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Possible Confirmation/Conjecture of 2 Things of KOTOR3


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LucasArts/SOE Announce New Expansion for SWG: The Trials of Obi-Wan


In this press clipping, LA/SOE reveal a new expansion for SWG and the new planet is Mustafar, to be released the same day as BattleFront2 and the ROTS DVD. If you read the story, it reveals that one of our droid buddies has survived into the times of Episode V. That's right, our meatbag killing HK-47 apparently is alive and still kicking 4000 years later on Mustafar.


Despite LucasArts and SOE bastardizing continuity so extensively in Galaxies, this could mean that we see both HK-47 alive and well as well as Mustafar in KOTOR3. I've always seen KOTOR as being a trilogy so it could be Mustafar is the ending planet which would leave HK-47 there. Though, 4000 years difference anything could happen.


Just thought I'd drop this by for you's all to ponder.

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HK-47 4000 years later in the Rots timeline!??!?!





If they put HK-47 in a post RotS game I am gonna puke.

Kotor was 4000 freaking years before the movies, they probably make garbarge droids with more quality than him >.<


Please god, let it not be true....


Prays on hands 'n knees

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I think that's less to do with with any confirmation about KOTOR3, and more to do with Lucasarts yet again taking advantage of advertising and popularity by inserting one of the more populer KOTOR characters in another game, disregarding continuity for the sake of sales.

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Please god, let it not be true....


Prays on hands 'n knees

Oh it's Official... from the maker's mouth ;)


http://www.lucasarts.com/press/releases/104.html same Press Release as above, just on LA's site


Kind of a bold move IMO. Meaning that when/if KotOR III "appears", if they are to include HK-47 in the Party roster.. he doesn't get killed.. so I guess that's a "spoiler" of sorts :rolleyes:


Can't say that I'm personally very happy that SWG is "leeching" off of KotOR's lineup.. but I'm not LA either and don't have their property rights to do with whatever they want... meh...

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altho i find it a little questionable that HK would still be intact 4000 years later, in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Marvin the Paranoid Android was on Frogstar World B for Five Hundred and Seventy-Six Thousand Million years, until the end of the universe when they finally found him at Milliways: The Resturant at the End of the Universe, and he was still intact, so for me 4000 years for HK isn't as big a leap of faith. He is a droid, so he can't die of old age. i think Its just a cool little cameo to help tie the games together (and sure, its also a marketing ploy). it kinda makes the star wars universe feel a little more connected to have one game reference another. Its kinda like when Obi Wan mentioned Quinlan Vos in epIII. Sure you didn't actually see Vos, but it helped tie the movies into the EU a little bit more.

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Agreed with everything said. Personally I've been quite disappointed with SWG since Publish 9 (we're now on Pub 22) that launched the influx of jedi on every server. I have a jedi knight, and I rarely play him because EVERYONE is a jedi now. And LucasArts have done nothing to curb the destruction of continuity going on in that game and by this press release, only seek to further destroy it just for profits.


We had a huge PVP event at "The Emperor's Retreat" on Naboo a few months back. 60+ Jedi (both rebel and imperial) right on the Emperor's doorstep and neither him nor Vader came out to kill any of the Jedi. The game's just getting worse and worse. Hoping that the new releases "Empire at War", "BattleFront2" and hopefully KotoR3 will draw me away enough to finally end my subscriptions.


HK-47 on mustafar during the time between ANH and ESB is lame enough, but if you read the press release, subscribers are also going to be lead on a series of quests BY OBI-WAN's GHOST!!!! More bastardizing of continuity.

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Star Wars =/= Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy ;)


Quinlan Vos' mention doesn't screw anything. It's not like he was born 4000 years before the events of Ep3.


I doubt a droid could stay functionnal for such a long time.

Once again, SOE shows how they totally suck.


yes, i know that, im not that dumb :p , my point was just that i dont find it as hard to believe that HK would still be functioning after 4000 years.


and i also wasn't saying that vos's mention messed anything up, if anything it was kinda cool. im not a big EU fan, but i like that they tried to tie the movies into the EU a bit, it actually gave the EU a little more credibility. The movies always felt kind of seperate from the books, it was nice to see a little connection like that. it made them feel less like seperate entities and more like part of one big time line. Kotor's time line is so far in the past that while that allows for lots of new directions from the story becuase there is not much already in the continuity there, it also means that all this new kotor stuff is kinda disregarded by the rest of the star wars universe. None of the books about the old republic ever talk about revan or anything, so its nice to see a connection somewhere in the time line to Kotor, to help verify its existance in the time line. while i'm not a SWG player, cause i'm dirt poor and can't afford a subscription, i applaud the attempt to introduce some continuity between kotor and the rest of star wars, despite the fact that HK's appearance will be completely cheesy, and its just a huge marketing ploy, meant to snare some of the Kotor fans. Its still nice to see everything connecting.

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I am disgusted. Those fu**ing bas**rds are leeching off KOTOR's life force! I don't know what happens to Revan and the rest of the crew from KOTOR, but this disgusts me. When Revan dies (of old age or some other cause) he and the rest of the KOTOR characters should go with him. But this... I am sickened.

