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Extra Dialouges?


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One of the more obvious ones is you get to choose what color your lightsaber was when Atton asks you right after you leave Peragus. Others require a bit more work to find...


Huh? I think i got the color dialogue the first time i played.. Haven't played female though.. ;)

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If you play the PC that might be a different story but on Xbox its not so simple ;)

huh? I played the game on both PC and Xbox and the lightsaber color thing is exaclty the same. No matter what or how many times you played the game, Atton will ask you about it when you leave Peragus.



For the few additional duialogue options, they appear when you have completed the game three time or, if you don't want to do that, you can cheat:

In your swkotor2.ini file, change, under [Game Options], "GameCompleted=0" for "GameCompleted=2".

Then with KSE, set the global GBL_GAME_COMPLETE to 3


The Atton "are you an angel" dialogues are for xbox only.

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I've gotten the dialog for Atton, however I have never (and probably never will) played dark side. All three of my games were lightside. All you have to do is finish the game three times and it triggers.


Atton's will trigger automatically, if you're playing as a female character, the minute you open the door. I've never heard Handmaiden's so I don't know how that one triggers. :¬:

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Actually it does not matter if you play DS or LS, just finish the game twice, one after the other. Then the third time onwards you get the easter eggs.


Yes, the "are you an angel" line is femme only!


Though from what I remember, Atton have the "Jedi Academy Serise joke" also.


Handmaiden have the poen, which I think is to males only "Anyone have that sound file?"


Also I think HK hums some funny music.

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Are you sure you didn't chose the "I don't care" or other similar dlg options?


*Goes to check*


Er... uhm... well you see.... heh... its funny you should mention that and...uhm...


Oh who am I kiddin' I went back and checked my saves and it seems thats what I did :xp:

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I've only completed the game once, but on my second runthrough, after the Jedi Masters are killed by Kreia on Dantooine and I rescue Handmaiden from Atris, I got Handmaiden's Echani poetry line . . . wasn't very impressive though.


Edit: Actually, I haven't completed the game even once, because I re-installed it. However, I still got Handmaiden's Echani poetry line, after defeating Atris, with her in my party on the Telos station.

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