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restoration project


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yeah only I and probaly a lot other persons wanna know when the f**k it's done.
:eyeraise: Sure, it would be nice to know when, if ever, we'll get to try out the finished product. Bear in mind though that the Team Gizka are unpaid volunteers. They've spent a lot of time on the project thus far but they do have their own lives they need to pay attention to as well, e.g. school and work. So they work for free and the TSLRP, if ever released, will be a free download. Sounds like you're annoyed that their unpaid efforts aren't meeting your timetable... :indif:


Maybe if you offered Team Gizka $15,000-$20,000 USD to take a month of unpaid leave from their paying jobs so they could have money to pay the bills while they devoted all of their time to finishing TSLRP. Yeah, that might do it. :smirk2:

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I agree with cutmeister...


Having worked on the USM.. it took roughly 3-4 months. In that time, we were constantly swamped with "when is it going to be done?" posts. So much, we even had to lock our thread because it was becoming such a distraction...


Team Gizka has gone beyond the USM's 3-4 month timeline, so I can only imagine what hell these guys are going through :eek:


I applaud their efforts and the fact they haven't told us to "Get Bent" by now.. hehehe :lol:

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You got me wrong with the last message I think.


I only ment it that I wanted to know when it's done cause we only have speculations I didn't ment that they should hurry up cause then at the end it's the same as the game with 2 good new things or something like that

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I only ment it that I wanted to know when it's done cause we only have speculations


I imagine the reason that there are only speculations is because they don't know when it will be done. Modding projects on such a large scale are very difficult to set any deadlines for. I myself am a member of the M4-78 restoration team, and after several months, there is still no idea when it will be finished. For large modding projects in general, people participating in them have to manage their own lives, have varying amounts of time they can spend working, and as with with all major mods, things that need tweaking, editing and revisioning pop up very often. Even if Team Gizka could figure out a date for release after all those factors, it's most likely it would change and disappoint people.

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Having worked on the USM.. it took roughly 3-4 months. In that time, we were constantly swamped with "when is it going to be done?" posts. So much, we even had to lock our thread because it was becoming such a distraction...

This is the primary reason I do not use WIP threads, because they simply suck the marrow out of you with all the "When is this going to be released?" posts.

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Don't rush Team Gizka, it was people wanting it "NOW"! that created the need for the "Restoration Project" in the first place. Just be patient, it'll come and I'd rather wait more and get 100% than getting it tommorow and having it 80% done.



I applaud their efforts and the fact they haven't told us to "Get Bent" by now.. hehehe :lol:


Here, here, very well said by both of you.

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According to wikipedia, they're in the beta testing and QA stages. Yeah, I know I know don't trust anything on wiki (we've been there...*yawn*), but at least some light might be theoretically there at the end of the tunnel. Basically, the ubermodders and devs working on kotor3 (like those super God-like folks at work on THOR...heh) are all in the "STFU we aren't telling anyone when it's getting done so sit down and stop bloody asking!" phase.

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