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The Official EU Trivia Thread !


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Originally posted by jedispy

Yay! question up for grabs.


Q: What effect does the Ssi'ruk paddle blasters have upon a lightsaber?



The ssi-ruuvi paddle beamers shot ion blasts, therefore the could not be absorbed or properly deflected by lightsabers(a pure energy beam) The blasts had the effect of bending around the sabers. Source.. Truce at Bakura


* * *


Q. Who were the jedi masters that went out on Outbound Flight ?


No takers ?? I was hoping someone knew the answers, because I dont. I remember reading them but cant remember where :( I think we're just gonna have to wait for Tim Zahns next novel to fully find out :)


* * *


New Question


Q. Name 2 characters that wore a deaths head mask.... hint : one is from a game :)



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Who were the jedi masters that went out on Outbound Flight


I was waiting for this as well, cos im sure its not mentioned in survivor's quest. Are you sure you read it, cos the no. of jedi masters that were on the flight was still a discrepancy until the blurb for outbound flight came out.


Name 2 characters that wore a deaths head mask.... hint : one is from a game


I know the non-game character, but ive been warned for posting half answers in the SW Saga Trivia Thread, :p .




Unless the game character is Darth Nihilus from Kotor2


The other character is Kueller from 'A New Rebellion


(Man i hated that book, Wedge, "if i can just hit the one weak spot of the star destroyer", shoots laser and destroys star destroyed in one hit...WTF was that (paraphrased))


If im correct...


Q What is the name of the moon that Naga Shadow used as his capital during the golden age of the sith

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Q. Who were the jedi masters that went out on Outbound Flight ?


No takers ?? I was hoping someone knew the answers, because I dont. I remember reading them but cant remember where :( I think we're just gonna have to wait for Tim Zahns next novel to fully find out :)


* * *

The only thing I could find on it (and the only Jedi I know from the past that was named), was Jorus C'baoth, plus 5 other Jedi Masters, 12 Jedi Knights, and around 50.000 others.





Naga Sadow (no H :) ) had his HQ on the moon of Khar Delba: Khar Shian.



Pass on question, I hate coming up with questions. :p

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Kubaz is an alien species, that has a trunk for a nose. They live on the planet Kubrindi in the Ku'Bakai system. One of them can be seen in ANH, he is responsible for alerting the stormtroopers of the location of the droids at Mos Eisley..




Q Name the spouses of 5 members of rogue squadron (both former and current members allowed).

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Q. What are the Shadow Academy ? Who does it comprise ? References !


bonus : what were they doing during NJO tiimes ?


The Shadow Academy was a training place for "Dark Jedi." Brakiss was the master of the academy, and there was a nightsister as well. The students were to be the new army for the emperor reborn or something. In the end it was all a shame and Brakiss was killed after the station self destructed.


References: The Young Jedi Knights series.


uhh... I would think that the academy's destruction was the end of it, but I can't remember. I do remember that there were former Shadow Academy students held captive on the Voxyn Worldship.


Q: What is Mace Windu a swordmaster at?

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ha ! Ive just noticed that you rascals missed an active question entirely, this is mainly that meddlesome jedispy's fault for jumping in with that new question :p


no biggie.....since Rogue Nine has done another of his famous "hit and fades" there is no active question... I shall recycle the unanswered one from above :p


Q. Did the emperor have any kids ? Name them and what happenned to them ?



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A. It's Triculus or something. It's one of the few EU I've actually not read or own. I think it's rather old as well. The Emperor got jiggy with one of his Hands and they had a freak of nature. I don't actually know 100%. Just stuff I remember reading about from a long time ago.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

A. It's Triculus or something. It's one of the few EU I've actually not read or own. I think it's rather old as well. The Emperor got jiggy with one of his Hands and they had a freak of nature. I don't actually know 100%. Just stuff I remember reading about from a long time ago.


yes, Trioculus(yes, he had three eyes) dates from a time modern EU became the cohesive entity it tries to be now. This was described in a series of kids books, called the "Galaxy of Fear" Series. Trioculus wanted to rule the galaxy etc etc, ended up gettin killed :p Amazingly, he got a very brief mention somewhere in the NJO, cant remember where or why....


* * *


Q. What were :


*The World Devastator

*The Sun Crusher

*The Galaxy Gun


which one of these was disposed of by Kyp Durron and how ??



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A. The World Devastators were huge mobile war factories employed by the Emperor Reborn. They would literally rip planets apart with gigantic tractor beams and use the raw material as fuel and for the construction of starships and fighters.


The Sun Crusher was a starfighter-sized superweapon stolen by Kyp Durron and used to destroy the Carida system. It fired a resonance torpedo into Carida's star, causing it to go supernova. Kyp eventually destroyed the Sun Crusher by flying it into a black hole.


The Galaxy Gun was an Imperial superweapon that had the capacity to fire enormous projectiles through hyperspace to destroy planets. It was eventually destroyed when the Eclipse II crashed into it. It managed to fire off one last projectile which was pulled in by the planet's Byss' gravitational field, destroying that world.



A) They were an X-Wing squadron from the early days of the Alliance, and were known for containing such pilots as Wes Janson and Jek Porkins. Source: Wraith Squadron.


They didn't fly X-wings, as far as I know, since at the time of the Battle of Yavin, the T-65 was still a relatively new starfighter. The Tierfon Yellow Aces flew Y-wings, which makes sense, since most Y-wings seen usually have yellow markings.

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Hmmmm. Then the Unofficial Encyclopedia has finally let me down. :(


Originally posted by Astrotoy7

yes, Trioculus(yes, he had three eyes) dates from a time modern EU became the cohesive entity it tries to be now. This was described in a series of kids books, called the "Galaxy of Fear" Series. Trioculus wanted to rule the galaxy etc etc, ended up gettin killed :p Amazingly, he got a very brief mention somewhere in the NJO, cant remember where or why....


Actually, according to the Glove of Darth Vader series (a series of 6 kids books, that are amongst the worst the EU has to offer), Trioculus was not the son of the Emperor, even though he claimed to be. The actual son of the Emperor was Triclops.

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yes, I should have clarified that about the Yellow Aces... thanks Niner. I will award the triclops etc point to Shok because of the excellent pickup...


* * *


I cant see an active question, so here goes :p


Q. The Carida system was mentioned above ? What is its significance ? What became of the institution that was lcoated there (and dont say it was destroyed !!)...



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Carida was home to a stormtrooper training facility. Kyp Durron came to Carida in the Sun Crusher in search of his brother who was training as a stormie.


Long story short, the Imps lied to Kyp about his bro, he shot his missiles into their sun at which point the produced his brother. Too late to do anything, but trying anyway, the sun went Nova just before Kyp could save his brother.


So sad.


My question:


Who is Olin Garn

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Who is Olin Garn


A) X-Wing pilot. Prior to joining the Rebellion, Olin was an experienced freighter pilot and freelance bounty hunter. (Source: X-Wing Alliance)




Q) Name 3 of the sith lords whose tombs were caved in (and couldnt be accessed) when the exile visited Korriban.

(Hint: KotOR2)

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Argh, you didn't answer the second part of the question. You fail!




heh... I will give sivy the point to boost his self esteem :p


what did she do Niner ??


* * *


since sivy and Niner are around, there is obviously no active question in play atm :p


Q. How did the Tuskens get their name ?



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A: Tusken Raiders (a.k.a. sandpeople) were awarded their name after attacking one of the first human settlements on Tattooine, Fort Tusken. Afterward, they lived in infamy with all humans on Tatooine.




Q: What is Xizor's personal vendetta against Darth Vader?

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