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My KotOR3 Gameplay Ideas

Darth Windu

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Doesn't change the fact that he can use lightning, I mean its not rewriting the history of the characters before episode I.

Actually yes it does change it. As I said, Jedi Power Battles is NOT canon - ie, nothing that happens in the game really happened in the SW universe. As that is the only time Plo Koon is seen or referred to using Lightning, it is irrelevant. End result is that no Jedi uses Force Lightning.


As for your second post, don't spam.

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Hm i have to find out how to quote things ..


Here is how you do it: Type "

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Yes, that's true and i didnt like it in Kotor I , i wish those crystals werent color crystals


Well hey, for one: You don't have to use them, and for two: There are always mods. :) But it doesn't matter if you didn't like it, that was just the way it is, and it makes sense too- you are never, ever going to get a perfect combination of bonuses and look. Meaning that while you make like the look of say a Jedi Knight Robe, it isn't going to be able to be upgraded as much as regular armor is.


But still, even if you didn't like those crystals, this is still different. While the MotF and HotG limited you to cyan and orange, these crystals give bonuses to every color crystal, or at least a shade of it, so you get the full range.


Doesn't change the fact that he can use lightning, I mean its not rewriting the history of the characters before episode I.


Yes it does, actually. You never see Plo Koon use lightning in any movie, so why base it on number one, a game that has no connection with the game we are talking about, and two, something that doesn't even connect with the movies? I'm not saying that we need restrictions for force powers, I just don't agree with your argument.


This is mainly to add some realism to the game. After all, for example, I am playing KotOR2 Onderon Mk.2. At the end of the Tomb group's mission, I unequipped them, and then used that same equipment on my Iziz group. Huh? It just doesn't make sense.


But then again, many things don't make sense- kind of like living through someone throwing a plasma grenade at you, so you really can't base it on realism in a game. It is good the way it is, I don't really think they need to change it. As LIAYD said, it would be very tedious to go through the whole system taking certain items with one party and then getting others for a different party. Its bad enough trying to keep track of upgraded armor and robes, and who is using what. :)

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Me too, but in the meantime this idea would be useful. Besides, all of the combat feats aside from Critical Strike are way more useful than 'attack' so it would still easily work, especially if you use something like Master Flurry which gives you an extra attack with no penalties.


Well, according to the manual and various guides, Power Attack is used for low armor enemies with lots of VP and flurry for high armor enemies with low VP.

It's a bit stretched, but each and every one of the attacks serve different purposes.

Like I said, improved AI is all we need.

And there's no "in the meantime" because it would technically assume that the AI in K3 will suck and let's just be optimistic enough to assume that it will be actually good.


Perhaps, but then you're assuming there will be a choice between Jedi and non-Jedi. What about Mandalore for example? He can't be a Jedi, so you could turn him into a non-Jedi prestige class.


These would also provide an option in terms of training NPC party members. Do you want to train a Soldier as a Jedi Guardian, or as a Peacekeeper/Mercenary?




You're a Weapons Master but not a melle specialist? As said, you'd gain the ability to learn but not gain automatically like the Guardian.


Nope. That's what mix-matching RPG classes is all about. Core RPG convention. Unmovable or it debalances everything.


It may be tedious, but the fact that I can do it at all is bizarre. It's like you teleporting these items from one place to another, which gets ever wierder when you consider you are teleporting them back in time as well, since the two missions happen simultaneously.


Bizarre or not, making the gameplay as smooth as possible is preferable. What you're proposing is too many inventories. It is extremely tedious.



It's like sabre upgrading in KotOR2. You don't have to do it to beat the game, but it helps.


Yes, but sabre and combat are what? 90% of the non-dialogue game time? What about Swoop Racing? 1%? 2%? Doesn't justify the time investment especially since it's only a mini-game.




But then a lot of the time you get into combat range without being in weapons range. In addition you could just increase combat range.


Well, you walk maybe 4 steps before getting into blaster range so...increased combat ranged might not be good either. If the areas are not too big, you'll be in combat mode all the time without resting if the range is too large.



