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The Black Viper Bar - The place to relax

Darth Rythe

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The Darth nodded, understanding completely and so standing up and looking around after drawing his hood back on and walking more to the shadows, sitting in a lone booth and ordering nothing at the time. He had drunken enought already, and so was now starting the first period of his conversion. Darth Tepe sat there, silently, his hands on the table and his eyes on the jedi individual, Kin. He concentrated deeply and pushed with the force, invading his mind and starting fires all about. Fires of passion, need, jealousy and such "evil" thoughts as some called them. All depended on the point of view. The end of this period would be observing the Jedi's state of mind and body language for signs of his invasion on the mind of the jedi. If they started to change drastically, he had planted and evil seed inside the jedi and could easily fetch him for himself as a learner of ancient sith culture and ways

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As Kin sat, his thoughts began to wander.

I hate that man, thought Kin, clenching his teeth. He was staring ahead but was focusing on Tepe in his peripheral vision. In one, coold-blooded swipe, that coward took away my only father in this world, my Master.

He began breathing hard and his knuckles were white as they clenched the hilt of his lightsaber, which he had taken off of Kilmor's corpse. I'm going to kil him. I'm going to tear him into little pieces and feed him to a rancor....no wait...I'll let the rancor do the tearing. Eh, hehehe.

And then he stopped suddenly. You are a member of the New Jedi Order, Kin reminded himself. Your Master would be proud of you. Kin smiled and his mind became peaceful again.


Then they wandered once again. Suddenly memories of the people he hated most floated to the surface, attacking him and making him struggle to stay calm. He shook his head vigorously and tried to block them out, but it was like a wave of darkness. What's happeneing? thought Kin. He shook his head again and quickly ordered an alcoholic drink in an attempt to distract himself.



Suddenly his comlink bleeped. Kin answered, and then nodded and muttered something. Finally he stood up, throwing the bartender a few credits. "I'm heading back to Coruscant," he announced. "Jedi business." He headed for the door, paused to glance at Tepe, and then strode out.


((2,600th post!!))

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Tepe gave a slight chuckle as Kin left, standng up and walking back to his Lord.

"I have him. I'll send a couple of my dark jedi to do their part in luring out the dark side in him. It'll be a blue milk run" he said before sitting down again and turning on the chair to see the rest of the bar and what was happening around him. His evil eyes flashed under the dhadows of his hood and his mouth had formed into an evil smirk

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A man entered, donned in a black cloak, underneath which were traditional Jedi tunic, from the days of the Republic, however were black in color and complimented by red tabbards. The boots were steel-toed, but had a familiar step in them for those who knew him. He had long, messy black hair and penetrating blue eyes, and stood with a strong posture. He spoke in a lighthearted tone, looking around the room, "Wow..Been awhile since I stepped foot in here, only a few familiar faces now."


Strider Flamehart smiled, walking into the bar. His eyes noted Tepe in his chair, recognizing him without even having to make eye contact, and said, "Ah Tepe, long time no see, but never forgotten, I could sense your Force signature from a mile off."


He turned and seeing Curt, said to him, "And you, old friend, it's been awhile too. Still handy with the blaster?"

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(Hope you guys don't mind if I join this late in the game..... again. But I'm gonna use Vode An. He's gonna be in two places at once, like joe.)


Vode walked in the bar and nodded at the bartender, signaling for a drink. Sitting down at corner booth next to the door, he pulled out his DC-17 blaster rifle and set it down on the table. He then removed his helmet, his black hair the standard military style from the Clone Wars. He placed the helmet on the table, the polished surface glinting in the dim light.

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(In this one, Vode is wearing some clone commando armor that he found in a damaged supply crate on a bounty mission. He painted it with black on it. The blaster rifle is from that crate also, along with some other secrets. :twogun: )

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"I know the feeling all too well. However although I have not aged for several thousand years, I sometimes feel myself going senile - or that could be my disregard for rules and my preference to bend them. I'm not sure," Strider replied with a grin.

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((Just not wanting to bother with multiple characters in this RP, I'll make Tepe vanish for a while))


As a call via comlink came to Tepe, he stood up and vanished to the backrooms of the bar to take care of some business.


In the meantime, a man walked in with two lightsabers on his belt and an armor like no other in the galaxy. The armor was of cortosis, painted as a orange with red line running throught his back with a dark ridge going straight down where his spine was. From both of his wrists emitted a large claw slightly ontop of light grey gloves so the hands were very movable without injuring them on the claw. On his feet there were three claws, one behind and two resting ontop of his heavy looking boots. From his shoulders came two large parts extending to the height of his ears. If thwe armor would be described as smooth, it would be far from it, having bumps and brusies and all kinds of thng on it's surface in a way that only a creature called Dinko would match. It was obvious where this armor had gotten it's inspirations. Especially as the helmet was an obvious hint. It was almost a diret replica of a Dinko head pointing in a 25 degree angle with it's mouth open and a vizor showing from between the sharp rows of teeth. The man also wore a red cape which completed the look as he walked in. He was none other than a member of the Jensaarai. The man looked around for a bit before walking to the bar and asking something. The bartender shook his head that whoever the stranger was looking for was not here.


