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Star Wars: The Pimps Strike Back

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Pimpbot 5000


I'm a Pimpbot, it is within my program to turn out the hoes.



All the bitches think I'm pretty, bought my face at Circuit City.



Got a brand new high-speed modem and a silver plated scrotum.



Got a 40 carat rock, and 40 hoes on every block.



I gets regular tune ups from all my sluts, they polish my bolts and tighten my nuts.




Word to yo' mutha'.

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Originally posted by Pal™

This has to be the best thread EvAr! I've never laughed so much in my life! But what I'd like to see, if a pimp Darth Vader. "Your lack of bling bling disturbs me commander."


OI it was my idea first!!!!


by ME!!!!!!!

theres gotta be a Darth Pimp-er out there....


*pummels Pal*

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Originally posted by Doomie

Don't turn this into a barfight...


The thread should've been called 'attack of the pimps'


Or "Return of the Pimps" (well, I don't know if they've been here before), " Revenge of the Pimps" (same), "A New Pimp", or "The Phantom Pimp." Ahh, I love the Star Wars movie titles :p.

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