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Favorite Planet of TSL


What was your favorite planet in TSL?  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. What was your favorite planet in TSL?

    • Peragus
    • Telos
    • Dantooine
    • Korriban
    • Nar Shaddaa
    • Onderon
    • Dxun
    • Malachor V

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I really enjoyed Nar Shaddaa. Of all the planets, it had so much interaction and story too it. Like, it has all those separate sequences with your party members, and the bounty hunters, etc. It just seemed like the devs put a lot of effort into the storyline there. So it comes out on top as my favorite.


Second is Korriban. I know everyone hated Korriban, but I thought that it was really effective for the part it played in the game. It had an intro (everyone gathered around the hologram of the planet at the beginning), and provided insight on the tombs in the valley, which I thought was great. Despite it's shortness, the academy was great fun, and the confrontation with Sion was splendid. Also, the tomb sequence was one of the high points in the game, for me. The insight to the exile's past was a great aspect (I enjoyed conversing with Malak). The planet's only fault was not being long enough: you could probably be off it in about 20 minutes if you hustled. Had it remained coupled with M4-78, I think they would have been the best planets in the game.

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I liked the feel of Malachor V, but it was lacking something (like an explanation as to why I went there).

My favourite planet for the longest time was Nar Shadda, but it got frustrating. That's where I encountered most of the bugs that I've had.

My favourite planet (at the moment:P) would be Dxun, I guess.

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I liked a lot Onderon, it´s a great place to define yourself to light or dark side, and it has the feeling of the roit and so on. Also Nar Shadda was cool, with all that bounty hunters, criminals and so on. Korriban it´s allways grat, but a bit short. Maybe the sith academy should had been bigger, and finding the jedi master death was dissapointing.


What I didn´t like nothing was Peragus, is so arbitrarial. You do the things without having a clear idea about why you are doing them.


Overall, I believe that the planets from Kotor 1 were better done, but the ones from k2 aren´t bad at all.

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Onderon is propably my favourite planet in KOTOR2, exspecially the second part. Playing a part in deciding a civil war _and_ being reunited with your former master is cool :) . Peragus, Dxun and Dantooine were also kinda nice; Peragus and Dantooine mostly because of their respective stories, Dxun for the jungle feel and the Mandalorians :p

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I didn't get frustrated with the refugee sector the first time around: I barely brushed it. That's right: you can basically skip the whole thing. Just skirt the perimeter until you meet sasquesh, kill him, and come out the way you came. I didn't know anything about the place with the actual refugees until my second playthrough.

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Peragus wasn't all too much fun to play, but the devs did a spectacular job on it. It was the best opening sequence to a game I've ever seen. I mean, the attention to detail was amazing. You can tell it was one of the first (if not the) things they did.


Example: On the Harbinger, there is a totally optional camera sequence where you see Darth Sion burst out of the bacta tank. Think about it. They had to animate and script that sequence. And it isn't even that easy to find!

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In K2, we got a glimpse of "modern" Korriban: Korriban as it "now is", so to speak. Dead. The way that OE portrayed that couldn't have been done better.


It was originally intended to be a lead in to M4-78. It wasn't really supposed to be a standalone, though it seemed to do ok. Even if it had been bigger, what more is there really to do? Vash - Sion - Cave. Those are the main points, and frankly, while it was disappointing to find Vash dead, it was a nice detraction from the oh-so-predictable "find her alive and well, prept for rescue". I mean, in a pool of her own blood, no less! Tell me that isn't original for a Star Wars setting.

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