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TSL: Jedi Master species diversity

Char Ell

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One of the differences I noticed between KotOR and TSL was the fact that it seemed like all the force users were humanoid or were at one time. At least KotOR had Master Vandar and Master Zhar to lend some species diversity to the story. Not so in TSL. I thought that was kind of strange. Although I prefer playing a human character I like knowing there are other sentient species in the KotOR universe that are force sensitive and are active members of the Jedi Order that my PC can interact with. I think it's time someone filed a complaint with the Commission for the Fair and Equitable Treatment of Galactic Species. Let the "aliens" voices be heard! ;)

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Hmmm... So everybody is OK with a human-dominated Jedi Order? That's disappointing to hear from my fellow forum members. I was making a joke about the CFETGS but personally I would prefer to see some non-human Jedi and/or Jedi Masters put in the story. I feel it makes the story more realistic since the SW galaxy isn't composed strictly of humans. The movies depict a lot of non-human Jedi. I just hope any future KotOR games will include some non-human Jedi in the story.

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I'm with you Hai Wan. At the very least it shows a lack of imagination, at worst ignorance of the Universe. Um, a hate to point this out but I think they were all white as well. The more I think about this the worse it actually seems.


Back on topic, why the hell wasn't Vandar on the Council?

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Becasue he die maybe? If Revan go dark vandar dies


Yes, but not before the war has started.


Yes there were more Asians/Indians etc. and I appreciate that but cutting out the other species sucks a bit. I was hoping for more diversity. The whole galaxey isn't populated by Twi'leks, Rodians, Aquilesh, Ithorians, Barada and Bith musicians! We got a cantina full of Gand and that was it.

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Well... you may disagree, but I'm glad with their decision as far as making them human. One, it makes it easier to understand the dialogue and get into it, and two, you don't have to come up with a long line of individual alien clicks and tongues, you just use American :). I always thought it was kind of funny (and slightly annoying) to be talking to a Rodian and hear the same dialogue sound four times in a row, yet have completely different text.

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Well... you may disagree, but I'm glad with their decision as far as making them human. One, it makes it easier to understand the dialogue and get into it, and two, you don't have to come up with a long line of individual alien clicks and tongues, you just use American :). I always thought it was kind of funny (and slightly annoying) to be talking to a Rodian and hear the same dialogue sound four times in a row, yet have completely different text.
The non-Human Jedi at the Dantooine Enclave in KotOR 1 spoke Basic. Better still, Master Zhar had a cool voice.
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Maybe because just those Jedi's survived. OK it's a bit strange. Only humans are Council members. I'd like to have alien jedi masters. I mean look at episode I-III.


There was Yoda, Plo koon, Saesee tinn, kit Fisto, Agen kolar, etc. Much more alien Council members. Maybe they change that in K3;)

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Well... you may disagree, but I'm glad with their decision as far as making them human. One, it makes it easier to understand the dialogue and get into it, and two, you don't have to come up with a long line of individual alien clicks and tongues, you just use American :). I always thought it was kind of funny (and slightly annoying) to be talking to a Rodian and hear the same dialogue sound four times in a row, yet have completely different text.


American? Its still called English, I'm afraid. The repeat dialogue was a little annoying but far more annoying was the homogenity in K2.

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Who really cares, though? You see hundreds of aliens in the game anyways, so why worry that most of the Jedi Council is human? If you remember, they had a lot of seats in the Council chambers, but only five people were present. Perhaps the Aliens weren't there? Besides, it makes sense that they are all human, if you think about it. As much as you may like aliens, it is easier for the dialogue, and it just fits the story better to have a Basic speaking human (your own species :xp: ) Jedi Master.

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Why not have the aliens speak basic? That's what happened in Kotor I, and the movies, with the exception of Episode IV.


Because it is unusual. When I met Mission Vao, she told me about how she could speak basic but it was rare because aliens liked their own language. Then, guess what- you meet 5 or more people (Zhar was one of them) that are aliens, yet speak basic! Anyways, in case you hadn't noticed, the main characters in the movies and in the games are human; It makes sense for the heroes or main characters to be humans rather than aliens.


BTW, Hallucination, Vandar didn't speak like that. Yoda would talk like that, but Vandar wouldn't. He would say something like: "My structure of sentences pisses people off." He wasn't a backwards talker.

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Rob, why does it make sense the Council to be human, just because you are. As to the Alien Jedi speaking Basic, well lets face it, they were all educated on Coruscant or Dantooine or at another Enclave and they have to be able to deal with everybody, so Basic is the most logical language for them to speak.

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^Remember that murder investigation on Dantooine? Remember how the Twilek was speaking generic alien language?

No, not as I remember. I remember some of the lines, and they were normal ("Bastila is using her Battle Meditation against us." "There is no escape for us.").

He might, but I still don't like him ;).

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