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ye but i want 2 explore the temple alot more and see the room of 1000 fountains or whatever its called;) but i would also like to see around the city, corsuant will be hard because its so big itll end up being like nar shaddar we only see a little bit of it like the jedi sector or something, They made the dantooine temple because they couldnt make 1 on xbox it wasnt powerful enoguh but now theres the 360 so it might be powerful enoguh or they may just decide to keep it cheap and just stick with dantooine.

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I think Coruscant would be very cool, but I'll be happy with a bunch of new planets or at least new areas if they're going to use some of the same planets.


So, what motivation, besides being a cool place to go, would you use to get your PC to Coruscant? I imagine there's a million and one ways to write the story, but I think it'd have to be a pretty important plot point to go to the heart of the Republic.

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I think Coruscant would be very cool, but I'll be happy with a bunch of new planets or at least new areas if they're going to use some of the same planets.


So, what motivation, besides being a cool place to go, would you use to get your PC to Coruscant? I imagine there's a million and one ways to write the story, but I think it'd have to be a pretty important plot point to go to the heart of the Republic.



All the foreshadowing in TSL leads me to suspect we'll be headed out, not in, during K3. Also, after our experiences on Nar Shaddaa in TSL, I'm not sure that I'd want to visit Coruscant (again).

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Coruscant could easily be included as the first planet.



Your character (a new one) has been found to have Force potential and has arrived at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for training. While there, you undergo Jedi training (getting the appropriate feats etc) and take Jedi history tests (for example, Q: 'Was Revan Male or Female?'. A: whichever you choose. 'Correct')


After you become a Padawan, you have various missions to undertake in and around Coruscant until finally, a huge enemy force appears in orbit and launches a devestating assault against the planet. With the help of some character (I'm thinking Atton, Visas etc) you barely escape the planet alive. NOTE: I'm thinking of a two-person starfighter, showing parts of a space battle overhead, but have it like you're going in and out of consciousness.


Finally you arrive at your destination (Corellia would be good) and ask your Master what happened? Who attacked Coruscant? to which they reply 'The Sith, the True Sith'.



Okay, I know it could be better, and is probably a bit too close to the start of KotOR but it does give a way in which Coruscant could be used in KotOR3.

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All the foreshadowing in TSL leads me to suspect we'll be headed out, not in, during K3. Also, after our experiences on Nar Shaddaa in TSL, I'm not sure that I'd want to visit Coruscant (again).


I think the Unknown regions is nearly a foregone conclusion.

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Assuming that K3 has anything to do with the Exile or Revan. I don't think that is a forgone conclusion.


:) That's why I hedged my bet with 'nearly'. TSL made such a big deal of mentioning it, and it would be nice to tie up their stories, so I think the probability is high that the Unknown regions will play some part. Of course it doesn't have to be. :)

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Couldn't there be a scenario where we would get a taste of both?


I don't want to start writing a plot line right now, but couldn't a basic, vanilla, plotline involve some type of semi-known starting place, then perhaps a reason to visit Coruscant (side quest), then mid-game or so, head out into the unknown?


I wouldn't be opposed to something of that nature. As long as it's well thought out and developed.


(by the way, there's nothing wrong with vanilla. I like it almost as much as Jae loves chocolate.) :grnlgh:

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Couldn't there be a scenario where we would get a taste of both?


(by the way, there's nothing wrong with vanilla. I like it almost as much as Jae loves chocolate.) :grnlgh:



Vanilla's a very distant second or third (depends how good the strawberry is that day....)


I wouldn't mind going to both places as long as there's a good reason. A good story is far better than a cool-looking planet.

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well im not so sure bout the unknow regiouns now coz think about this the TRUE SITH EMPIRE revan went to fight them maybe he won and is the leader? the sith say the strongest must rain so he comes back and take over the galaxy(K3story line) or something like that so corusnat would ether be the 1st or last planet because Revan would take over the most important planet first.

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