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So I was thinking...

El Sitherino

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A bomb is much scarier.


Right, but it's already been thought of. George Carlin said he wants to be blown up, or thrown out of a helicoptor, as long as people will keep the dogs away. I want something I didn't hear about from soneone else done for me. And besides, for sheer creepiness, or terror, I think seeing a dude that's dead sitting around with a beer in his hand, or a smoldering pipe to his lips is right up there with a bomb. Yeah, he can't blow you up, but it's still ****ed up.


If I was to be stuffed in action pose, they'd require props. Such as a pipe in my mouth, lighter and baggie in my hand.


I shall do in death what I did in life, get high.


Right. I had also considered being posed with a beer in one hand, and one leg resting on the knee of the other, since I spend lots of time in that pose.

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I want a dancing bear at my funeral


you do realise thats highly illegal? just like all these drugs you're taking?



i like it :)

bah, im getting cremated and hopefully scattered somewhere nice :) can't think where though...

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you > u


I was thinking, what would happen if you battered and fried dried ice? Would it explode?
I think that every ninja to ever live would then go on a bad acid trip for the rest of their immortal lives and they would hunt down the inventor of ice.


That or a lot of bubbling and hot oil flying into your hands. Lots of water hitting hot oil = bad.

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Brilliant yet random, just the way I like it.


I want a bunch of tone deaf peple singing(Creed maybe?) amazing grace or something like that. be buried in an iron Maiden and have Gene Simmons slam it closed, tip it over, then spit blood all over the crowd, or the 2 people that would come.

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