Not as complicated as you think. For example, you want to build single-bladed lightsabres. You go to your workbench and break one down, losing it forever. In exchange you get the plans to build single-bladed lightsabres. Then, you can go to the workbench at any time and, using the same 'compnents' system from KotOR2, you build as many as you want. See, easy. :)


I'm not saying it's complicated, I'm saying it's yet more tedious work for nothing. It's an idea that raises the question:"Why would I invest time into making objects when I could simply buy them or expect them to drop when looting corpses?"

So basically, you're just breaking it down to make the exact same weapon later, when you have enough parts.

Frankly, losing it forever is also pretty weird. I mean, what did you do with it? Carefully disassemble the thing or smashed it with a hammer?

Technically, you should be able to reassemble the thing.

Anyway, I think this is a really minor thing that you want to make bigger. In an MMORPG, yes, it's excellent, people spend time gathering things to make weapons but in SP, your goal should be to move forward in the story.

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I'd like to see the radial menu from NWN in KotOR III, it makes things more organized.
Now that's a superb idea! :thumbsup: I luuurrrved the NWN radial menu... I'd like to see this option, or something similar to it's design incorporated as well..


Though, the only drawback is the players that have "grown up" along with the KotOR gameplay will be fiddling around with the controls unless they ever played any of NWN series... I'd love it, it's so much more user friendly, but unfortunately I don't think the devs would go in and re-code that part of game..


but if they did.. wow.. :emodanc:

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As for your second post, don't spam.


I wasn't spamming, for some reason my stuff wouldn't work when I tried to edit it and I reloaded my browser several times tried to edit several times so I tried a bunch of things to see I if Icould even post; it worked. But I deleted it.


And also Kyle katatarn uses lightning in JKII:Outcast.


P.S: sdfewijf;jsoadjfo;sajfo

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Though, the only drawback is the players that have "grown up" along with the KotOR gameplay will be fiddling around with the controls unless they ever played any of NWN series... I'd love it, it's so much more user friendly, but unfortunately I don't think the devs would go in and re-code that part of game..

They're going to have to do that anyway, it's going to be on a new engine(hopefully it's an Electron-derivitive, but it will definitely be a new engine). That sort of thing would be the least of their work load, especially if it's an enhanced Electron Engine and it already has the radial menu, and it probably will.

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And also Kyle katatarn uses lightning in JKII:Outcast.

Perhaps, but then Kyle isnt technically a Jedi in JK2 now is he? Besides, those events take place over 3000 years later, so it's irrelevant.


Jmac - I disagree. While the NWN interface is good, I prefer the KotOR system.


Prime - I'm playing NWN for the first time too, and I like it. I was really suprised how extensive the character creation, skills, feats etc were especially considering was made before KotOR.

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Perhaps, but then Kyle isnt technically a Jedi in JK2 now is he? Besides, those events take place over 3000 years later, so it's irrelevant.


I agree 100% percent, he technically wasn't a Jedi. In fact, if I remember, doesn't he say at a point that he isn't "a Jedi, just a guy with a lightsaber"?


And as JO isn't KotOR, and isn't ever remotely related, it really doesn't matter. While maybe he does use it, it really doesn't mean anything to this.

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I agree 100% percent, he technically wasn't a Jedi. In fact, if I remember, doesn't he say at a point that he isn't "a Jedi, just a guy with a lightsaber"?


And as JO isn't KotOR, and isn't ever remotely related, it really doesn't matter. While maybe he does use it, it really doesn't mean anything to this.

Well, the JK series builds up a bit of its own philosophy concerning the Force. In JKA Kyle literally tells you: "Remember: Powers are not inherently good or evil - it's how you use them."

This is IMHO ... not quite true to say the least. Using the Force to choke or electrify someone is most often not necessary and thus an act of evil.

Also, in my imagination the use of a Force power is related to an emotional involvement, e.g. to tap into the Dark Side to use the Force destructively you must conjure a certain hatred and will to destroy.(see e.g. the emperor's face when he uses lightning - it is stated that the Sith call upon their darker emotions to fuel their abilities)

IMO one of the main differences between jedi and Sith is that the jedi do not believe the end justifies all means (believing that the use of an evil mean while sooner or later corrupt the user) while the Sith do.

