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I like it when words are spelled and used correctly.

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Umm...what can I say? I think RJM has made an interesting suggestion though I am not sure about the spoiler. Maybe the mods would like to try that instead of this sticky? I do see the benefits of the idea and really to improve language is to practice. What better way to that than to talk to you wierdos? :D

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Yes it was. I thought this had to do with grammar and spelling. ... I thought we were supposed to have fun, not butcher the posts like we're Eng. professors.


Oh, come on! Spamming?! That was just some good old-fashioned fun. And where better to have little spelling fun than at a spelling thread? Of course we're not english professors and quite frankly I don't want to be one. At all.

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I just don't get why Niner gets to rant about (its/it's/its') when Stinger never starts sentences with a capital letter:D


@LIAYD, Until he shares in the proper practice of starting a sentence with a capital letter he should be punished with banishment from coffee land:lol:

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Except that most of the moderators have already good spelling and it makes no difference. I hate to sound cynical, but until humans get some sort of punishment for doing something wrong, they'll keep doing it and doing it and doing it...




This reminds me of my days training n00bs in the Tachyon FFA arenas. They're like puppies--if you don't get that rolled-up newspaper out when they sh!t where they're not supposed to, they just won't learn.

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hmmm i actualy thought wierd is correctly typed "weird" but, now i know and knowing is half the battle xD. Anyways, i am sorry, if i bother you with saying "youre" or something like that, without the ', but it is only beacause adjusting the keybord to latvian that button is used to make long and soft letters (ķ, ā, ž), so i have to hit it, than remember to hit space, which i have mechanicly used to use only to make spaces between words and if i write quickly i realy have problems with that.

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Okay, this thread has made its point...

I'd tend to agree.. the point(s) have been made and I'm almost sure the topic will still reign high on the boards for awhile (bumpity bump bump)...


I'll take the heat, and un-sticky... any other mod can re-sticky if they feel it appropriate, but I honestly see no reason as why this would have sticky factor this long... unless of course we make a Trivia Game out of it .. :bluidea: ..


naaahhhh :xp:

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hmmm i actualy thought wierd is correctly typed "weird" but, now i know and knowing is half the battle xD. Anyways, i am sorry, if i bother you with saying "youre" or something like that, without the ', but it is only beacause adjusting the keybord to latvian that button is used to make long and soft letters (ķ, ā, ž), so i have to hit it, than remember to hit space, which i have mechanicly used to use only to make spaces between words and if i write quickly i realy have problems with that.



It IS W-E-I-R-D! I read through this entire thread to see if anyone had caught it!


Rogue9: This just happens to be one of the exceptions to the "I before E" rule. This thread seems to have come full circle!:headbump


I will now sign off before I misspell something! :snear:

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