board. How many do you have. Do you play them all all of the time. No it's a collection. Do you need all of those games to play or your PC, or PS2, or whatever. NO!


And how often is somebody going to break into your house if they aren't going to steal something?


Alot more often than you think.

About 2.1 million a year, thats about 740 occurances per 100,000 people.


I'd rather teach them about safety by not touching guns.

Your children are gonna be curious. You can tell them not to smoke, but they will come across it someday. Same with a gun, he'll go to a friends house whos father has a gun, and he did not teach your child friend gun safety. Your child will be curious, and sence you did not teach your child safety as well, BOOM! Accidents happen.

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Originally posted by THE BADGER:

Do you play them all all of the time. No it's a collection. Do you need all of those games to play or your PC, or PS2, or whatever. NO!

The difference being, of course, that my video games cannot be used to kill someone, intentionally or not. (well, I guess you COULD pull it off if you really wanted too, though I really don't know how you'd do it)

Originally posted by THE BADGER:

Alot more often than you think.

About 2.1 million a year, thats about 740 occurances per 100,000 people.

2.1 million people break into a house with no intention of stealing anything? What are they breaking in for? Just interested in killing somebody while they sleep? And if that's their game then how are you going to use your guns to defend you against someone breaking into your house while you're asleep? Unless you sleep with one of those handguns tucked under your pillow your guns will do nothing for you.

Originally posted by THE BADGER:

Your children are gonna be curious. You can tell them not to smoke, but they will come across it someday. Same with a gun, he'll go to a friends house whos father has a gun, and he did not teach your child friend gun safety. Your child will be curious, and sence you did not teach your child safety as well, BOOM! Accidents happen.

So by your logic the only way to safely teach children about smoking is to let them smoke? My dad never had me fire a gun to learn to be safe with it. He told me that guns were dangerous and could kill people, and it seems to have worked out fine for me :dozey:

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except those things couldn't fall into the wrong hands and kill someone, a gun on the otherhand can.
I dunno, an early nineties rancor figure has some pretty sharp edges, you could seriously gouge someone with the claws on its right foot.


2.1 million people break into a house with no intention of stealing anything? What are they breaking in for?
Um... to molest people in a sexual manner? :confused:


So by your logic the only way to safely teach children about smoking is to let them smoke?
Funny you should mention that. In the old days a dad who caught his son smoking might actually force him to smoke an entire pack, in the hope that the horrid experience would put him off smoking.


Always wondered whether that would work... might do.


My dad never had me fire a gun to learn to be safe with it. He told me that guns were dangerous and could kill people, and it seems to have worked out fine for me
The man's right, you physically can't be safer with a gun than when you're refusing to hold it at all.


Guns are tools to kill, full stop. I still believe that decent, law abiding people should have the right to possess certain non-military firearms though, because let's face it, criminals can get their hands on them easily. Why shouldn't law abiding folks have the edge? :)

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Originally posted by Spider AL

Um... to molest people in a sexual manner? :confused:

Seems to me if you're planning on sexual molestation your best bet is to prowl in dark alleys and parks, where you're less likely to be seen by a neighbor breaking in...but I can't say that I understand how a rapists mind works..


Originally posted by Spider AL

Funny you should mention that. In the old days a dad who caught his son smoking might actually force him to smoke an entire pack, in the hope that the horrid experience would put him off smoking.


Always wondered whether that would work... might do.

It might...or it might just get them addicted to nicotine...one or the other ;)
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It might...or it might just get them addicted to nicotine...
Well one cigarette contains enough (usually enhanced) nicotine to get you addicted to it. Maybe a whole pack would be enough to put you off it. Worth experimentation anyway.


Anyone got some wayward kids we can try this on? Preferably ones with good health insurance...

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