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The Nintendo DS: The Next Dreamcast

Darth Groovy

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I worked my first day at Game Stop yesterday, and I have concluded that the Nintendo DS, is the biggest waste of money on the planet. SEVERAL customers have traded in the DS along with all the games, in order to get Playstation's more virsatile PSP system (which at the time of this thread posting, is out of stock.) Some of what the customers have said, I cannot repeat.


Looks like Nintendo blew it again.:(


Right now we have DOZENS of DS systems sitting in the backroom, and have not sold one single system yet. Wow.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

I worked my first day at Game Stop yesterday, and I have concluded that the Nintendo DS, is the biggest waste of money on the planet. SEVERAL customers have traded in the DS along with all the games, in order to get Playstation's more virsatile PSP system (which at the time of this thread posting, is out of stock.) Some of what the customers have said, I cannot repeat.


Looks like Nintendo blew it again.:(


Right now we have DOZENS of DS systems sitting in the backroom, and have not sold one single system yet. Wow.

So you're judging this based on a two week old system compared to a 5 month old system?


In the US, in its' first week the DS *far* outsold the numbers the PSP produced ... in fact Sony didn't sell even *half* of what they shipped to the US, whereas the DS was completely sold out.


I own both, and like both. What I like best about the DS, quite frankly, is that it is a better GameBoy than my GBA SP - better screen, and the layout of things suits me better. I've not touched my SP since getting the DS for Christmas.


The PSP is a sexy device, but a lot of the 'features' are crap. Music - gimmick, since anyone buying this probably already has a MP3 player that has 10x the functionality. Movies - again, gimmick. Pictures - gimmick.


It is all about games. And the games that were there for the PSP launch were pretty darn good. Lumines is a cool 21st century Tetris, and Untold Legends is a mediocre but fun-enough story-lite hak-n-slash RPG. That is all I have, as race & sports I have no interest in, nor fighting games. I don't know when I'll get another game ...


DS games? My wife got me Mario DS. I've played a few minutes ... just not my type of game. I have nothing else, and don't know when I will ...



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I think the biggest problem with the DS is not the system, it's the games. Nintendo seems to be struggling getting a solid launch lineup to accompany their new devices, and that is KILLER.


If Microsoft hadn't had Halo for the launch of the XBox, then I think there' s a decent chance we might not be seeing the Xbox 2 coming up soon enough.


You can make or break yourself with what you offer the people, and the people want games. I would CONSIDER buying a PSP to watch movies or TV episodes, but I don't travel enough to warrant it, and if I am traveling I'm usually driving, so in the end it really wouldn't be a sensical purcahse for me.

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Originally posted by txa1265

So you're judging this based on a two week old system compared to a 5 month old system?


In the US, in its' first week the DS *far* outsold the numbers the PSP produced ... in fact Sony didn't sell even *half* of what they shipped to the US, whereas the DS was completely sold out.


I own both, and like both. What I like best about the DS, quite frankly, is that it is a better GameBoy than my GBA SP - better screen, and the layout of things suits me better. I've not touched my SP since getting the DS for Christmas.


The PSP is a sexy device, but a lot of the 'features' are crap. Music - gimmick, since anyone buying this probably already has a MP3 player that has 10x the functionality. Movies - again, gimmick. Pictures - gimmick.


It is all about games. And the games that were there for the PSP launch were pretty darn good. Lumines is a cool 21st century Tetris, and Untold Legends is a mediocre but fun-enough story-lite hak-n-slash RPG. That is all I have, as race & sports I have no interest in, nor fighting games. I don't know when I'll get another game ...


DS games? My wife got me Mario DS. I've played a few minutes ... just not my type of game. I have nothing else, and don't know when I will ...




The numbers speak for themselves. I work at a very busy locatation. I can't say that I am all that impressed with the DS lineup. I thought about getting one until Yesterday. I was looking at a 3 foot section of both new and used games. Not alot to pick from for a 5 month old system. :giveup:

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Not alot to pick from for a 5 month old system. :giveup:

... and not necessarily a lot on the horizon ...


What is coming I'm interested in on the DS

- Metroid Prime Hunters

- Revenge of the Sith

- Final Fantasy III

- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

- ?


On the PSP

- Revenge of the Sith

- Final Fantasy VII?

- Tales of Eternia?

- Coded Arms?

- ?


Not clear ...



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If FFVII comes out on PSP, that speaks or itsself about if I'm getting one or not. Maybe they'll add atleast SOME voice acting? I agree, the DS doesn't have that many good games, but SM64DS and the Urbz are pretty cool. There seem to be more on the horizon, so hopefully we'll see some awsome DS games, and hopefully PSP. WIth the new MGS game comeing to PSP, people are gonne want one alot.

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Nationally the DS is still selling more than the PSP. Infact I heard after the launch of the PSP, DS sales went up again.


