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IGN gives themselves to the darkside [Spoilers]


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Looks good and I like the way they describe how alignment will influence the game and those alignment-exclusive powers :)


In KotOR 1, I was always amazed at how "blind" the Council was when I was going to speak to them with a living dead look and the complete "Sith kit".


example if you get really evil:


Some characters will not even talk to you because of your "reputation".



Also, this time it looks like being DS is going to be more than just petty crimes.

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Originally posted by Darth333

if you get really evil:


Some characters will not even talk to you because of your "reputation".



Also, this time it looks like being DS is going to be more than just petty crimes.


Agreed, also do yo think the same will apply if you go light

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Originally posted by starmark2k

Agreed, also do yo think the same will apply if you go light

From what I have read/seen, I think so.

Originally posted by Hannibal

Love your holiday avatar Darth333.

Thanks, all credits go to svösh :)
I might make mine a little more seasonal. :)
Will you make Santa Hannibal or something more "Rudolf the Reindeer" like? :D

I wonder if they removed the cap or they raised it. I hope it's removed.

I was wondering about that...but in any event, I'll figure it out next week :p
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Originally posted by Venom750

I say you give into the xbox side


You do not know the power of the Xbox :vadar::saberr:


Yeah games get to come out before pc on console systems. They don't have capability to mod them usually.(albeit the xbox you can it just costs a lot more) The only reason I am considering buying an xbox and kotor2 is so I am set to mod when it comes out on pc and then I can relate the slacker-box to storage untill that rare one game comes out that I can't wait 2 1/2 months for. Or maybe I might use it as a secondary DVD player(No My PC out performs there TOO.:D )


Sorry us TRUE PC users are hard sells, we like upgrades.

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Originally posted by Hannibal

I wonder if they removed the cap or they raised it. I hope it's removed.


That's because one of the first bits of info released was that your character can reach Epic levels. Which means the cap is now 40. As far as DnD goes, that's as high as you can get if Epic leve characters are allowed, and I know of no other D20 game that allows you to go higher.

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There doesn't really need to be a limit because they put a certain number of obtainable exp in the game.

Even if you sit aroung respawning enemies(if they have that) they are probably low exp enemies so you won't be invincible by the end of the game.


Besides, that'd be boring going in and out of an area respawning enemies only to kill them for the exp. But if I remember correctly you couldn't do that in KOTOR as soon as you cleared an area it remained clear.

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Originally posted by Hannibal

There doesn't really need to be a limit because they put a certain number of obtainable exp in the game.

I hope there isn't an exp. limit, or a limit of 99 or something like that. Also if the game scales the enemies and NPC's stats/levels with your PC level there shouldn't be to many balance issues.

Originally posted by Hannibal

Even if you sit aroung respawning enemies(if they have that) they are probably low exp enemies so you won't be invincible by the end of the game.


Besides, that'd be boring going in and out of an area respawning enemies only to kill them for the exp.

Respawning enemies like that isn't boring for everyone, if it was then games like Diablo II wouldn't have done so well, area farming/leveling appeals to a fairly large group of the players of RPG's and MMORPG's. It would likely be a welcome feature in KOTOR:TSL for many.

Originally posted by Hannibal

But if I remember correctly you couldn't do that in KOTOR as soon as you cleared an area it remained clear.

You could do exp. farming in KOTOR... sort of, on Tatooine hunting Wraids they respawned. :D

Originally posted by Rogue9dlb

That's because one of the first bits of info released was that your character can reach Epic levels. Which means the cap is now 40. As far as DnD goes, that's as high as you can get if Epic leve characters are allowed, and I know of no other D20 game that allows you to go higher.

Actually one of the options OE was playing around with was to eliminate the level cap, so in KOTOR:TSL we just might be able to be level 99. :D


And as far as PnP D20 system, the whole level system is based on PnP situations. In the average 4 hour PnP game session you would have possibly 3-5 encounters with groups of NPC or creature opponents, these take time to play out, and thus it progresses far more slowly than it does in a faster paced computer game.


Level 20 or 40 works as a limit in PnP D20 because it would take a few years of faithful and steady play to get a character to level 40, whereas in a computer game we can get there rediculously fast in comparison. :D

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Respawning enemies like that isn't boring for everyone, if it was then games like Diablo II wouldn't have done so well, area farming/leveling appeals to a fairly large group of the players of RPG's and MMORPG's. It would likely be a welcome feature in KOTOR:TSL for many.


Ahhh..yes I remember the good ole' days of the "Cow Level" quests ;)


Well hopefully wether they do or don't level cap at 40, there will at least be appropriate level enemies to constantly be a threat.


Afterall, if you've managed to live long enough to acquire 40lvl, surely there's a good/evil enemy out there that has managed to do so as well :rolleyes:


(the Law of Sequels, there's always 'someone' out there a little tougher than the current baddie/goodie ;) )

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Originally posted by Rogue9dlb

That's because one of the first bits of info released was that your character can reach Epic levels. Which means the cap is now 40. As far as DnD goes, that's as high as you can get if Epic leve characters are allowed, and I know of no other D20 game that allows you to go higher.


Just my chime in here but DnD Epic levels are not capped off they just offer up example caps for characters that takes it up to lvl 40 but they also provide you rules for continuing character advancement beyond that point. Redhawke does have a point about it could take forever to reach those levels anyways. Unless of course you start as higher level characters anyways in campaigns or if your game sessions are 2-3 times a week with 6-7 hour sessions. at which point the number of encounters tends to jump the xp not too mention role rlaying awards and the sort. we tend to hit a level a week on average, except my Mage:D he is about every week and a half.


But I rambled there the point is you can go above 40 in DnD.

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