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The Blacklist of Team Killers


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Let's make a list of those players who have started down the path to the dark side. Have you seen one moron that can't play good enough on his/her own? They have to resort to "TK-ing?"


Here are 2 morons I saw Team Killing on {JASA}jasacademy.com ( today:





If you see these players online feel free to show them how to become one with the Force!


Friendly Fire keeps the fun away from every one else. Perhaps the server admins will feel we've been treated unfairly?



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there were a lot of people teamkilling on that server today. I was tked twice there in 1 minute, once when the server started someone shot me down so he could take a vehicle and afterwards when capturing spawn 2 guys were throwing nades everywhere (no enemy)


its ridiculous. I'd rather play me vs everyone then...


FF=Off until this is fixed

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Originally posted by Mountainforest

Why isn't there a stat showing the number of teamkills in that gamespy database? Or a better system, alowing the server to automatically check someones stats to determine wethere or not he can join the server.


I think it would take more complicated logic than number of TK's to determine whether or not someone is a griefer or just bad with grenades/mines and other explosives.

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the autoboot is a horrible idea. what if someone went over (accident or no) and then they couldnt get back on any server to bring their stats back up. While it seems like a nice idea to the average paerson, thats a horrible idea on behalf of Battlefront, as you dont deny someone MP of a game that they paid for, even if they are a complete f**ktard. We just need a better voting system, where the vote is tallied by # of people who vote, not by # of people on the server.

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Just gonna have to wait for a voting system. Autokicks are lame. I jokingly said that my aimbot was broken and I got kicked off a BF42 EA server. If youre using an aimbot you dont admit it. I dont need to resort to that. If someone gets kicked they should have Vader choke them. Rebels: Chewie pulls the arms out of their sockets or C3PO talks their ears off and they shoot themselves, CIS: JarJar comes along and clumsily kills the person getting kicked (owned by JarJar that is shameful), Republic: Yoda comes and slices you up. MUHAHAHA

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Originally posted by Alegis

there were a lot of people teamkilling on that server today. I was tked twice there in 1 minute, once when the server started someone shot me down so he could take a vehicle and afterwards when capturing spawn 2 guys were throwing nades everywhere (no enemy)


its ridiculous. I'd rather play me vs everyone then...


FF=Off until this is fixed


yea that darth nuts guy was a pin in da a$$ he was always killin us:mad:

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I don't think this list is a good idea as

1. People can change their names easily.

2. Imposters can get a certain name on the list because they have something against that person.


It's a lot smarter to have private lists.


the autoboot is a horrible idea. what if someone went over (accident or no) and then they couldnt get back on any server to bring their stats back up. While it seems like a nice idea to the average paerson, thats a horrible idea on behalf of Battlefront, as you dont deny someone MP of a game that they paid for, even if they are a complete f**ktard. We just need a better voting system, where the vote is tallied by # of people who vote, not by # of people on the server.

Who says anything about permanently expelling players? Many BF1942 servers automatically kick people who get a negative score of -1 or -2. They don't ban them, though, that should be a decision made by the administrator.


As for "the game they paid for", well, the Battlefront developers/publishers have all rights to go as far as to revoke your CD key if you really get out of line. Empire Earth has a policy of doing that to anyone who cheated using trainers during multi player. You obviously know nothing whatsoever about licensing, so let me explain it to you:


You don't buy video games, you buy a copy of them and a license to use them.


Remember that License agreement you always skip because you think you're too cool to ever read it? It explains the whole thing in greater detail. The owners of the game (which does NOT equal buys a copy and license) have every right to stop you from using the game on-line even though you paid for it. Just like you can lose your driver's license, even though you paid for it.


As for whether or not it's ethically right, that's a different discussion altogether. However, I'm all for bans for periods from a few days to a month, depending on severity. Some cases just never learn.


You can make it a rellative number too. Number of teamkills pro minute or so.

So if someone accidentaly kills a friendly guy with a grenade the first thirty seconds, he should be banned for his 2 TKs a minute ratio?


Similarily, someone can take an account with 1000 game minutes logged and only very few team kills and start a masacre of friendlies. The TK/minutes played ratio isn't too heavily affected as there are too many minutes.


Statistics lie. Your ratio says nothing about you.

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I think a better system for voting people off the game server is what we need. It is difficult to find a safe place to hide in order to pause and enter the player list screen.


It is unfortunate that some people need the attention so badly that they will resort to somthing like team killing. We have a privilage here, with a good game, and online play...


Maybe we could start a fund... I am willing to donate $20 to getting these unfortunate people some professional help. Maybe all they need is someone to listen to them. ;)

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

I don't think this list is a good idea as

1. People can change their names easily.

2. Imposters can get a certain name on the list because they have something against that person.

1) they can't. You need to create a new profile each time, perhaps edit some things...


Autokick IS a good idea, but based on tking thrice. If i would be able to customize one, i'd kick anyone that TKs someone in the first 20 seconds (people tk others for a vehicle), or after 3 tks. If person comes back, and TKs again 2 times, IP ban.

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a think about ip bans, most idiots are on dynamic ips which is a pain to have to keep banning :( AOL for example...


i have never played this game online yet, im waiting for it to become a bit better...


but i have generally found that idiots use dynamic ips :(. it can help for a while though :)

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Originally posted by Whoopknacker

Just gonna have to wait for a voting system. Autokicks are lame. I jokingly said that my aimbot was broken and I got kicked off a BF42 EA server. If youre using an aimbot you dont admit it. I dont need to resort to that. If someone gets kicked they should have Vader choke them. Rebels: Chewie pulls the arms out of their sockets or C3PO talks their ears off and they shoot themselves, CIS: JarJar comes along and clumsily kills the person getting kicked (owned by JarJar that is shameful), Republic: Yoda comes and slices you up. MUHAHAHA


I think you can have a system that can give you a good indication wether or not someone teamkills or makes some 'accidents'. Players can be IP banned from servers, and if they teamkill to much they will be banned from all online play for a surden period of time. That they have payed to play online doesn't matter me much, as they don't seem to matter either.

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Originally posted by Rebel76

Yep! Darthnuts got me two or three times yesterday - I got him back though once or twice!:D


Someone was trying to boot him out of the game (through voting) but even though I wanted to vote I couldn't (or better I didn't know how to)


You know what's even worse? I know how to vote a guy off, and it's STILL a confusing pain in the ass.

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It seems that team killers are improving their ways - they now use sabotage! Last night while I was playing on Hoth I've noticed some explosions on the hangar. I ran towards the area, and guess what??? One of my "team mates" was shooting at the "ammo" and "health" droids.


He blew up every single droid in the base (hangar, outpost, and tunnel) so before you know it, we ran out of ammo! I don't have to tell you how frustrating it is to have a AT-ST "parked" outside the base and having only a pistol available to destroy it

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