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Which? AT-TE, or AT-AT


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All I know is that I have kicked a lot more arse with the ATAT than I have with the AT TE. When I am in the ATAT, the ONLY way to bring me down is if you get lucky with the tow rope (which doesn't happen often since I can usually just shoot the dumb speeders down myself with the main canon). Otherwise I have never been beated while in the ATAT.


The AT-TE gets destroyed a lot easier. Yeah, it has more guns but all of those guns are weaker than the main canon of the ATAT. The ATAT main canon owns all.


As far as a matchup between the two, the ONLY advantage that the AT TE would have is if it could somehow get behind the ATAT but the AT TE isn't that fast so I don't see that ever happening with a competant ATAT pilot.


ATAT wins.


End of story.

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Bad argument. AT-TEs don't have a "nemesis".


On Rhen Var I'll take the AT-AT anytime. Being higher helps you deal with the Rebels if you enter the harbor while the AT-TE's low profile unables you to shoot at the Rebels in the fortification if you get inside. I'll say that the AT-TE is better in dealing with infantry on Geonosis due to the rear cannons but the AT-AT would be better against vehicles because of its powerful main gun and secondary ones that can rain down death on the enemy.

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Well, all AT-AT's really have to do to avoid getting tripped is to stop moving. :)


But it won't be able to advance either till the wire has been removed which will buy the rebels time and slowing the advance.


Still, it would still be standing there, raining fire down on the enemy. :D

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Well, all AT-AT's really have to do to avoid getting tripped is to stop moving. :)


But it won't be able to advance either till the wire has been removed which will buy the rebels time and slowing the advance.


Still, it would still be standing there, raining fire down on the enemy. :D


Unfortunately it doesn't work that way in the game, AT-ATs get destroyed after being circled with rope a set number of times, whether they're moving or not. :(

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A good AT-AT pilot can shoot down the speeders pretty easily

Only if you're shooting stupid bots. Humans are good enough to stay under the cannons of the AT-AT. Only the worst pilots even get close to being destroyed by the AT-AT itself. No veteran speeder pilot is gonna get shot down. It has absolutely nothing to do with the skill of the AT-AT pilot...


AT-AT would be better against vehicles because of its powerful main gun and secondary ones that can rain down death on the enemy.

Rain death?? Honestly. Have you ever SHOT those secondary weapons on the AT-AT?? They are p-shooters. The AT-TE's top turret is unquestionably much stronger.

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The AT-AT :atat:

Its cannons are way stronger for one, though slow and its armor is far better the rebels were firing anti vehicle turrets at it (dish turret battle of hoth eps. 5) and the coulden't even hurt it!


First off to put it in the game they had to WEAKEN it because of huge balance problums!


The At-TE was STRENGHED for this game first off it could only carry 20 troops so less of a moble spawn!


The At-at however could carry 40 troops with living quarters and speeder bikes, or 2 AT-ST so


WTF learn your starwars!

AT-AT http://www.starwars.com/databank/vehicle/atat/index.html

AT-TE http://www.starwars.com/databank/vehicle/atte/index.html

Be sure to read the Expanded universe section 2:atat:

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Hey Professor, we're not talking about EU facts....we're talking about how powerful the vehicles are inside the BF game engine....


And yes, you do have to be a semi-intelligent pilot when using the AT-AT ...else you might be on the recieving end of an asskicking courtesy of some Vanguards. The secondary guns are pretty powerful, but they don't have as big a splash as the main guns do...


Originally posted by Armydude71490

You AT-TE people are a bouch of morons the at-at was made from the at-te there for it is better!


Its cannons are way stronger for one, though slow and its armor is far better the rebels were firing anti vehicle turrets at it (dish turret battle of hoth eps. 5) and the coulden't even hurt it!


First off to put it in the game they had to WEAKEN it because of huge balance problums!


The At-TE was STRENGHED for this game first off it could only carry 20 troops so less of a moble spawn!