In short: I agree with the above posters that the use of Dark Side powers should not only cost additionally, but should either give the user Dark Side points after a while (which would IMO be more "realistic", but less comfortable for some I guess) or at least be restricted to a certain degree of evilness(I'm at a loss for the correct term :p ), depending on the power.

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They're going to have to do that anyway, it's going to be on a new engine(hopefully it's an Electron-derivitive, but it will definitely be a new engine). That sort of thing would be the least of their work load, especially if it's an enhanced Electron Engine and it already has the radial menu, and it probably will.
Then I'd have to say "I've got my fingers crossed" :D


If they incorporated a radial menu.. well then, ChAiNz would be one happy camper ;) hehehe...

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Alright then, Kyle is a Jedi in Jedi Academy and he uses lightning in that.


But does he use it in the cutscenes? No, he doesn't. He only uses it in-game; because he has the force power, the AI naturally will use it sometimes when fighting. If you notice, the devs never have him use it in a cutscene (like I said), or anything where the characters are following a predetermined battle.

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This thread is too long. I can't comment on everything I don't agree with! Oh well, let me just say a few things.


First off, powerful items are kinda tricky. If they weren't random you would ALWAYS get them, and always getting the same thing would get boring. If they make it so things are random, but the game is designed to only spawn one in the whole game, that would work better, this way you might end up with it or not. However, powerful items should have more restrictions. I'd also like more offensive Light Side powers. Also just improve the general quality of things. Graphics, fix glitches, make NPCs and characters react better to your actions (like others have said, when in TSL you go DS, Atton might go DS too if you have inf with him, yet he still talks like a good guy.)

More animations couldn't hurt, as I'm tired of seeing a character say he's gonna do something, have the screen go black, and then they go, "Ok I'm done!" Can we at least see what happened? I'm sure there's other things but I can't think of em now.

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If you're wondering 'I thought this thread was longer' then you are right. However, I decided to delete my original thread on the same topic because it turned into an argument on one point of the many I have put forward, which really should have been in another topic. That idea has been removed.


Well, having played both KotOR and KotOR2 many times, I thought I may as well post some ideas I have for gameplay improvements if there is a KotOR3. Anyway, here goes.




- Player should be able to chose default attack for all NPC party members and self. For example, player could choose a party member to use Flurry as their default attack, which that character would use without any external input.

You can. It's called the "Tab" button.



- Non-Jedi Prestige classes should be introduced with LS and DS variants. These would be


Soldier --> Peacekeeper (LS) / Mercenary (DS)

Scout --> Commando (LS) / Bounty Hunter (DS)

Scoundrel --> Smuggler (LS) / Slaver (DS)


These classes would give access to various feats/abilities similar to those obtained in the Jedi Prestige classes. For example, the Peacekeeper/Mercenary would get the same extra two-weapon fighting and weapons proficiency feat options as the Jedi Weapon Master. These would also provide an option in terms of training NPC party members. Do you want to train a Soldier as a Jedi Guardian, or as a Peacekeeper/Mercenary?

Bad idea. Means overly-complex start-up, and it also means you can't decide to change course midway.

- Jedi Master should be renamed Jedi Force Master, while Sith Lord should be renamed. These titles are indicative of Rank, not ‘path’. For example, irrespective of what class you are, you will still be either a Jedi Master or Sith Lord.

Perhaps....But who ever heard of a Sith Lord who was bad at using the Force?



- Allow associated Prestige classes access to class-specific feats. For example, if player chooses Jedi Sentinel --> Jedi Weapon Master, player should be able to choose Force Jump feats. These would not be automatically granted however.

Why do that, though? Surely it would make more sense to go Sentinel==>Watchman? And in any case, you get the JWM's special feats, don't you.


Force Powers

- Restrict certain ‘iconic’ force powers to either Light Side or Dark Side. In this case, Force Heal could only be used by a LS Jedi, while Force Lightning could only be used by a DS Sith. Neutral players would not be able to use either.


