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What Star Wars Episode is your favorite?

El Sitherino

What Star Wars Episode is your favorite.  

565 members have voted

  1. 1. What Star Wars Episode is your favorite.

    • Episode I: The Phantom Menace
    • Episode II: Attack of the Clones
    • Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
    • Episode IV: A New Hope
    • Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
    • Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

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Empire Strikes Back. Great movie, great atmosphere, great character development. I really like how you go from ANH, which the heroes win, kind of a happy feeling, then you go to the second act and everything is falling apart. Great story telling. Empire Strikes Back just has a way to immerse me in the story line, no matter how many times I see it.

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I think the new films rely two mutch on special affects. Definatly The Empire Strikes back because of the clasic "Luke...I am Your Father!" but it didn's have a space battle which was disapointing. Return of the jedi is a close second. Personally I think the new films don't even compare to the old ones.

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epsiode 3 is my fav the battle with yoda and chancellor and obi wan and anakin were the best ever


Bah! Luke Vs. Vader. Father Vs. Son. Good Vs. Evil. The most incredibale battle ever and one of the most emotional. I don't see what the hype is about episode III it felt way too rushed and relied so mutch on special affects.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bah episode 3 sucks. Acting is crap story line is crap. Relies to heavily on special affects. For people who grew up watching the originals there is no comparison. Episode III is terrible. It is way too rushed. Anakin's turn to the dark side should not be over and done with in 5 minutes. It should take time. A grual fall to complete darkness would have been more interesting. To see him battle with himself, but then again he is a crap actor so it wouldn't have made any difference.

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Boba Fett dies. Yes! I admit, much of my pleasure at seeing him meet his Maker is due to my disgust with the fanboys that spurred his wankishness in the EU, but still. Cool looking character, gets pwn3d, nuff said. ;) It was the will of the force, end of story!


I don't mean to bash but Boba Fett doesn't die. In the books, he is put as the most heavily armed mercinary in the galaxy, and he basically blows the sarlac pitt to smitharines. Though after he heals up from the massive damage he took blowing himself up, the Empire has already fallen and Boba finds himself rather unemployed by anybody.


As for my vote: Attack of the Clones. I can't believe it's losing!!!! Your taste for action breaks my fragile heart! Though I havn't seen ESB in a few years I can definately tell you that the excitement in AotC leaves it in the dust. I mean come on! I'll back myself up.

So, AotC is basically the grand hunt of the SW series. It starts out super-goth, everything is happy and peaceful, and then something blows up and kills a lot of people. Next the mystery begins to form in your mind as they have a few discussions amongst the primary characters, and then the bounty hunter girl chase begins which totally creeps you out, and you can't tell who is winning, who is most likely to win or what will happen once one side wins. Then the hunt for Jango starts, awsome plot where you still can't tell who is hunting or being hunted. Then the confusion at Kamino, Obi-Wan catches Jango red handed, Anakin flips out and goes Darth Vader on all the Tuskens and is all furious, overwhelmed by sadness and pleased with killing all those peoples, which is kinda freaky. Then the best battle of all 6 movies, Obiwan is in trouble and it's 3 heroes vs. hundreds of Geonosians, things look down and then the Jedi appear. Then the droids show up and things look down again and the Jedi are about dead when all the sudden, WHAM! there are hundreds of clone troopers all over the place and it's so awsome that you can't even comprehend how awsome it is. In fact, go look awsome up in the dictionary right now because I can go ahead and confirm that its deffinition is the Battle of Geonosis.

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Here's the thing: If Episodes IV V and VI had the saber effects from III, I'd never watch anything else. Ever. It's so frikkin' awesome in Ep. III, but the storyline is only so-so. That's my only gripe with the OT; well that and that scene in ANH where Luke's hands drop a foot after turning off his saber all of a sudden. That's my ONLY gripe with that trilogy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For me, it definitely has to be Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I went to see it five times in the cinemas and I cried through the first two. It is definitely a powerful addition to the saga and it was so satisfying to see Anakin become Darth Vader and finally link the PT to the OT.

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I don't mean to bash but Boba Fett doesn't die. In the books, he is put as the most heavily armed mercinary in the galaxy, and he basically blows the sarlac pitt to smitharines. Though after he heals up from the massive damage he took blowing himself up, the Empire has already fallen and Boba finds himself rather unemployed by anybody.


This is only in the EU. Lucas himself said that Boba had died in the Sarlacc. Officially, he's dead.

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ROTJ--I'm a big fan of Luke Skywalker, and seeing him finally make it to Jedi status and duel Vader was cool.

One of my favorite lightsaber duels, though, was Darth Maul vs. Qui-Gon and Obi-wan--could Maul move, or what? I know the actor had some martial arts traingin, but geez, was that guy _fast_.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

hmmmm tough one....


ep1: the naboo fighters are SO cool... but darth maul makes that movie ok in my book..... but to pick it for the best.... to little of maul to make it so.


ep2: Speeder chase through coruscant. battle between obi and jango. 20 jedi fighting in battle. yoda kicking ass. its very close to my best. but it very much lacked space battle. so it doesnt get it for me


ep3: oh just the beginning gives me goosebumps. the drums at the start and then just POW into spacebattle. (ps i LOVE spacebattles :) ). order 66 was cruel, darkside all over. lets just say plain AWESOME :). (ps again. i love the dark side :p ) and the end battle between obi anakin... wow. very high on my list.. maybe even tied. but no... not the best.


ep4. reminds me so much of the old Star Wars Galaxies game.... its star wars at its best... makes you feel part of it. but no not the best.


ep5: introduced one of the coolest themes.... the imperial march. love it. darth vader at its best... story was great. but it missed my all time favorite thing.


ep6. this had the best thing. a HUGE spacebattle.... massive fighters against eachother.. capital ships.... just great... just AWESOME. ok the ewoks were bad :) but still... the space battle wins it for me.


best in my eyes. ROTJ

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Episode III is the best in my book. The acting was pretty terrible(except for Ian McDarmid), but the awesome action, music, and emotionally powerful storyline more than make up for it. And in response to what jediofdoom said, Anakin's turn to the darkside takes a bit longer than five minutes-more like 13 years. You should be able to see the anger in his face when, in Episode I, he's told by Mace Windu that he won't be trained. And in Episode II, he shows it when he slaughters the sand people, then gloats about it-"I killed them, I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men.....but the women.....and the children too! They're like animals, and i slaughtered them like animals! I hate them!" So you're point about the quick change-it doesn't work. Anyway, Episode III dominates followed closely by Episode VI.

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None of the Eps 1-3 are even close to any of the original trilogy. That being said, Sith is by far the best of the new ones, but there's still far too many cringe-inducing lines that would embarrass even the greenest first-year script-writing student.


Best to worst:


1) Empire

2) A New Hope

3) Jedi

4) Sith

5) Clones

6) Phantom

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