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Reason why K3 hasn't been confirmed/denied?


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Just had a brainwave!!!(it doesnt happen often, so thought i would share it). Maybe K3 is in development with Obsidian, but as part of the agreement with LA of them doing it was that it wouldnt be announced. So they could take as much time as they wanted over it, and LA wouldnt be able to pressurise them into releasing it 3 months early thus cutting development time. So they could release a completed product, as while i think TSL is an amazing game. It would have been even better if all the cut content was in, would of liked to have seen vash stick up for you at the council meeting - which from the VO's from M4-78 i get the impression she would have. Anyways I think this could be a reason for no news as releasing an unfinished game does look bad for a development team, whatever the reasons. So by having an agreement like this the can produce a very good game, outside of LA's concerns of a good time to release a game.


I did read the before posted thread; RH et al, but didnt think you would mind me posting this as dont recall reading anything along these lines before. Sorry if it is/you consider it to be covering old ground.


I would have to say, if this isnt the case then i dont think K3 will be made, as if you leave it too long you will loose the fanbase who bought the first 2 games.


Anyways, what do you lot think?

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Just had a brainwave!!!(it doesnt happen often, so thought i would share it). Maybe K3 is in development with Obsidian, but as part of the agreement with LA of them doing it was that it wouldnt be announced. So they could take as much time as they wanted over it, and LA wouldnt be able to pressurise them into releasing it 3 months early thus cutting development time. So they could release a completed product, as while i think TSL is an amazing game. It would have been even better if all the cut content was in, would of liked to have seen vash stick up for you at the council meeting - which from the VO's from M4-78 i get the impression she would have. Anyways I think this could be a reason for no news as releasing an unfinished game does look bad for a development team, whatever the reasons. So by having an agreement like this the can produce a very good game, outside of LA's concerns of a good time to release a game.


I did read the before posted thread; RH et al, but didnt think you would mind me posting this as dont recall reading anything along these lines before. Sorry if it is/you consider it to be covering old ground.


I would have to say, if this isnt the case then i dont think K3 will be made, as if you leave it too long you will loose the fanbase who bought the first 2 games.


Anyways, what do you lot think?

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I emailed Feargus Urquhart the other day. This is what I said...




I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to ask this question so I apologize if it's not, however; regarding this piece of dialogue (cut-content)...


Mandalore: "You sound like Revan, at the end. Do you know what she told me, as I lay dying on the outer rim? That the Mandalorian Wars were our doom. That we had been deceived, that it had never been our decision to wage war on the Republic. Revan said the Mandalorians didn't invade the Republic's space because it was our choice. We were tricked; our entire people sacrificed as pawns, and never knew it! She said there was a war coming, that it was waiting in the unknown regions, in the dark, waiting for us to destroy each other."


Visas: "A war? This war?"


Mandalore: "No, not this one. Another one, more terrible, against an evil we couldn't begin to comprehend. A war of belief that had been fought for thousands of years. Revan went off to fight it..."


Visas: "... and left you here."


Mandalore: "Revan was one of the greatest military leaders in the galaxy. In history. She had no use for a people who had already been beaten once. She said the time of the Mandalorians was over. The Mandalorian wars had killed us. And she laughed."


Visas: "And that is what burns in your heart, and that is why clan Ordo was reborn; to prove Revan wrong."


Mandalore, "No, not Revan."


If you folks at Obsidian were given the go-ahead to make KotOR III (which I hope you do, because KotOR II absolutely ruled and was way better than KotOR IMO), would you elaborate on this piece of dialogue or not? In other words, would KotOR III be a 'trilogy wrapper upper' game or would it pick up in an entirely new timeline if you folks were making the game? What would you do if you folks were making the game? I'm no professional, but my piece of friendly advice (from a marketing perspective) would be to wrap up the cliffhanger ending of KotOR II in KotOR III if you folks get to make the game (if it ever gets made that is). Thank you for your attention...




The Architect


Feargus replied to me saying...




I'll forward this to Chris Avellone who is one of the other owners of Obsidian and was also the Lead Designer on KotOR II. As for whether KotOR III is going to get done and will it be done by us - I don't really have any good or bad information. I can tell you we are not working on it as of right now and we are not in talks with LucasArts to do it. LucasArts may have another developer working on it, but equally possible, they may not. To get more information, you might want to contact them. Oh, and we would jump at the chance to do it and believe it would be an amazing product to work on.


Lastly, thanks for your thoughts on KotOR II - those are always appreciated.




Feargus Urquhart


Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.


To put it simply, Obsidian are not working on KotOR III at the moment...

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Feargus replied to me saying...




I'll forward this to Chris Avellone who is one of the other owners of Obsidian and was also the Lead Designer on KotOR II. As for whether KotOR III is going to get done and will it be done by us - I don't really have any good or bad information. I can tell you we are not working on it as of right now and we are not in talks with LucasArts to do it. LucasArts may have another developer working on it, but equally possible, they may not. To get more information, you might want to contact them. Oh, and we would jump at the chance to do it and believe it would be an amazing product to work on.


Lastly, thanks for your thoughts on KotOR II - those are always appreciated.




Feargus Urquhart


Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.


To put it simply, Obsidian are not working on KotOR III at the moment...