- Restrict the final tier of force powers, eg Master Force Speed, Master Force Valour etc to Prestige classes only. This would show a much greater difference between Masters and Knights/Padawans.

1) Pretty much in the game, or did you not notice the Force Point modifiers?

2) Why? You're Lvl 15 already by the time you can get Master Speed/Valour anyhow. What would one more level make?


Lightsabre crystals

- Give colour crystals small bonuses that reflect the Jedi/Sith that would be using them. These would be


Blue, Cyan = +1 Dexterity

Yellow, Orange = +1 Intelligence

Green, Veridian = +1 Wisdom

Red, Purple = +1 Strength

Silver, Bronze etc = +1 Charisma

Sorry, but no. They power your lightsabre...isn't that enough?



- Party Members should have to load up on weapons/items before leaving the Hawk or whatever base you are using at the time, and then have no access to any other weapon you have picked up previously once you leave your base, much like the system used in Jedi Academy. However, if you picked up items while travelling, they would all be accessible to your party members.

That would just be annoying.


- Add more weapon-carriage places for party members, such as Pistol Holsters (thighs) and a backstrap for Blades, Rifles etc.


- Allow party members to carry 'holdout blaster's' on their arms, where Energy Shields are carried, much like Mira's rocket launcher. At present, 'Holdout' blasters are useless because they are simply not powerful enough, especially considering there are many much more powerful pistols out there.

Yeah, it would be make a nice doohickey-addon, but at the end of the day, it's hardly vital...


NPC reaction to player’s clothes

- NPC’s should react to what the player is wearing, which currently does not happen. For example, an NPC will react exactly the same to you regardless of whether you are wearing Dark Jedi robes with a Red double-bladed lightsabre, or wearing Jedi robes with a Blue or Green lightsabre. This would be similar to how NPC’s react to you on Taris in KotOR if you are wearing the Sith Uniform or not.

See above. Anyway, that would take a lot of programming, extra dialogue, and more than one set of basic clothing - at the end of the day, is it worth it?


Random Item placement

- All unique items, such as Onasi Blaster, Jolee’s Robes etc should be non-random.

Play KotOR.


- Shopkeepers and items should be divided into levels. For example, a level 1 shopkeeper would stock very basic items, but they would be completely random basic items. To the same extent, a high level shopkeeper would stock only the best items, but would have randomised selections of the best items.


- All other loot etc should be random, but in keeping with where the loot is coming from. For example, Dark Jedi wielding Red lightsabre’s shouldn’t drop Jedi robes and Blue/Green sabres.

1) Erm, this pretty much is so anyway...

2) NO! I do NOT want to carry on finding droids with medpacs and sith soldiers carrying a lightsabre, a Ruusan crystal and the robes of an ancient Jedi mystic. It spoils the immersion completely.


Swoop racing

- Enable player to purchase or choose a swoop bike at the start of the game. Bikes could come in combinations of average acceleration/average top speed, poor acceleration/good top speed, good acceleration/poor top speed etc.


- Allow Swoop bike upgrades to be purchased.


- Enable swoop bike ‘tuning’ to fit them better to each track.

Would be nice, yes.



- Add Sniper rifles. These would have a very long range and high power, but ineffective at short range and a long time between shots. Effectively, they would be at one extreme, with blaster Rifles in the middle, and Repeating blasters at the other end. This would also lend different attack feats to different weapons. Power Blast would be very useful for Sniper rifles while Rapid Shot would suit Repeating blasters more by accentuating their strengths.


- Add Assault Rifles. Especially rifles similar to modern weapons such as the M-16/M-203 combination. This would allow NPC’s to launch grenades and darts from their weapons much like Mira’s rocket launcher in KotOR2 instead of having to throw them.


- Re-introduce Heavy Weapons feats for Repeating blasters and Sniper blasters.

Modern rifles are useless compared to Star Wars rifles. Why would you want them?



- Allow player to build all basic weapon types eg. Vibro-blades, blaster pistols, blaster rifles, Lightsabre’s etc.