Perhaps it's just your location grooves. I mean, David Bowie is awesome, but down here (Texas, mainly Fort Worth and other nearby cities) on average about 20 of his cd's are bought a year.



Me, If I get a DS, I'll be waiting for more games to come out.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

Perhaps it's just your location grooves.

Yah, I live in Seattle, Microsoft is based here, and Xbox is crazy, its always sold out, and at the Gamestop I go to, one half is PS2 games, the other is Xbox, no one is ever browsing the PS2 games. And Halo 2 is known far and wide around here, too.


BTW: During the last Newyears day celebration, the fire works went off to the sound of the theme of Halo. :p



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If I remember correctly they did something like that here in Vegas, but it was just like the end part with the monks :)


I want both. There's quite a few games I'd like on both systems.



Metroid Prime: Hunters(not out yet)

Mario64DS (out)

Warioware Touched (out)

Dynasty Warriors (not out yet)

Viewtiful Joe (not out yet)

Super Mario Bros (not out yet)

Mario Kart (not out yet)

Yoshi Touch and Go (out)



THPS2:Remix (out supposedly)

Dynasty Warriors (out)

NFSU:Rivals (out)

Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition (not out yet)

Death Jr (not out yet)


PSP has good games out now, and it sounds like the DS will get more as time goes by.


My family is getting a DS in the next two weeks, and I don't care. It is awsome to me. So there aren't many games out right now. But I can't afford alot of games right now. When the games come out I'll have money (hopefully : ( )

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

SEVERAL customers have traded in the DS along with all the games, in order to get Playstation's more virsatile PSP system (which at the time of this thread posting, is out of stock.)

Yeah but those customers don't represent the whole country. :o


Originally posted by Darth Groovy

I have concluded that the Nintendo DS, is the biggest waste of money on the planet.

dot.gif ...and that's not really fair evidence that it is.

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Well - The DS will obviously come down in value. As will the PSP in time. I think in the long run PSP will dominate. But the PSP is not getting rave reviews as well. People at my work are complaining that they can't get a hold of the Memory sticks. Everywhere is sold out and people are jacking up the prices. If you want a 1gb stick your going to pay well over $100 in addition to the $250 for PSP plus $50 for game. So you have a $400 system. Not many parents are willing to spend that much for their kids or let alone trust them with something so expensive that could get lost. The DS will sell mostly to people interested in their Kids gaming. Teenagers will go for PSP. Also - PSP has a lot of games that are directed for Guys. Girls tend to like the games on DS. They are cuter. Mostly PSP has sports like games which are okay - but not always that great. Where's the role playing games?

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PSP is *clearly* directed at the affluent 20-something male ... if you don't believe me look at the game and in particular the videos being released.


I still don't see the PSP 'dominating' ... but I don't think it will go the way of the game gear, either ...




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Groovs, I think you're location is just special...


Me? I like my DS a lot. Even Mario64 DS, which I honestly never played that much on the N64. The DS will pick up some momentum soon, you just need patience. Some of the games coming out (that have no release dates) look good.


To be honest, I can't wait to see what the pokemon game they release is going to be like, and I'm not talking about that BS pokemon racing game that's coming out.


Besides, the PSP is so freaking overpriced for what it is should be, a portable gaming device. Not some media player. I will never buy a PSP unless it goes down to $150, or I win it in some contest.

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but pokemon games always sell like hotcakes. Regardless of the capabilities of the DS it wil sell. However if they do something new and exciting with touch screen it would be interesting. The DS had better capabilities for RPG games in terms of gameplay.

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The Nintendo DS: The Next Dreamcast


Grooves, I love you man :p


everytime I say things like this I get earbashed by Lynk and cohorts and get called a Sony fanboy etc etc :p


I'm getting a PSP dirt cheap when I visit asia later this year... sure a psp may be cool, but i'd never pay the ridiculous RRPs they expect us to pay here....Id rather save my beans for the ps3 :D



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Well even though im not much of the hand-held mini game systems, I would think that DS would whoop the crap out of PSP. I know at least fifty nintendo fans (I randomly talk to people in the mall :p) who would sell there immortal souls for a DS. And as for the ones that have one they mow lawns and slave for months just to buy the tons of games that want. Thats what I called motivated. Anyway I'm with the DS...the PSP is a rip off thats prices more...thats lik the Food Lion Moutain Dew going for more that the real stuff.....






Originally posted by TiE 23

BTW: During the last Newyears day celebration, the fire works went off to the sound of the theme of Halo. :p


Are you freaking serious! 0.0

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I wouldn't call myself a Sony fanboy, but Sony does make some pretty good stuff sometimes.


I used and abused my Sony Playstion for many years, and got back double my money's worth.


When PS2 came out, sure I wanted one, but wound up getting an XBox instead, well I love THAT too.


I have to say that PSP looks wicked cool, but about 2 hundred and too many dollars too expensive for me right now.


Astro, can you smurf me one too?:confused:

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