In a sense... It's kind of sad. Revan and all the others are gone by then, but he still lives on. Why would HK go to Mustafar, of all places? Shouldn't he be in charge of a droid factory, churning out armies of droids to kill all meatbags?

This is just stupid. Lucasarts is greedliy taking a successful character, and placing him in ridiculous situations just so their president can go about building another guest house out of hundred dollar bills.

The characters from KOTOR had their own (and the best) period of STAR WARS to be in. Tying modern STAR WARS into the KOTOR universe is just stupid. All people responsible for this deserve to be tortured and have their hearts torn out by wild dogs. THey should then be drawn and quartered, and GOOD RIDDANCE!!!

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De-caf man, De-caf :xp:


Dear LA, the expressed opinions of ED do not represent the whole of LF Forums. Please continue development on any games you are either currently on, or will be... hehehe... :D


p.s. Please send us pictures of your $100-bill guest house


gotta give you props on that one ED :thumbsup:

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So am I... <_<

This is just plain stupid.

Lucasarts had a good series going with Kotor but trying to bring HK back into the mix is most likely where the quote "Everyone has a right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privalage" came from :xp:

But if LA does this for real then I am going to either boycot lucasarts or hug my Kotor CD gently every night before I go to bed :(


/me runs away squealing like little girl

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I don't really like the idea, but it is pretty simple to explain away. He's a machine a part wears out you replace it. Eventually you have replaced every part, perhaps multiple times, but the core programming remains intact. You can move the software to another frame.


Kinda like the story from the dwarf about the axe that has been in his family for many generations. Occasionally, it has had a new haft or blade, but it's still the same axe. :)

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I thought LucasArts was stupid.

Now I know LucasArts is stupid.


What next? They'll put on a claim that an isolated jawa genius scrapped off HK-47 and put him into an advanced body calling it the IG-88 and sold T3-M4's mind to Naboo Royal Security Inc.


Heheh, this made me laugh! :)


Btw, my opinion about this is that it simply doesn't matter much. We have to take it lightly, as a cameo, and not as a defacto appearance of HK-47. Yes, they ARE trying to make money, but HK-47 being there is much less of a concern to me than other things. Mustafar for example. Couldn't they choose a worst world to be put in the game? I mean, there are so many interesting ones they could put from Ep III(after all, they do want to make a profit on it)... Mustafar was an almost uninhabited world, which had the only function of hosting the separatist council. It is as interesting than Hoth, if not even less. It surely DID make an important appearance in the movies, but not for being an important or interesting world, but just because it was the one in which the Anakin vs. Obi-Wan battle ensued. It was the battle that was important and interesting, not the world. What is there to do? What kind of NPC would be there? There is NOTHING there at all... And though I do understand Coruscant is rather hard to put and design, Utapau for instance is a much better choice than Mustafar.

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Wouldn't it just be logical? 4000 years means nothing in the SW universe.In Kotor you have practically the same technologie. Hyperspace will take longer to charge, weapons aren't quit as destructive etc.

If someone owned HK-47, that person WILL upgrade him with new technologies. He has a very advanced core, remember? He can function as a protocoldroid etc, hiding his true intensions. Also, he was made by Revan, probably with help from the Starforge itself!

I think he will fit in nicely, making the SW-galaxies players laugh as much as we did.

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It was left completely alone and shared the technology of the Star Maps. I hate Lucasarts.


Can you pick a more stupid thing to do? MUSTAFAR!?! What's next? Hoth?


It seems Lucasarts likes to make completely pointless cameos.


They should all be fed to thousands of rabid gizka.

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Why is HK being around so unbelievable? There were lots of droids around in KOTOR that had been around for thousands of years. the Builders' doids in the tomb on Dantooine had been functional for over 20,000 years...

That's true. Though I would think HK would be destroyed somewhere along those 4,000 years with all the action he sees...

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ED is right. The droids were made with the Rakatan technology and were capable of self-repairs and self-maintenance. Obviously, HK mentions that he can take care of himself but lacks the ressources to do so which is why he ended up on Tatooine in the hands of a lousy mechanic.


What next? They'll put on a claim that an isolated jawa genius scrapped off HK-47 and put him into an advanced body calling it the IG-88 and sold T3-M4's mind to Naboo Royal Security Inc.


Shussh! Don't give them any ideas!




I do have a theory as to why this cameo is receiving a lot of hatred from us. If for example, it was in a new Jedi Knight game, people might say:"Hey, JK, that's cool."

But it's Galaxies and we all know how a lot of people hate Galaxies (with good reasons).

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that's because Jedi Knight=cool, because you 'control' your character.

In SW-Galaxies, you just play 5 (and PAY 5 years!) years to reach the elite level of jumma-juise mixing, Pwnage!!! ]

It just lacks action, and the Jedi-feeling. It's just a boring game compared to JK and KOTOR.

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jeez, why is everybody getting so uptight about this?? i'm sure they'd do something logical with it to ensure things turn out okay.


does that mean i'm for the idea? well, i don't really care since i have no plans on ever getting into SWG. so for me, it doesn't matter. and unless you folks are planning on getting into SWG, i don't understand why you feel it necessary to rant and rave about a game that you'll never play.

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