- To be able to build basic weapons, player should have to break down one example first with no components received in order to learn how to build that type of weapon.





1) I think you can pretty much do this already.

2) No, that's an extremely annoying and silly idea, particularly if you're going to have a loot randomiser.

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You can. It's called the "Tab" button.

Not what I'm talking about. My idea here is to reduce micro-management of party members during battle.


Bad idea. Means overly-complex start-up, and it also means you can't decide to change course midway.

Huh? Did you read my idea properly? This system, for party members, would be exactly the same as the prestige class in TSL. As a certain point, you would be able to either turn them into a normal Jedi class or non-Jedi Prestige class, or in cases like Mandalore, just a non-Jedi prestige class. It would add nothing as start-up, and would give you the option to change your characters through the game, which you currently can't.


Perhaps....But who ever heard of a Sith Lord who was bad at using the Force?

Ever heard of a Jedi who was bad at the Force? Seriously, Darth Maul would be a Sith Marauder class, yet he's still a Sith Lord. It's like saying the available classes are 'Infantry, Driver, Pilot and Colonel'. Huh? It just doesn't make sense.


Why do that, though? Surely it would make more sense to go Sentinel==>Watchman? And in any case, you get the JWM's special feats, don't you.

That's relevant how? As for the Sentinal --> Weapon Master it gives you good skills and melee combat. As the weapon master is supposed to be unmatched at melee combat, you'd think they'd have the opportunity to learn Force Jump.


1) Pretty much in the game, or did you not notice the Force Point modifiers?

2) Why? You're Lvl 15 already by the time you can get Master Speed/Valour anyhow. What would one more level make?

1. No, it's not. I'm not talking about force point modifiers, I'm talking about stopping LS players using Lightning, and DS players using Heal

2. Then it doesn't matter if my idea is put in now does it?


That would just be annoying.

If by 'annoying' you mean 'realistic', I agree :)


See above. Anyway, that would take a lot of programming, extra dialogue, and more than one set of basic clothing - at the end of the day, is it worth it?



Play KotOR.

:rolleyes: isn't an argument. It really annoys me when people come up with moronic comments like that. If you don't like the idea, argue against.


1) Erm, this pretty much is so anyway...

2) NO! I do NOT want to carry on finding droids with medpacs and sith soldiers carrying a lightsabre, a Ruusan crystal and the robes of an ancient Jedi mystic. It spoils the immersion completely.

1. No, it isn't, which is the problem.

2. Huh? Please, read my ideas properly before responding. I said that I would like random loot to be relevant to the source they are coming from. This would mean lightsabres only on Jedi/Sith, only droid stuff on droids etc.


Modern rifles are useless compared to Star Wars rifles. Why would you want them?

Huh? I don't want modern rifles, I want sniper rifles. HK tells us they exist, and really do you think they wouldn't be in the SW universe?


1) I think you can pretty much do this already.

2) No, that's an extremely annoying and silly idea, particularly if you're going to have a loot randomiser.

1. Not with lightsabres you can't

2. What does the loot randomiser have to do with it?

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Please don't just flatly contradict me and call me a moron.


Originally Posted by Darth InSidious

You can. It's called the "Tab" button.



Not what I'm talking about. My idea here is to reduce micro-management of party members during battle.

Hardly necessary, unless you are chronically lazy, in which case lie in bed all day until you die of starvation - then you won't need to make effort again!



Originally Posted by Darth InSidious

Bad idea. Means overly-complex start-up, and it also means you can't decide to change course midway.



Huh? Did you read my idea properly? This system, for party members, would be exactly the same as the prestige class in TSL. As a certain point, you would be able to either turn them into a normal Jedi class or non-Jedi Prestige class, or in cases like Mandalore, just a non-Jedi prestige class. It would add nothing as start-up, and would give you the option to change your characters through the game, which you currently can't.

I did read it, but it wasn't very clear. Anyway, it's a useless doohickey-addon.



Originally Posted by Darth InSidious

Perhaps....But who ever heard of a Sith Lord who was bad at using the Force?



