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Windows Longhorn


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Has anybody heard of this? It seems to be the next OS from Microsoft. they say its going to have a 3D interface so that you can look at all your running programs, but there see-thru and go to the sides.


So has anybody heard of this?

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Longhorn has been known about for a LONG time. It is supposed to take advantage of the 64 bit processors. So we'll be seeing a pure 64 bit interface. I hope microsoft gets their act together though, a crappily made OS with pretty features is still a crappily made OS. It's not that I'm anti-microsoft or anything, I just dont' appreciate rip-offs and half-assed work at an insanely high price.

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As long as they seal up some of the gaping security leaks I don't really care how it looks. Functionality over form, any day.


I'm sure it won't run on anything I have now anyways, so it looks like I'll be upgrading hardware in order to see the pretty graphics.


I've been playing with Mandrake Linux to hedge my bets, just in case it's a dog,.. another Windows ME.

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Originally posted by Anthony

I do NOT want a 3D desktop. I'd make a complete switch to linux if that happened. I cannot see that happening.


Desktops have always been 2D, and I do not want that changed. It works, and works well, so leave it alone.


there will never be a 3d OS ... atleast not any time soon. Longhorn will not be 3d.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

never, ever, ever get ME. EVER!


if you wanna go to linux. You might also wanna check out ubuntu. :) it's a good little OS. very easy to use. :)

Sorry... already been there, done that.

Actually, I didn't have as much trouble with ME as a lot of people seemed to have. I had more issues with 98 SE on this PC.


But XP Pro is the superior OS,.. at least from Microsoft.


I'm pretty much a Linux noob, so I haven't got around to trying out a lot of different distros.

I'm still sorting out the whole unzipping-tarballs-and-installing-software-using-a-command-line thing, and such.

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Longhorn will require 3D video hardware to render special effects that will make the screen more photorealistic and deep. This doesn't mean that the basic windows and mouse interface is being replaced, just that it will look a lot better. For more information, check out my exhaustive Road to Longhorn, Part Two showcase and my PDC 2003 coverage.




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windows 95 had so called "3D" buttons, as in they were shaded to make them look like they stuck up. As Astrotoy7said


"unless its sticks out of the monitor and you can *grab it* its NOT 3D"


Its just gonna look a bit better. personaly I'm against anything that wastes prossesing power/memory, I even have my XP laptop set on classic buttons, firstly because it looks better, but mainly because it uses less memory than the XP theme. Memory which I can put to better use blasting aliens.

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

I dont know which geometry class you jackasses must've missed because unless its sticks out of the monitor and you can *grab it* its NOT 3D............





It's like 3D, it's not 3D omg

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I only upgraded to XP last week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(


(and only then because i want to play doom 3...) Though i must say that XP is pretty nice so far, but that just might be because it is a clean install.


As for the 3d desktops.... they aren't full 3d (like some Sci-fi film) but they will allow windows that are "minimised" to be angled off to the side (and made transparent) so that you can still see the contents, but they don't take up much room.

(basically manipulating 2d windows in a 2.5d space. )


I think there are a few open source projects about that do something similar with linux.


It sounds a bit odd, but apparently it works pretty well.


It'd be nice if they got a few of the "basics" that have allways bugged me about windows sorted first though, rather than just adding more and more feature bloat.


Smart sorting would be VERY handy (eg, t9, t10, t20 would be sorted in the right order, not as: t10, t20, t9).


That is the sort of thing that would be handy, but the MS guys seem to spend all their time working on active desktops and other pointless features that just consume resources...

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Originally posted by toms

...and other pointless features that just consume resources...


Exactly, they are pointless an consume resources, thats why i turn of the XP syle theme. A good reason for not wanting longhorn. It could well be another ME, that tryed to add in loads of brand new features that just jamed up the PC.

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personally, i prefer an operating system thet runs fast.


i don't want one with too many things to do that reqires more proceccing power.


sonds like the "3D" desktop will just steal processing power and make other programs slower. Then you would need a faster computer just to run anything.


Microsoft just strives to make you "upgrade, upgrade, upgrade." that is the whole point in making all the different versions of windows.


I dont want a lot of programs running in the background that will burden your machine, I dont want a complex 3D desktop that will bundle down you PC.


Microsoft wants "good looking" I want "functional"

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Of course they're going to say that... doesn't mean it's true. :indif:


They've gotta convince everybody to move away from XP now that they've convinced us to move to it.


I always try to wait until the first service pack comes out for any MS OS before I pass judgement on it and decide to move to it.

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