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Bourne Ultimatum (yes, I know it doesn't follow the book, but Tony Gilroy has done a good job thus far).

Batman Begins sequel (rumored. I'm voting for Paul Bettany as Joker, btw)

Pirates of the Caribbean II & III (I didn't want to like the 1st one...it just kinda happened)

And, of course, King Kong (Peter Jackson and Andy Serkis...nuff said) :D

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Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 - More Captain Jack!

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - Grew up on the books. Looks good from the trailer.

King Kong - At first I thought this was silly (Godzilla anyone?) but the trailer looks great. Can't wait for this one!


Thats all I can think of at the moment.


Batman Begins sequel (rumored. I'm voting for Paul Bettany as Joker, btw)


Yea, I can see that. Whoever plays The Joker has huge shoes to fill!

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Jurassic Parc with a monkey looks really weak and uninteresting. I expected better from Jackson, but he may still surprise, he's done good sh*t.


Neil Gaimans Mirror Mask is the only one I'm looking forward to. Have looked forward to this one for a couple of years now.

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Jurassic Parc with a monkey looks really weak and uninteresting. I expected better from Jackson, but he may still surprise, he's done good sh*t.
:eyeraise: Err...you do know that King Kong was made before Jurrasic Park right? Was Jurrasic Park ripping off King Kong because it had dinosaurs in it or could it be that they are entirely different stories?
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i think there's already a thread about this somewhere, ah who cares?


im with all who say Pirates of the Carribean II & III

and i hope GL changes his mind and asks speilberg or someone to make SW 7,8 & 9 episodes as his last wish. and hopefully a television series like Star Trek Voyager, Enterprise, etc. they could make the series after good books set in the EU.

An Italian Job II would be great.

or maybe a SW three-and-a-half showing what happened between the two movies, (namely, my fanfic :D :D mace windu)

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Here is some of the movies, I didn't post any in my first post: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, along with the Half-Blood Prince, and I am hoping that they will make The Hobbit, since I heard a small rumor about it.


Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince won't be out for atleast 3 years yet, perhaps 4, all though it should be great :). OotP should be a great film.

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For me Underworld Evolution one more month to wait!! and of course The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe it looks so cool and the white witch so evil!


Otherwise X-Men 3 trilor comes out this week only a teaser though but yeah! and Superman and Day Watch.

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Funny you should mention that, as Godzilla was inspired by King Kong.
Still dosn't make it any better. hehe.


Oh yea, and forgot a few:

Superman (thanks Bastila)

X3 (Again, thanks Bastila. I want to see that trailer!)


I want to see Bloodrayne too, but Uwe Boll directed it.....

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^A Halo movie? I thought that was a joke.
nope. currently, even Peter Jackson is onboard for the project. even if it is just the executive producer job, its still a good thing to have him on the project. :D


unfortunately, there hasn't been a lot of details released about the project other than getting Peter Jackson to excutive produce. no announcement as of yet on the cast or director. :(

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