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Random items

Clone L68362

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Something I kinda didn't like was that in TSL the items you got were random. One time on Nar Shadaa, I got three of the same gloves within 10 minutes. Just a while ago I opened a container, got some armor, opened another, got the same armor. Not only that, but I went through the whole Jedi Sublevel without getting anything even close to good, even in the storage room. So I think K3 should have it more like K1, or use some different way to get items.

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I think some things should be random, but it would be good if they made it that if you just got a certain item you couldn't or most likely wouldn't get the same item in the area of within a certain time, just so you don't get a ton of the same items. As for plot items or some special items, I think that you should be able to find most of them in the same spot.

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I completely agree, I detested the random item placement in KotOR2. KotOR does use the same system, only to a much, much smaller extent.


The main problem I see with the KotOR2 system is getting more than one 'unique' item. For example, in two different games I got 2 x Onasi Blaster, 2 x LS Headbank from KotOR, and 2 x Jolee's Robe. What the?


What I would like to see is

- Important/Unique Items made non-random

- Shopkeepers/Loot divided into 'levels'. So basically from one shopkeeper who is level 1, they would sell really basic stuff but completely randomised

- Everything else randomised ala KotOR2

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I didnt like the randomness of KoToR II either. They should of at least had the sense to program it so you dont get the same items in a row.


What I would like to see is

- Important/Unique Items made non-random

- Shopkeepers/Loot divided into 'levels'. So basically from one shopkeeper who is level 1, they would sell really basic stuff but completely randomised

- Everything else randomised ala KotOR2

I agree entirely with this. It would work so much better that way.

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I like the system in principle, but sometimes it didn't make sense. For example, killing an animal and getting Jedi robe.

Agreed. The random loot was a bit too random...


I like the idea of the random loot but they should take into consideration the planet you are on and the race of the creature. I hope K3 doesn't have more turrets with pocket money.


They should also make sure to give the player certain objects once he reaches a certain plot advancement. Once I had to go through Peragus, Telos, Nar Shadaa and half of Dantoine before finding a robe...and I was playing a consular and couldn't really wear armor as it restricts force powers :mad: (and I hate the look of the Jal Shey stuff). Getting powerful gloves for unarmed combat by the end of the game only was also pretty useless.

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The randomization should be controlled enough so as not to give you the same unique items, but random enough to keep you guessing on basic items.


I hated getting certain items that I had been craving near the end of the game.

"Like, yeah, thanks alot. I could have used this two planets ago."

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^Or explosive rockets, too. I wouldn't think that some explosive device would work to well inside a beast's stomach for a few days.

I am rather surprised by the contrary: I wouldn't think the beast would be well after eating some explosive device...



Edit: typo

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This topic is funny :p


But there is a problem with this...if unique items aren't random, they might never be found...and if they were random, you might get too many and become too powerful. So how would unique items work? Maybe you have to be a certain level or they can put more feat requirements on unique items?

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This topic is funny :p


But there is a problem with this...if unique items aren't random, they might never be found...and if they were random, you might get too many and become too powerful. So how would unique items work? Maybe you have to be a certain level or they can put more feat requirements on unique items?

They could be placed at specific locations or, keep it random but insert something in the script to keep track of this and once you got a certain type of item in your inventory you can't get it again.


I just thought they were killer bank machines...

Don't say that. I'll be scared next time I go to an ATM.

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I agree that some items are too randomized. I think once or twice I got three Onasi blasters and three Bindo bands and two Circlet of Saresh. How wierd is that? I would think that things like that would be one of a kind. I do think that some things should be found specifically on a planet if it is relevant. It is frustrating waiting to get the item you need but I think it's neat to guess what you are going to get.

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I'd like something in between the (mostly) non-random items in K1 and too random items in K2. Have non-random placement of special/high-level/unique items in places you have to work hard to get to--if you work hard to make it to the center of a tomb, you should get something special there, otherwise there's no point in risking your life for just 5 credits, a blaster rifle and 2 concussion grenades. Put the random items in those containers that are just hanging around in rooms and various other places, and make those items less important.

I would like random crystals in the crystal cave, though. Assuming you're not using mods, getting different crystals means you might have to alter your play style slightly, which would make it different every time. If you get a crystal that is great at deflection and not as strong in attack or damage, you might resort to holding back and using force powers more, while if you get the high attack/damage crystals, you might be more inclined to jump into the middle of the fray. Of course, if you got a crystal that you really hated, you could cheat and revert to a previous save and go back in the cave til you got what you wanted.... :dev14:

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