Ever heard of a Jedi who was bad at the Force? Seriously, Darth Maul would be a Sith Marauder class, yet he's still a Sith Lord. It's like saying the available classes are 'Infantry, Driver, Pilot and Colonel'. Huh? It just doesn't make sense.

That's got a lot more to do with the Rule of Two than with rank. Since there are only two Sith, both hold the title of Sith Lord. Or it might be that Qui-Gon simply guesses he's a Sith Lord (He's not named as such by himself or by Siddy, IIRC), since knowledge of the Sith is so scarce. It's open to speculation.


Originally Posted by Darth InSidious

Why do that, though? Surely it would make more sense to go Sentinel==>Watchman? And in any case, you get the JWM's special feats, don't you.



That's relevant how? As for the Sentinal --> Weapon Master it gives you good skills and melee combat. As the weapon master is supposed to be unmatched at melee combat, you'd think they'd have the opportunity to learn Force Jump.

Maybe so, but if the JWM is so awesome at combat he doesn't need to charge, does he?



Originally Posted by Darth InSidious

1) Pretty much in the game, or did you not notice the Force Point modifiers?

2) Why? You're Lvl 15 already by the time you can get Master Speed/Valour anyhow. What would one more level make?



1. No, it's not. I'm not talking about force point modifiers, I'm talking about stopping LS players using Lightning, and DS players using Heal

2. Then it doesn't matter if my idea is put in now does it?

1) Then that's a completely crap idea. Never heard of "Electric Justice"? It also means being grey is impossible, and makes the game less fun.



Originally Posted by Darth InSidious

That would just be annoying.



If by 'annoying' you mean 'realistic', I agree

No, I mean irritating. You can change that anyway in the inventory screen while aboard the Ebon Hawk - it's another lazy arse's doohickey-addon of no real use.



Originally Posted by Darth InSidious

See above. Anyway, that would take a lot of programming, extra dialogue, and more than one set of basic clothing - at the end of the day, is it worth it?




At the expense of a decent plot? No. If you want a game with all the doohickeys and no decent plot play JKA.



Originally Posted by Darth InSidious

Play KotOR.



isn't an argument. It really annoys me when people come up with moronic comments like that. If you don't like the idea, argue against.

It was a suggestion, not an argument. If you can't tell the difference, don't post, and certainly don't accuse others of being morons.



Originally Posted by Darth InSidious

1) Erm, this pretty much is so anyway...

2) NO! I do NOT want to carry on finding droids with medpacs and sith soldiers carrying a lightsabre, a Ruusan crystal and the robes of an ancient Jedi mystic. It spoils the immersion completely.



1. No, it isn't, which is the problem.

2. Huh? Please, read my ideas properly before responding. I said that I would like random loot to be relevant to the source they are coming from. This would mean lightsabres only on Jedi/Sith, only droid stuff on droids etc.

1) Yes it is. Can you buy heavy repeating blasters and uber-powerful upgrade crystals on Telos? Hmm....let me see...NO!

2) Don't patronise me. What you are talking about would mean individually inventorying every single placeable and character in the game - so it wouldn't be random loot anyway.



Originally Posted by Darth InSidious

Modern rifles are useless compared to Star Wars rifles. Why would you want them?



Huh? I don't want modern rifles, I want sniper rifles. HK tells us they exist, and really do you think they wouldn't be in the SW universe?

I referred to your comment on assault rifles. Darts and grenades are supposed to be separate weapons - otherwise it would be way too easy to get a frag grenade launcher...



Originally Posted by Darth InSidious

1) I think you can pretty much do this already.

2) No, that's an extremely annoying and silly idea, particularly if you're going to have a loot randomiser.



1. Not with lightsabres you can't

2. What does the loot randomiser have to do with it?

1) Then there's a mod which fixes this, and really you could do it yourself without breaking a sweat.

2) Because you mightn't get a vibroblade until your on the last planet, meaning you can't have vibroblades through the entire game.

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I did read it, but it wasn't very clear. Anyway, it's a useless doohickey-addon.


