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Shut up and talk about cake!

Darth Groovy

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Originally posted by Kjølen

Lady Jedi eh? You're new around these parts.


Unless... you're really OLD around these parts. O_O


Nah, weclome. :p


Well, I have been known to lurk.....:D


Anyways, no I just stumbled across this thread when browsing LF. I know nothing of the Monkey Island universe and probably won't stick around, but I had to recommend my specialty cake when I saw the title. :)


Thanks for the welcome anyhow. :D

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Since you're new to this particular forum Lady Jedi, I may as well give you a traditional Dr McCoy greeting!


Originally posted by Lady Jedi

Well, I have been known to lurk.....:D

Actually, you have not. Prior to your postings in this thread, none of us had the slightest idea that you were browsing this forum. There is the possible exception of those that keep an eye on the Who's Online system, but I doubt that many people here actually do.


Originally posted by Lady Jedi

Anyways, no I just stumbled across this thread when browsing LF.

As this is an internet forum, it is impossible to stumble across a forum. It grates against the very definition of the word, and makes no sense whatsoever. What you should say is something to the effect of "I clicked upon the community title, out of random interest whilst looking at the listing of communities".


Originally posted by Lady Jedi

I know nothing of the Monkey Island universe and probably won't stick around

Due to the general reputation that Monkey Island has, I would be very surprised if you did not know that it was a computer game. So, we can safely assume that you do in fact know something of the Monkey Island universe, and your above statement has been proven incorrect.


Originally posted by Lady Jedi

but I had to recommend my specialty cake when I saw the title. :)

The title of this thread does not so much as hint towards the thread's subject being based around the recommendation of cakes. It does reference cake, but no direct relation to the recommendation of aforementioned material was made. You only saw fit to recommend your speciality cake after opening the thread.


Originally posted by Lady Jedi

Thanks for the welcome anyhow. :D

You have not been welcomed to these forums. The entity above did "weclome" you, but that could easily be a foreign word to mean something different altogether. It is merely your assumption that he was welcoming you. Assumptions are not to be tolerated, no matter how minor they may appear.


But seriously, jokes aside, before reading this thread I had no idea that there were so many varieties of cake. I never usually eat such things, and as such have very little idea of what's available. Usually I just treat myself to the occasional cheap muffins from Asda, but they can hardly be compared to a real cake.


I'm clearly missing out. :(

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Originally posted by Thrik

What you should say is something to the effect of "I clicked upon the community title, out of random interest whilst looking at the listing of communities".

Maybe he clicked on the profile of someone who has posted here and followed the link to the "Last Post".


I'm using the "he" deliberately, since everyone who posts with a nick that indicates feminine gender is (with an exception of 1 in a 1,000,000,000) in fact male.

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Originally posted by Thrik

Since you're new to this particular forum Lady Jedi, I may as well give you a traditional Dr McCoy greeting!



Actually, you have not. Prior to your postings in this thread, none of us had the slightest idea that you were browsing this forum. There is the possible exception of those that keep an eye on the Who's Online system, but I doubt that many people here actually do.



As this is an internet forum, it is impossible to stumble across a forum. It grates against the very definition of the word, and makes no sense whatsoever. What you should say is something to the effect of "I clicked upon the community title, out of random interest whilst looking at the listing of communities".



Due to the general reputation that Monkey Island has, I would be very surprised if you did not know that it was a computer game. So, we can safely assume that you do in fact know something of the Monkey Island universe, and your above statement has been proven incorrect.



The title of this thread does not so much as hint towards the thread's subject being based around the recommendation of cakes. It does reference cake, but no direct relation to the recommendation of aforementioned material was made. You only saw fit to recommend your speciality cake after opening the thread.



You have not been welcomed to these forums. The entity above did "weclome" you, but that could easily be a foreign word to mean something different altogether. It is merely your assumption that he was welcoming you. Assumptions are not to be tolerated, no matter how minor they may appear.


