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I use the name Amol Kotay for almost every KotOR and TSL file I make. Trekkies should know where it comes from.

I sometimes run a game using the name The Doctor, so I can feel like it's a Doctor Who episode when people refer to me as The Doctor. The only thing is when people are talking tome, they still call me The Doctor, not Doctor.

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(would it be twisted, evil, demented or sad to name a child after a video game character named after a type of nerve gas that sounds pretty?)

YES! NEVER NAME A CHILD AFTER A VIDEO GAME CHARACTER, NO MATTER WHAT! IT'S SAD AND PATHETIC! I'm sorry, but I can't help but hate people who name their child after video game or TV show characters.

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YES! NEVER NAME A CHILD AFTER A VIDEO GAME CHARACTER, NO MATTER WHAT! IT'S SAD AND PATHETIC! I'm sorry, but I can't help but hate people who name their child after video game or TV show characters.


wow, that was pretty vehement. personally i thought the nerve gas part was more twisted.


isn't the fact that i made the name up somewhat a mitigating factor, rather than naming a daughter--say, Samus Aran for example? (<3 samus *swoons*)

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This all depends on whether or not I play female. In most games, not just Kotor1/2, when I play as a female character I name her Aina N'tare. Originally used in the game Arcanum as a red-headed half-elf sorceress, but in Kotor it was a bit different. So she's just a lightsider with plenty of force-powers.


As a male, I prefer my shape-shifting (originally) friend Gerfalcon of the Reaches, who usually has way to much power than should be allowed.

Of course, that isn't wuite as easy to do in a SciFi game as opposed to a fantasy equivalent.

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I actually use the random name generator, I can't think up much of my own names. Usually what I do though, is I take parts of random names. So, for a couple games, I had "Triko Skywalker." Then, when I played a female game, I used the random name generator combined with "Skywalker", and got: "Shayla Skywalker." Other than that, I rarely use the same name. I just finished my "Coryn Tevor" game, and I am starting a new "Dack Ketra" game with the roleplay padawan mod.

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From time to time I have played through with variations of the same name, but never exactly the same.


YES! NEVER NAME A CHILD AFTER A VIDEO GAME CHARACTER, NO MATTER WHAT! IT'S SAD AND PATHETIC! I'm sorry, but I can't help but hate people who name their child after video game or TV show characters.


I agree! I have taught many a student whose parents must have been on crack when they were picking out names. There was a girl named Demonica and a guy named Shi'Thead (rhymes with BREED). No kidding!

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The ones I use, and could be for either game are;


Jobi Affon

Jared Windu

Aja Animi

Valo Animi

Caleb Malo

Dabon Rone

Eli Cato (Current TSL game)

Aiden Kasra (Original K1 Name)

Kalo Ter

Qua Densu


To name a few...I'm suprised people only stick to one or two to be frank...

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