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New Jedi Knight Game Rumors


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With Lucasart's announcement that some games like Empire at War are being delayed so as not to flood the market with Star Wars games, I think we're in for another dry spell like razorace said. They might make a new JK game in the future, or they might not. I don't think anyone really knows at this point.
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Highly doubtfull. Im thinking LUCASARTS is trying to make belive that the new JK game will come out soon so they can butter the community up till they are willing to spend almost 50 dollars on a New JK game. Of course I would buy a JK game for 60 dollars. Anyway the Wii would be okay for a new JK game but im thinking Lucas would wait a few years till the Wii is like a ps2 (Everybody has one) Insted of now where stores cant even keep them stocked. But since every JK game was on PC im thinking this one will be as well.


As well im thinking LUCAS is trying to find a game engine that would be better then a quake 3 engine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
I think there will be a JK4 because when you complete JK3 on the dark side path jaden escapes and kyle still needs to find him.


Not necessarily. Kotor 2 was left off at a cliff hanger (the exile searching for Revan) but there is still no update or official confirmation on even the slightest possibility of a Kotor 3 - don't get your hopes up; you'll be all the more dissapointed. Why would you even want JK4 anyway? JA was no where near as good as JK2!

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But I do know that Lucasarts has only two Star wars games per Year, so they have to choose what they wanna kind of bet on, like for lucasarts this years, I believe they will go for like PS3 and maybe some other Consoles, I.E. Portable devices like PSP or DS, I guess for our sake that they will make some kind of Star wars games, but I've been reading in a Norwegian magazine, the first game that has been rumored is Star Wars: Battlefront III, Gamespot doesn't tell me nothing about any Star Wars games, except the one they call Star Wars 2007, and that's only for consoles... So I guess they won't be giving out a new JK game, in the near future... But sure hopes up guys, I hope that it'll be out before like maybe 2008/2009... but no one knows anything about it, like last april i was reading something on a website that turned out to be an april fool... So i wouldn't said it, unless it was some kind of rumor from myself... just guessing guys... and as the topic says, I didn't read all of the posts around here, so excuse me if this has already been posted somewhere else...

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  • 1 month later...
except the one they call Star Wars 2007, and that's only for console


Ah, by this you probs mean "The Force Unleashed" - it will be multiplatform and is a highly anticipated game, as far as SW games go. The game will be quite unique, not in terms of new lightsaber forms or small details like that but in the storyline and feel of the game. Playing as an 'emperor's hand' to Vader the game apparently has you (the dark jedi) hunting down the last remnants of the Jedi Order. The reason this is therefore highly anticipated is that it is the first Star Wars game to truly give a feel of the era of the Jedi Purge. If your interested in this, you should probably check out this mod i found on the internet (GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND! :lol: ) that is up and coming for Jedi Knight 3; it's an expansion pack that has levels, characters etc. spanning all 6 SW films and looks very professional (the developer is Turkish i believe and has been developing the mod for 4 years!) - this also gives a gameplay insight into the Jedi Purges;


The developers site is: http://www.kotf.com

And a trailer:


- It comes out on May the 25th allegedly (Yay! only a few more days!). For all the people wishing for a JK4, this mod makes that dream rather obselete, the mod is perhaps the best JK experience anyone will ever get out of the engine.

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I doubt it. Force Unleashed isn't going to be for PC, so I won't be playing it (don't own any of the next next gen consoles, and don't even own a TV to hook one to even if I could afford it).


Second, anyone trying to re-create the physics of that game in an existing PC game is going to have a heck of a lot of work on their hands. I highly doubt one programmer would have the patience to actually finish such a mammoth undertaking (much less have it turn out to be something that people would want to play).


I mean think about it. He'd have a huge job to do creating the physics, but they're useless if you can't use them on something. So you either then have to create a huge single player campaign or else tailor it to multiplayer (again, reinventing the wheel to get it to work with lag). I don't see it happening, unless a commercial company does it. Sorry for my cynicism...



Oh and one last thing, don't get me wrong, I'm all for more innovative Star Wars titles, but if this is really going to be the "Jedi Purge" I see that as just another instance of "pissing all over the mythos."


I mean c'mon, VADER was supposed to be the one who helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights, not some nameless, faceless lackies.


Why can't they just let you play as Vader in this game? What's stopping them?


Is Lucas THAT protective of the character? I remember back in the day you got a Star Wars game and it was simply EXPECTED that you got to play as Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, Ben, etc. Nowadays they're afraid to let you control anything to do with the movies unless it's strictly regulated. Well gee wiz, way to take the fun out of it!


Let me play as Vader and hunt down the Jedi Knights, don't send some padawan to do a Sith Lord's job! Ah well... it might still be good, but I'd never know since I am not shelling out for an Xbox 360, and I'd sure as heck not be shelling out for a PS3 just for one game...


But all the same, good luck. ;)

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Why can't they just let you play as Vader in this game? What's stopping them?


I think you can play as Vader, but it follows the films (changing the story outcome according to character) so the only Jedi you'll kill is Luke or the Jedi in the Coruscant Jedi Temple and Obi-Wan on Mustafar as Vader before he turned mechanical.

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  • 8 months later...
i read that there is a 7% chance they will make a new one . if they dont then they are arftards because that series was awsone


Darth Verez can you please spell properly and don't double post?


Anyway even if there is a 7% chance there is still a chance that they will create one

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I see no reason to expect another Jedi Knight game. Not even another archaic Quake 3 cash-in they slapped together ala JKA (there's no way they'd fool so many people into thinking it's a new game again). Lucasarts has moved on. All the rumors I've heard about another JK turned out to be misinterpretations of rumors about The Force Unleashed and/or random balderdash.

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