But seriously, jokes aside, before reading this thread I had no idea that there were so many varieties of cake. I never usually eat such things, and as such have very little idea of what's available. Usually I just treat myself to the occasional cheap muffins from Asda, but they can hardly be compared to a real cake.


I'm clearly missing out. :(


Cut her some slack Thrik. She's stalking me, and I think it's kind of cute. Bet you wish you had a stalker too.


I'm only kidding of course.


Wonder bread is craptastic.

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Chocolate cookie cake without cake. Optionally "Iras Zupfentorte mit Papaya". That is something like a big cream puff with pawpaw(?)-tree-fruits. Oh and Ira is.. you know.. horny.. ^____^;




Or just anything else served by Cameron Diaz.

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Originally posted by RayJones

Or just anything else served by Cameron Diaz.


Jones, you dissapoint me, I thought you were better than that. if you'd replaced the word 'by' with the word 'on' it would have been much more RayJonesEsque.


Originally posted by RayJones



When you pick a pawpaw

Or a prickily pear

And you pick a rawpaw

Well next time, beware

Don't pick the prickly pear by the paw

If you pick a pear, try to use the claw

But you don't need to use the claw

When you pick a pear from the big pawpaw.


Have I given ypu a clue?

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Damnit Thrik. :p Stop scaring the few women we have around here. Assuming that her name is accurate to half an extent.


Well I welcome you here, Lady Jedi, and it's ok, because after you stay in the general description forum for awhile, you begin to forget it's a Monkey Island forum. I do suggest you try the games though. :)

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1) Grooves, sorry to say I'm not stalking you, no matter how flattering it would be for you. :p


2) My name is accurate, at least the 'Jedi' part. :p J/K! Okay, the 'Lady' part is accurate. :D


3) I have been known to lurk, just not in this area. Just ask Samuel Dravis; he'd probably vouch for that one. :D:p


4) I 'stumbled' across this thread in the 'Who's Online' area. :p


5) I highly doubt that I will stick around or play the games. I just happen to make some damn fine cakes, so gave the thread a click. :D


6) Ya'll are all crazy; maybe I will stick around for the pure rush of insanity. :D


Eat Cake

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Originally posted by Joshi

Jones, you dissapoint me, I thought you were better than that. if you'd replaced the word 'by' with the word 'on' it would have been much more RayJonesEsque.




When you pick a pawpaw

Or a prickily pear

And you pick a rawpaw

Well next time, beware

Don't pick the prickly pear by the paw

If you pick a pear, try to use the claw

But you don't need to use the claw

When you pick a pear from the big pawpaw.


Have I given ypu a clue?


The bare nescessities of life will come to you!;)

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Originally posted by Joshi

Wrote that totally from memory from a film I haven't seen in at least five years. Go me.


When I was a kid, I had the 33 LP with all the music from that movie. I still have "I Wan'na Be Like You " memorized. I'm probably older than you too.

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Oh, I've got every song memorized, even the vultures one at the end. I didn't have the LP (you have to be older than me, it was good old cassette tapes back in my day) but once I got it on video, I watched it a good thirty to forty times in a row (like all kids do with new videos, I know all the dialogue from Aladdin, and I mean all of it).

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Originally posted by Joshi

Oh, I've got every song memorized, even the vultures one at the end. I didn't have the LP (you have to be older than me, it was good old cassette tapes back in my day) but once I got it on video, I watched it a good thirty to forty times in a row (like all kids do with new videos, I know all the dialogue from Aladdin, and I mean all of it).


Aladdin is the best. I got that DVD the day it came out. Still watching it...:eek:

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Originally posted by Brighteyes

Disney's Robin Hood was the best.

Oh and the extremely derranged Alice in Wonderland.


Makes you wonder what kind of "Get bigger" mushrooms the creator was eating. ;)


Incidently, the "get bigger" and "get smaller" mushrooms is what inspired Nintendo's ever-so famous "get bigger" mushrooms in the game.


Also, did you know that "goomba" is an Italian derrogatory slur to an Italian man?

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