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Funnyest Thing said in Kotor I&II [spoilers maybe] (56K Warning)


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Talk to jolee.

"yeah, what is it?"

"it doesnt matter"

"oh, i get it! let's mess with the old man's head, he's half senile, he wont remember anything... wait. what was this about again?"


ooooh the irony!!!

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Howdy. I'm new here.


My favorite line is on Kashyyyk with Zalbaar, in the Czerka office. There's a guy standing around that you can talk to, and when you do, zalbaar will say something. The guy'll say something like "What was that? I don't understand wookie language."

you: "He says he wants to rip your arms off and beat you with them"

Zalbaar (in loud wookie roar): "I didn't say that!"

you: "see? I can barely control him."


I burst out laughing when I first saw this.

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Yup, that's true. I haven't played right through as male Revan, but...*massive spoilers*


I'd be a bit uncomfortable with wasting half of my party, especially the rather cruel way you can kill Mission. Worst case scenario would leave you with just Canderous and T3-M4. Not my idea of a good time. And you can't even hook up with Bastila in any case if you are female. :ball:


While on the topic of Bastila, a pity one of the options in conversations isn't to knock her lights out. I'm sure many of us wanted to do this at times.




Personally I'd have punched her in the gut so hard she threw up on the Star Forge, rather than kill her.

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You can find an empathy chip that you can install on HK, here's a list of the dialogue.


HK-47 with "HK Pacifist Module" installed


"Answer: Oh, master, I could not allow myself to harm another. What if they have families? Or children?"

"We must always think of the children. The littlest ones always suffer in war."

"Musing: I think perhaps I would enjoy learning a new language. Or watching an informative holovid."

"Answer: Master, your concern is unfounded. I assure you, I am operating at peak efficiency."

"Answer: Of course I am all right. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I respect all life. All life is connected and should be nurtured."

"Exclamation: No! Master, no! What are you doing?"


HK-47 after "HK Pacifist Module" is uninstalled


"Statement: Master, please, I beg you. Never install anything again without checking it in the diagnostics bay first."

"That was a close one - I almost surrendered completely to peace and pacifism - how repugnant."

"Conclusion: Still there was a brief moment where I felt like I almost understood why some meatbags choose peace and friendship over a high-powered blaster carbine."

"Query: Now, are there any other horrors you wish to try and insert in my system, or is your electronic butchery done?"

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Where's that from Shem? I don't remember a Mandalorian on Dantooine.

That's actually Canderous in Mandalorian armor on Tatooine.


EDIT: And that one with Carth in the burial mounds and Bastila talking about being your sex slave?!

Dialogue chioces. ;)



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