And your basis for this is... Would you say that the prestiege classes Sith Lord, Jedi Watchmen, etc. are "useless doohickey-addons"? For those people like Hanharr and Mandalore in TSL, wouldn't you like it if they could go from Soldier and Scout to, say "Mercernary" and "Bounty Hunter"? I don't see this as useless, and I don't really see how it would really take anything away from the game. On the contrary, it would add.


That's got a lot more to do with the Rule of Two than with rank. Since there are only two Sith, both hold the title of Sith Lord.


But this isn't about rank, it is about class. Sith Lord is the name of a rank, but it is the name of a class, too. Sith Lord (the rank) doesn't have anything to do with force ability, although Sith Lord (the class) does. As Darth Windu said, Darth Maul was probably one of those not good in force ability. :)


At the expense of a decent plot? No. If you want a game with all the doohickeys and no decent plot play JKA.


While I don't really see the total use of this idea, I suppose their should be some clothes that are partly important storywise, like the Sith Armor and the Sand People clothing. But it doesn't necessarily have to take away from the plot; Personally I would think that they would give OE or whoever is making it a bit more time to do this "useless doohickey-addons" thought up by "lazy arses." :xp:


It was a suggestion, not an argument


Just a little thing- why in the world did you post that "Play KotOR" when we are talking about improvements in KotOR III? No offense, of course, but it was kind of stupid comment that had nothing to do with what we were talking about.


Modern rifles are useless compared to Star Wars rifles. Why would you want them?


An Assault Rifle is just a type of weapon, it has nothing to do with slugthrower ammo. You can have futuristic Assault Rifles shooting blaster bolts.

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  • It really annoys me when people come up with moronic comments like that. (ChAiNz.. Darth Windu posted this one!) -RH
  • No offense, of course, but it was kind of stupid comment



Please refrain from "flame-type" namecalling.


The "no offense" line doesn't really do the trick in this instance... it is an offense and there are other words out there that can be used.


Flaming, namecalling, etc. are against Forum Policy... I understand, and hope you weren't trying to intentionally insult Darth InSidious, just please try to be more careful next time... I'm not involved in the discussion, but even I found the comments to be offensive.


You 2 have a really good debate going on and I'd hate to have to end it prematurely. Carry on gents, and keep it civil ;)

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And your basis for this is... Would you say that the prestiege classes Sith Lord, Jedi Watchmen, etc. are "useless doohickey-addons"? For those people like Hanharr and Mandalore in TSL, wouldn't you like it if they could go from Soldier and Scout to, say "Mercernary" and "Bounty Hunter"? I don't see this as useless, and I don't really see how it would really take anything away from the game. On the contrary, it would add.

Only if it's not done at the expense of storyline.


But this isn't about rank, it is about class. Sith Lord is the name of a rank, but it is the name of a class, too. Sith Lord (the rank) doesn't have anything to do with force ability, although Sith Lord (the class) does. As Darth Windu said, Darth Maul was probably one of those not good in force ability. :)

Um....that's pretty much what I said: Both Sith are called Sith Lord as a rank, regardless of class ;)


While I don't really see the total use of this idea, I suppose their should be some clothes that are partly important storywise, like the Sith Armor and the Sand People clothing. But it doesn't necessarily have to take away from the plot; Personally I would think that they would give OE or whoever is making it a bit more time to do this "useless doohickey-addons" thought up by "lazy arses." :xp:

Please don't misquote me. It just makes you look stupid ;)

Sure, some plot important clothing, fine. But every time you wear something different, having an NPC react? Not worth the effort, IMO.


Just a little thing- why in the world did you post that "Play KotOR" when we are talking about improvements in KotOR III? No offense, of course, but it was kind of stupid comment that had nothing to do with what we were talking about.

I was making the observation that, if Darth Windu wants to play a game where special items are not randomised, he might like to play KotOR. Furthermore, KotOR has everything to do with KotOR III – without it, III couldn’t even be a glint in the programmer’s eye.


An Assault Rifle is just a type of weapon, it has nothing to do with slugthrower ammo. You can have futuristic Assault Rifles shooting blaster bolts.