The At-at however could carry 40 troops with living quarters and speeder bikes, or 2 AT-ST so


WTF learn your starwars!

AT-AT http://www.starwars.com/databank/vehicle/atat/index.html

AT-TE http://www.starwars.com/databank/vehicle/atte/index.html

Be sure to read the Expanded universe section 2

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Originally posted by Armydude71490

You AT-TE people are a bouch of morons the at-at was made from the at-te there for it is better!


Its cannons are way stronger for one, though slow and its armor is far better the rebels were firing anti vehicle turrets at it (dish turret battle of hoth eps. 5) and the coulden't even hurt it!


First off to put it in the game they had to WEAKEN it because of huge balance problums!


The At-TE was STRENGHED for this game first off it could only carry 20 troops so less of a moble spawn!


The At-at however could carry 40 troops with living quarters and speeder bikes, or 2 AT-ST so


WTF learn your starwars!

AT-AT http://www.starwars.com/databank/vehicle/atat/index.html

AT-TE http://www.starwars.com/databank/vehicle/atte/index.html

Be sure to read the Expanded universe section 2




Us "AT-TE" people are not "Morons", we just think differently then you do. There is no problem with us, just a different persepective on things.

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In the AT-AT you could put speeder bikes in.(according to the encyclopedia)The AT-TE is just a troop transport.For one the ATAT is much larger and puts much more fear in the hearts of your enemys,the AT-TE i will run right up to it and kill the people that spawn at it.The AT-AT i barly see people take that on.I think the movies realy gave you an idea of how massive they realy are.

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Originally posted by primalunderdog

In the AT-AT you could put speeder bikes in.(according to the encyclopedia)The AT-TE is just a troop transport.For one the ATAT is much larger and puts much more fear in the hearts of your enemys,the AT-TE i will run right up to it and kill the people that spawn at it.The AT-AT i barly see people take that on.I think the movies realy gave you an idea of how massive they realy are.


You got some of this info from the encyclopedia, not SWBF. Unfourtunatly we cant store speeders in the AT-AT, or put more troops in the AT-TE. That would indeed be good for both however.


Sorry to say but I just saw an AT-TE, and AT-AT get owned by VanGuards and Droids.


But neither the less. The AT-TE and AT-AT are still very menacing.


and I edited.

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Originally posted by Ranre

Sorry to say but I just saw an AT-TE, and AT-AT get owned by VanGuards and ARC.


But neither the less. The AT-TE and AT-AT are still very menacing.


What?? vanguards can't even hurt the AT-AT (well mayby but not much) and who teamkill's like that (ark troopers are on team with the AT-TE).

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Gak! I didnt mean to put Arc. Oh well, and yes VanGuard destroyed it because it was at 1/4 health and I saw more then 7 Vanguards trying to kill it. But yes it did take a while and with the aid of some of the turrets it was destroyed in 5min at the least.

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The AT-AT and AT-TE on Rhen Var always gets beat to hell. Put a slow-moving high-priority target in a small field surrounded with emplaced blaster turrets, hidden rocketeers, and a couple enemy speeders or tanks, and that AT-AT or AT-TE is going down.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

The AT-AT and AT-TE on Rhen Var always gets beat to hell. Put a slow-moving high-priority target in a small field surrounded with emplaced blaster turrets, hidden rocketeers, and a couple enemy speeders or tanks, and that AT-AT or AT-TE is going down.

We were playing of rhen var and we put the AT-TE in the middle of that are with the ATT's and the cave and it freakin rocked,Even the 10 year old piloting it still got the most kills,it never died once.Then we put the AT-AT in the same spot and it died fast.

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That's hardly a good way to compare it. First off, the Vanguards and ARC troopers were pretty stupid to have left the AT-AT and AT-TE go in there.

Second, nobody is doubting that the AT-TE is better if surrounded, the AT-AT was made to shoot enemies from afar more like a siege weapon or long range artillery.

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