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New Model pack from NeoMarz


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Originally posted by CortoCG

Great texturing! Those renders are made with 3dsmax right? One piece of advice, put the model ingame before texturing, so you can preview the textures ingame. That way you are sure that what you see is what you get ;).


Yeah, I know the light sourcing ingame really puts in hard shadows. I had to flatten the faces to get rid of that. A release date?.... Well maybe soon. I may add a couple more models to the list, so it may not be real soon... Maybe a week or two. We will see. Marzout!

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Mars and people out there what do you think so far???


I know the skirt still needs more work in the texture detail need better refference pic's for that

and I wish the belt wasn't mirrored cos the belt on the movie character is not supposed to be equally the same with 2 gold coin like things on the front of her belt she should only have one to the left


I also did more work on the MaulVM model to make his body more movie like



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Originally posted by NeoMarz1 I may add a couple more models to the list, so it may not be real soon.[/b]


Have you considered Depa Billaba and a altenate version of adi as stass allie? Maybe Jocasta Nu, An Aayla, Bultar Swan for another pack. These are fantastic. Love Adi Gallia.

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Nice stuff! What does the VM stand for?


Well... it stands for "Version Marz"... When I first started skinning, I wanted to add a tag to my file submission that would stand out. Kind of a marketing strategy.... except there is no money :(


Needless to say, it seems to have worked. Everyone pretty much identifies the file with my authorship. Marzout

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Your stuff is like assembly line work except it doesn't lack the quality.

But of course I found a lil' bit to nag on about. :p


Your Adi Gallia:


The Real Deal:



I know it's still beta but I can clearly make out symptoms of the "Michael Jackson syndrome" in your pics. :laugh6:



Keep it up!

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wow mars you are t3h machine!! nice models and skins man O.O!!!

I have to ask you something i hope you know how, what i have to do in the brushes settings window in photoshop to make the brush fade at the end of each stroke?

(like they are in this tut http://www.bobotheseal.com/vids/BoBo_Hair_Demo.zip)


Brushes, shapes dynamics, roundness jitter .........choose fade instead of "off"


Note that bobo is probably using a tablet and might have changed the other settings too, dont think "angle" works with a mouse.


Oh and nice work marz :D

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Nice screens indeed.. umm..so marz you gonna answer my question? >.<


Sorry........Ahem, well Ive gotten a ton of requests for that. I guess I am just happy with the one thats already out. I dont know that me doing one would be all that much better. I'll give it consideration. Marzout

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