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Aladdin Special Edition

Darth Groovy

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Originally posted by Kain

Disney is disguisting. They all have sexual messages hidden somewhere in all of them.


Riiiiight :eyeraise:


I suppose you could say that the animals are all running around naked because they don't wear clothes in the Lion King. Seriously though, Disney's animated films are for the most part great movies. I have never noticed anything sexual about any of them and it would take a long stretch of the imagination to find something sexual to bitch about in them.

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Disney rocks! :D


And sure they might have the occasional double entendre, but that just makes it more fun for adults to take their kids to see it. It's not like the kids are gonna know what they are talking about.


Mr. Potatoe Head when he sees Tour Guide Barbie: I'm a Married Spud! I'm a Married Spud! I'm a Married Spud!


Ahhhh. That's a classic. :)

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I'm not that big of a Disney fan, but I really liked Aladdin (though the sequels sucked BIG time). Having Robin Williams as the voice of the genie was a stroke of genius. The Jungle Book was cool, too. Still, it doesn't hold a candle to The Emperor's New Groove.


I'm also a huge fan of anything made by Pixar.

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Originally posted by KBell


If you look hard enough in life, everything has a hidden sexual message.


Actually, he's right. Most Disney movies (at least the classics) do have sexual messages in them. In the Lion King, when the magic dust is floating above Simba, the dust spells out S-E-X. :xp:

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Yea, YOU ALL think I'm mad! Watch the Little Mermaid, fast foward to where Prince Eric is about to merry Urcela, and watch that short little priest. HE'S TOTING A BONER!!!


And in Aladdin, listen really closely when he's on Jamine's balcony for the first time, when the tiger is threatening him. When it switches over to Jasmine, you can faintly hear him say 'Take your cloths off'.


Yea, go watch em...go and friggin watch em. I kid you not.

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Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

I liked some animated movies...not very many though.


Fantasia (got the instrumental music there - I like that)

Toy Story - sort of. Parts are good.

Shrek. Heh. :cool:

The Emperor's New Groove. Mainly because of Kronk. :cool:

Finding Nemo. Ok.

Monster's Inc. Funny. :)




btw: Kain I suppose you'll tell me there's a male body part on the cover of the original Little Mermaid? That in a Bug's Life and Lion King, dust spells out SEX?


:dozey: Oh dear god no, not like we don't see SEX everyday...


sex and the city...



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Originally posted by Mike Windu

btw: Kain I suppose you'll tell me there's a male body part on the cover of the original Little Mermaid? That in a Bug's Life and Lion King, dust spells out SEX?


The 2 dust things are debatable, and I never seen the penis tower on the Mermaid cover, but I know for a FACT that the Aladdin one and the Priest's boner ARE real.


You can all think I'm lying all you want, but I just wanna say it now for when you all loose your fight with curiosity and take look.



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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Except I've already done so and I say it's probably not a boner, and I'm pretty sure Aladdin is just talking to Raja, not telling people to take off their clothes :dozey:


Then you need to turn it up and listen. It might have been covered up on the DVD, so check good ole VHS.


And I would try and get an animation or a capture of the Priest's naughty stiff, but since most anything can be done with computers, the credibility of said picture would be oh so questionable. Find a friend with the Little Mermaid or go rent it or pick it up out of a dollar bin and fast foward to when the wedding is going on on the ship(When Eric is merrying Urcela) and just pay attention to the little priest. He's tiny, so if you focus on him you can notice things on him growing.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

according to the commercial I just saw, nick lachey and jessica simpson sing the song A whole new wolrd, did they replace the version of the actual voice actors singing ? I am a bit mixed up about them adding clay aiken singing a song in there, mostly because I hate him with a passion.


Question is, should I really buy this or just stick to my perfectly fine VHS?

can someone answer me?

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