The stranger raised his hands and cocked the helmet slightly sideways swiftly while pushing it down, unlocking all the systems which held the helmet on and kept him breathing even if exposed to extremely harsh environments, like those armors made for the Clones and Stormtroopers. As he rose the helmet, a handsome but rugged face appeared from beneath. Some would know him, some would not. His name was Aldor Farcath, one of the best students of Luke Skywalker and the Saarai-Kaar in the Jedi-Jensaarai co-operation missions. The force flowed throught him purely, as he seemed to be one with the force. He was not one with the force thought. Not yet, as he was not ready for such challenge to uphold. A slight disturbance came from him, as the Sith powers were felt in him. It was of course natural, for he was a student of the Jensaarai way, but also a much more severe power came from the armor, as it was made with Sith chemistry. The helmet was placed softly on the counter and the stranger ordered a simple hot chocolate from the bartender, a drink he had started to enjoy while training under the legendary Luke Skywalker, as Luke was the one that introduced hot chocolate to him

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"Yes indeed I too know that feeling." Curt stood up and stretched his back. "In all our years of living we still ahven't figured out how a non force sensitive lived this long? then again I never looked into it seeing as I used it to my advantaged." Curt said then let out a short laugh.

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((Please do. And if you don't mind, let's not have any, you know, beef with our characters. How about old times sake, eh? Vode and Aldor, friends, but a disfunctional friendship at that, eh? Almost get along to liking each other, then, well, you hold each other at gun point. I like it.))


"Aldor Forcath! Well, ain't you a sight for young eyes. Last time I saw you, you interfered with a bounty of mine. Cost me 30,000 CR. Also got me this scar," Vode An said, turning his head so that the light fell on the right side of his face. The scar went from just above the eyebrow to the cheekbone, going over the eye, but not on it. "I hope you're happy." Vode said, not looking up as he cleaned the inside of his DC-17.

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"Oh, I am extremely happy about it. Why would I want you gloating about all that money?" he said and took the cup to his lips just to take a long gulp of it. The hotness burned slightly, but he didn't mind that much. He had gone throught worse treatments than a slight burn in his mouth. As he turned to see the Mandalorian bounty hunter, he spat next to Vode's feet.

"Besides, you double-crossed me on Corellia. You left me to those guards intentionally just so you could claim a bounty on the chief of guards. I won't ever co-operate with you, that's for sure" Aldor said before turning back to the cup and taking a long gulp again before placing it down on the counter. A silent hiss came as a small compartment opened from the armor of his left leg(a.k.a. the side the Mandalorian mercenary didn't see), as it had room between the armor and the leg because of the styling of a Dinko. A blaster hilt stuck out and he was ready to draw the powerful Service Special, which he rarely had to use. But in this occasion, the opponent might be a Mandalorian bounty hunter with a strong armor. On his right leg, there was also a compartment, holding a 434 Blaster Pistol. On closer inspection, there were also small Dur-24 wrist blasters on the ends of the "claws" on his arms. It could obviously be seen that this man was much more than just a force-user, but maybe even a mercenary at the same, or possibly someone who had once worked as a mercenary but later had learned the secrets of the Force. It would possibly never be revealed in which order it came.

"So, who are you after now? Or are you running from the Hutts again? I heard that you got into some trouble in Nar Shaddaa a few months ago" he chuckled and gulped some more of his hot chocolate

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The man gave a laught as his left hand started to slip down, ready to grab the hidden weapon as it seemed Vode was armed now as well and could try anything, at least on what Aldor had seen while working with him. The hand slipped down seemingly unnoticed, even if slight disturbance emitted from a few nearby tables where sat criminals obviously being hunted. Aldor's right hand instead held the cup of hot chcolate steadily in the air, tilting it every now and then to meet the man's lips as he took a gulp again. The force user sat there now silently, his sences turned up a notch as he wanted to be sure the mercenary wouldn't stab him in the back like a few times before in their mutual history.

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"You should learn your lessons better. This is no pea shooter. This is a Service Special, stolen from an assassinated security officer quite a few years back. It's only half the size of most blasters but possesses six times the power. Its actual power is roughly equal to one of the four cannons of a standard quad laser cannon. It could make your head vanish even if you had that pretty little helmet of yours on" he said closed the compartment as it was now obvious the Mandalorian wouldn't try anything. At keast now. And if he did, Aldor had good relfexes, so he could either dodge and draw one or the other of his blasters or shoot with his wrist lasers, or he could just block it with his lightsaber. Either way, the Mandalorian would have a tough adversary from the man

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"Sure, packs the punch of a quad laser, but is the size of my fist. C'mon Aldor, be realistic. Just 'cause you are a jedi, doesn't mean that everyone around you doesn't know how to use a sword. I hate them personally, but whatever." Vode said, waving a hand at his saber.

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Strider went up to the bar just to get some water, and looked over at Aldor and Vode, overhearing part of their conversation. He chuckled, and said to Vode, "Everything may be Cortosis-weaved or Lightsaber-resistant now, but you have to remember the big difference between a sword, and a lightsaber. Swords have weight, Lightsabers are very light. Sure, swordplay is common, but if you use the same style with the two weapons, it would be more efficient with the lightsaber, because you could do it ever so faster. Sure, I can see how many would dislike the lightsaber, but you can't deny their convenience at times."


He paused, took a drink of his water, then added, "But it's good that Aldor uses a blaster, because where I agree with the Mandalorians, the whole race in general, is that Jedi rely on them too much."

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