Sure, but the way Darth Windu posted, it sounded to me more to me like he wanted some slugthrowers.

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Please don't just flatly contradict me and call me a moron.

I wouldn't contradict you if you didn't post contradictory things :)


Hardly necessary, unless you are chronically lazy, in which case lie in bed all day until you die of starvation - then you won't need to make effort again!

This is about micro-management during battle, thats all. Also, I do not appreciate comments such as the 'chronically lazy' one. Do not post it again.


I did read it, but it wasn't very clear. Anyway, it's a useless doohickey-addon.

Then you should have asked for clarification before passing judgement.


That's got a lot more to do with the Rule of Two than with rank. Since there are only two Sith, both hold the title of Sith Lord. Or it might be that Qui-Gon simply guesses he's a Sith Lord (He's not named as such by himself or by Siddy, IIRC), since knowledge of the Sith is so scarce. It's open to speculation.

No, it doesn't. Darth Maul, Darth Tyrannus, Darth Vader and Darth Sidious are all Suth Lords. However, Darth Maul and Darth Vader aren't particually strong in using the Force, while Darth Sidious is extremely strong with the Force.


1) Then that's a completely crap idea. Never heard of "Electric Justice"? It also means being grey is impossible, and makes the game less fun.

Nope, never heard of 'electric justice'. It also does not make being Grey impossible. As for less fun, I think the added realism would make it more fun, so what's your point?


No, I mean irritating. You can change that anyway in the inventory screen while aboard the Ebon Hawk - it's another lazy arse's doohickey-addon of no real use.

So hang on, having to determine the inventory of each party member before you leave the Hawk as opposed to not having to would make you lazy? How on Earth did you come to that conclusion?


At the expense of a decent plot? No. If you want a game with all the doohickeys and no decent plot play JKA.

And how, exactly, would this come at the expense of a decent plot? The two have very little to do with each other. Again, cut it out with the 'go and play...' comment.


It was a suggestion, not an argument. If you can't tell the difference, don't post, and certainly don't accuse others of being morons.

I didn't accuse you of anything.


1) Yes it is. Can you buy heavy repeating blasters and uber-powerful upgrade crystals on Telos? Hmm....let me see...NO!

2) Don't patronise me. What you are talking about would mean individually inventorying every single placeable and character in the game - so it wouldn't be random loot anyway.

1. Again, not what I'm talking about. Telos is different because you must visit that plent second, but the others you can do in any order.

2. No, it wouldn't. There would be 'classes' of random loot, such as 'droid', 'jedi', 'soldier' etc, so the loot would be relevant to the victim, but you wouldn't have to code for every individual.


I referred to your comment on assault rifles. Darts and grenades are supposed to be separate weapons - otherwise it would be way too easy to get a frag grenade launcher...

Sure, but the way Darth Windu posted, it sounded to me more to me like he wanted some slugthrowers.

Then you should have specified that. How did you come to the conclusion that by 'Assault Rifle' I mean projectile weapons?


1) Then there's a mod which fixes this, and really you could do it yourself without breaking a sweat.

2) Because you mightn't get a vibroblade until your on the last planet, meaning you can't have vibroblades through the entire game.

1. Not good enough. A game should be made properly, and shouldn't require mods to be complete. I probably could do it myself, assuming of course that KotOR3 was already out, which it isn't.

2. Oh good grief. Vibro-blades are the most common weapon along with Blaster Rifles in KotOR, so that argument just went out the nearest airlock.

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DarthInSidious, you see ChAiNz post? Right above yours?


It tells Rob to not resort to flame-type name calling?


The very next post you type...

It just makes you look stupid

When a Moderator adresses something you also need to heed the warnings, I know you were replying to Rob, but you needed to ignore that part and move on.


@ Darth Windu, this is where the "moron" comment came in from you...


It really annoys me when people come up with moronic comments like that.

This is where Darth InSidious is getting this from. This won't be tolerated either Darth Windu.


Keep it civil everybody... Last chance for this thread, any more flame like remarks and :lock:

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