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What would YOU do to get Kotor2?


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Originally posted by Shalebridge

I would force choke one of my lackys whilst stating:


"Shipping dates do not concern me lacky, I want that game, not excuses." :D


ROFL. I'll be behind you waiting in line. :)


But see I've got a couple months to wait for the PC version, so I'll just get in line now. And while I'm waiting, I'll beat Darth333 with a rubber chicken. :D

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

And while I'm waiting, I'll beat Darth333 with a rubber chicken. :D

Sorry but you won't have this pleasure: I just got my game at lunchtime :D



..and don't even try to steal it from me or I will...err...I will sue you for $59 "cheap" Canadian dollars! :lightning

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Originally posted by Darth333

Sorry but you won't have this pleasure: I just got my game at lunchtime :D



..and don't even try to steal it from me or I will...err...I will sue you for $59 "cheap" Canadian dollars! :lightning


Canadian money? Is it still made of wood?

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:roleyess: Well... I would order my Shadow fleets to devastate 2/3 of the...


[Jolee] What was this thread about again? [/Jolee]

Originally posted by Darth333

I would wait while playing the xbox version ;)

*Curses the XBox!* :fist:


All but Darth333's XBox, of course. :sweat:




@ :rofl: RLMAO!!! at Darth333's Canadian Monopoly Money. :lol:

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True story...


Nuitari walks around in London and enters an imported game shop. Walks in,


"Excuse me mate has KOTOR 2 come in yet..."


"No, sorry sir but it still hasnt shipped..."


"Are you sure one of my friends has it..."


"Im, Sure..."


Trailer for Kotor 2 comes up on tv screen and Nuitari sees the attendant look guilty.

Nuitari then looks behind the counter to see the attendant playing Kotor 2 with all the copies stacked out on the floor...


"Mother f***** You lying son of a b***h"


Nuitari then proceds to throw various copies of Halo 2 at the attendant. Security comes and takes him outside and tells him hes barred.


Then thinking and realising this was the ownly import shop for 40 miles he then proceds to try and run in why a person enters the doors and to sneak in behind them past the guards to choke the life out of the attendant or to start playing with him.


Nuitari takes a run to find the door has swung back so fast and he runs into the door while the guards point and laugh.


*So in answer to your question I would break into a store and procede to choke thelife out of the attendant while spouting of smart ass comments and then repeatadly bash the security guards head against the door.*

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