Would you mind providing the date that Mr. Urquhart replied to you, for the historical record? ;)
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as while i think TSL is an amazing game. It would have been even better if all the cut content was in, would of liked


finally I found someone who really understands Kotor. K2 is amazing. It has one of the greatest storys I ever heard... just a bad cut....


so anyway, if its true what Urquart says, we really should contact LA (but I don't think it will help, cause LA propably won't answer)

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Maybe LA is making K3 themselves? Who knows, they have their own new physics engine and all. Though I'm sad to hear they're not working on K3, I was really hoping they're were keeping it still. (Or maybe they do, having strict orders of LA not to tell anyone they are working on it).


Anyway, even if another company would work on K3, they MUST hire Chris Avellone. He's brilliant.

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What makes you say that? He may have fired the Team who was working on K3, but that doesn't exclude the fact that he still has plans for it. LA is doing great at the moment, with both Empire at War + Force of Corruption and Lego Star Wars 2 getting good reviews and most importantly, selling good.

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From what i understand, Lucasarts have been given specific instructions to concentrate on Non-Star wars games, although that order was given by GL at the beginning of this year which is why there have been alot of Non-Star Wars titles announced and in production. Next year, sometime in February i believe LA will start announcing new games in the works and all will be revealed after February.

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I would say at this point that if K3 is going to be made, that is the most likely scenario.


Which is bad considering that they haven't developed a RPG yet, or have they?


Now that I've read that answer of one of Obsidian's ceos, I doubt more than ever that Kotor III will be released in the next 4 years.

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What makes you say that? He may have fired the Team who was working on K3, but that doesn't exclude the fact that he still has plans for it. LA is doing great at the moment, with both Empire at War + Force of Corruption and Lego Star Wars 2 getting good reviews and most importantly, selling good.


My sudden dislike for the man may not be based on fact or logic, but hey, it's nice to have someone against whom I can direct all my misplaced frustration regarding the mystery and silence surrounding KotOR III (not coming out?/ maybe coming out?/ maybe it's in development already?/ what the hell is going on?).

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Well, i have to say, that personally if making it doesnt begin in the next 2 years then i dont think it will be made at all, which would be a real shame! Out of interest does anyone know how much of a profit lucas arts made from KOTOR & TSL?? As if it was at least a healthy profit then i would of thought they would make a 3rd one, but if they only broke even on development costs etc, then i would of thought it wont be made again.

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Maybe they'll use the profit of other games (Lego SW2, EAW). Maybe they are busy making a new engine for the game, and busy improving their physics engine. I think that can take a while.


And yes, no K3 would be a real shame. I have never played better games in my life, never have I've been so happy when I bought the games. No other game have I played so much and still not be tired of it.


What I find even more annoying is that they keep us waiting and hoping. If they won't make a K3, then just say it. Otherwise, we can sit here discussing K3 for a few more years.

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I'm of the belief that since both the Star Wars fanbase and the hardcore role-playing gamer community are so critical when it comes to the games they play, LA won't make any announcement regarding a KotOR III until they have a competent development team in place who in turn have conceived a sufficient elements of the game (i.e story and gameplay) necessary to appease the fans. Of course they could also not have any plans to make it, which would PMO to no end...Or I could just transfer that energy to my excitement over Mass Effect. Whichever makes me the happiest.

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I think that work on K3 may already have started because I remember I read that at E3 LucasArts talked a lot about the expansion to Star Wars EAW and the new Indiana Jones, but what realy maters is that they said something about a Star Wars 2007 wich would be anounsed in 2007 ( but they didin't say anything else about it). Could this be K3? I don't know but I sure hope so. Oh I almost forgot Architect can you tell me what is the e-mail of Obsidian?

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I think that work on K3 may already have started because I remember I read that at E3 LucasArts talked a lot about the expansion to Star Wars EAW and the new Indiana Jones, but what realy maters is that they said something about a Star Wars 2007 wich would be anounsed in 2007 ( but they didin't say anything else about it). Could this be K3? I don't know but I sure hope so. Oh I almost forgot Architect can you tell me what is the e-mail of Obsidian?


I was under the impression this was the vader game... although i would prefer it to be kotor, the vader game should be quality, has everyone seen the next gen video on youtube? for those that havent seen it; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZEPnu_l5b0 it looks awesome.

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My god that video was amazing! I wonder what game that was? It's clear that this isn't Kotor III perhaps it's a new Jedi Knight game which is also cool. Any way I just hope that this game or K3 ( if it's ever done) don't end up being just for consoles because I have only a PC and I don't intend to by a PS3.

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I was under the impression this was the vader game... although i would prefer it to be kotor, the vader game should be quality, has everyone seen the next gen video on youtube? for those that havent seen it; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZEPnu_l5b0 it looks awesome.
Dammit, LA just ruined the K3 story line by putting Imperial Storm Troopers and TIE fighters in it. Unless...

It looks like it's going to be set in the New Republic or maybe the Galactic Alliance eras - the storm troopers could of been part of the Imperial Remnant. Probably the next Jedi Knight game.

By the looks of that video, Im going to need a new graphics card.

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When I saw the video I thought that this was gonna be a new Jedi Knight game but what worries me is about the platforms. It could be only for consoles ( like the about Episode III) I mean some produsers have a bad habit of forgeting about the good old PC ( which is the BEST gamming platform in my opinion).

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I'll let everyone in on LA's secret regarding KOTOR III, I've held in the information for far too long, and it's time that everyone know about this before it gets out of hand.























The reason they have not announced KOTOR III or denied it is because LA secretly likes to come onto the website and laugh at everyone who starts these threads on a daily basis, they enjoy the squirming of fans. That is all there is to it, we'll hear about it when it happens, look for 2007 to be the target release date (late 2007, and this is just my opinion, I have no info on Lucas Arts.)

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