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The Small Ship


What types would take along? Please pick 4.  

201 members have voted

  1. 1. What types would take along? Please pick 4.

    • The Mentor Jedi (Bastila, Kreia, maybe Jolee Bindo)
    • The Witty Rogue (Atton Rand, Mira, Mission)
    • The Soldier (Carth, Disciple, Canderous/Mandalore)
    • The Wookiee (Zaalbar, Hanharr)
    • The "Good" Droid (T3-M4, B4-D4, Bao-Dur's Remote)
    • The "Evil" Droid (HK-47, G0-T0)
    • The Hutt (Vogga) *snrx* *hahahahaha*
    • The Tech Specialist (Bao-Dur)
    • The Former Sith/Dark Jedi (Juhani, Visas Marr)
    • The Corruptor (a la Kreia or Palpatine who tries to turn you DS)

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We all know that the Ebon Hawk was a pretty big vessel,

with accommodations to support 10 NPC's plus your own character.

However, let's say that in KOTOR III, you at least start out on your

planetary journeys in a small courier vessel, with space for only 5.


You could only take 4 others with you. What types of characters

would you prefer to have along?

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I'd take a mentor, just for the cool conversations.

I'd take a Wookie too. They are so cool..especially with swords...

I'd take the evil droid too, (not GO-TO) just for cynical comment on my acts ^^

I'd also take a corruptor, i'd like to see how desperate he becomes after a while :p

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For once, I'd like to be the "mentor" in the Party, so I oped to not choose that one. Instead, I went with these options:


The Witty Rogue - I gotta have some wise-cracking smarta** in the group. Just wouldn't be StarWars without it :D


The Soldier - Big Guns watching your back? Hell yah'... range is a good thing. I'd choose Candalore over Carth, but that's just me... ;)


The "Good" Droid - has to be T3-M4 or it's going to be "spare parts" for me. T3 was not only a techy and offered hindsight.. but wow, he (it) was a tank when leveled properly :devsmoke:


The Former Sith/Dark Jedi - aka the "antagonist"... Having a dark element or rather an oppositional opinion in the group seems ideal to me. If not only for the cander of conversation.. but perhaps also someone who is there trying to 'enlighten' me as to what a different approach to a matter might bring... lot's of role-playing options this could bring to the table rather than have a "broken" Sith (or Jedi) that seems to see it your way all the time... I want someone that outright disagrees with me and isn't afraid to speak up & maybe act on it. Moreso a 'peer' rather than a Party Member :D



The one thing with the former choice. I think it would be really kewl to have the "Former" be in opposition to the PC's path. So if you were playing darkside.. you somehow acquired a goodie-goodie Jedi party member (without killing him/her.. hehehe). And of course, the opposite for LS PC's.. just get a downright evil NPC (again, without killing him/her.. :lol: ). I don't mean to curb the topic, but just explain as to how I view the "Former" slot :)


EDIT: and yes, I realize there's a "corruptor" slot.. but I'm referring to someone more of a "rolling their eyes at you, your actions and talking smack to ya" kinda way.. ;)

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Here's how I'd like it. I would be the Tech Specialist with another Witty Rogue/Tech Specialist. We'd make and repair droids. I'd have two or three droids that I'd believe are Good Droids, but little do I know that my Witty Rogue/Tech Specialist buddy is actually a Corrupter and has made one of my droids into an Evil Droid.


I guess this is a bit of personal taste since I work with witty, techy, corruptive folk and good and evil robots everyday IRL. :)

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well, i would love to have HK-47 and T3 at the very start. then, a soldier, 'witty' scoundrel, and finally someone that just outright dislikes you and/or your beliefs. ie, you were assigned on the mission with this person, and s/he is bucking you for the leader position in the group.

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As LS, I like to be the witty rouge travelling with a soldier companion and tech specialist. The story would depict how I was united with my mentor/jedi master.

...and what Starwars story is complete without droids?


As DS, a soldier and rogue to soak up blaster fire and do my dirty work.

Another dark Jedi to accompany me on more difficult operations.

It would be great to have a Hutt and all his corrupt connections at my service.

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Thinking about different ships has just given me an idea on how k3 could start out.


You start as a force sensitive with your own ship, which is very small (2 people max). You fought in the mandelorian and jedi civil wars and have done some work as a mercenary. Through this you have had a bounty put on your head and the game starts with you escaping the latest atempt by a bounty hunter to capture you. In the attempt your ship is damaged and you take refuge on a remote planet, which as luck has it there is a small jedi academy there. You decide that this would be a good place to hide out and the skill you will learn would help you evade the bounty hunters in the future.


Once trained you could use your ship to go out on missions for the jedi and then later aquire the Ebon Hawk, maybe somewhat like you did in k1. As for the main plot, i can't be bothered to get into that.


So what do you think? I know this is not quite the right place but it is ship related.


To answer your question, i would have a mentor, droid, tech specialist and former sith/dark jedi.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here's how I'd like it. I would be the Tech Specialist with another Witty Rogue/Tech Specialist. We'd make and repair droids. I'd have two or three droids that I'd believe are Good Droids, but little do I know that my Witty Rogue/Tech Specialist buddy is actually a Corrupter and has made one of my droids into an Evil Droid.


I guess this is a bit of personal taste since I work with witty, techy, corruptive folk and good and evil robots everyday IRL. :)


Having had some experience by now with your capabilities, I think I can say with some certainty that, whether they (the devs) mean for it to happen or not, you'll eventually be playing that scenerio. :cheers:

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