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Death Moves in Kotor 3.


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The real problem with dismemberment or any other sort of "critical hit" system is that it has to be applied broadly to all combatants, including the main pc and his/her companions.


Over time, this will mean that the main characters will lose arms and legs, since they fight all the time and the chance is always there.


The only way to avoid that would be to reload constantly, which is boring. I suppose that's one reason why they haven't done it already.


Not if those dismemberments only occur on the death blow. Just like in JK, when you hit someone and it is lethal, he can loose his head, arms, legs, or whatever.


Other than that, stick to the health points system 99% of all games use. It's there for a reason.

I wouldn't want a feature like that in Kotor III: "OUCH, that guy wounded my leg with that vibro sword! I can move only at 30% of normal speed now, and I will drop to the floor every 24 seconds! I better hurry and cure my wounds, unless i want to die from blood loss in 4 minutes..."

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Hey, maybe we could use implants to replace useless limbs and organs.


"Oh, that vibroblade guy seems to have taken my hand. Oh well, no problem, I think I will pay a visit to Grievous and see if he can help me with the dirt work!"


No, but seriously now, the implants would be a good escape from these 'rare' situations

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Perhaps the death moves could be rarities that are only seen sometimes. It wasn't everyday that someone's arm was cut off by me in JA.


It was for me. :D


And yeah, i agree with Jediphile, if it would be applied for the enemies, it had to be applied to you too. But i also agree that maybe it should be only like instead of a simple attack final blow, the player would do a dismemberment. For regular enemies, i don't know, superficial yet lethal cut? As for final bosses, they could do with a stab since in both KotOR's, Malak and Traya still have something to say.

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To badly paraphrase Clinton: "It's the story, stupid!"


Indeed. Let's concentrate on the storyline...at least it brings something to the game. This is a RPG after all. I don't feel the need to see heads and legs flying around like soccer balls in my game.


I'll be very happy to not see dismemberment/decapitation, too. I've seen plenty enough gross stuff. That and it'd remind me of that scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail where they've chopped every limb off the bad guy and he still keeps fighting. :D

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I don't think decapitations and dismemberment is necessary, but if they use the physics engine in the game it would be cool, so that when you do kill an enemy they fall to the ground in a heap or when you use force push they go flying thru the air with arms and legs flailing.With that said though, The most important part of Kotor III will be the story line and to make sure it is complete and not rushed.

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BLOOD! Mayhem & gore. Well ok--gotta keep it appropriate for the general audiences if it's going to make more $$$$$$$$$$$. An on/off mode like past games? Like in JK2: Jedi Outcast. It wasn't too bad, you got to hack limbs off the body--except decapitation.


OF course if it is going to be an online game, I suppoe it'd matter best as the server's settings?


Aw what am I saying? How about it's just one way or another?



I'd go with th realism


No, just keep as is. EvIn would be right--too much hassle. Excessive. Kinda like my "Lefty" thing. But we all have our wishes.


Well--should there be a poll on yay or nay?

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  • 2 months later...

Hey Guys, ok only my second post on the forum but hows this for an idea on this front?


A) optional gore/killing blows in options screen.

(of course gore would not be occuring when the guys is sliced by a saber as the wound is cauterized instantly, only for bladed weapons)


B)killing blows only available on the last person of the party you are currently dispatching.

(has anyone played Max Payne? with whole slow frame rate when the last guy of the group your attacking dies?)


AND that they vary depending on your alignment

(i.e darksiders would be brutal as HELL! lightsiders would be clean and efficient)


C) killing blows are governed in a kinda similar way that critical hits work?(im NOT saying replace critical hits) i.e outta the 20 different battles you get say 10 nifty killing blow cutscene type things showing the guy getting a sabre through the gut/beheaded etc. (regular recurrence is debatable/could be depending on certain rolls?? i.e if the final roll that takes away the enemy final HP is above say 14 you get one?)

and also some really REALLY cool ones for bosses!!!



i am against the loss of an arm etc, unless as part of the final cutscene move (darkSider!!!), as this really wont work with the D20 rules surely?!? imean the guys really cant have an arm chopped of run away and they attack you again later can he? (unless storyline) there would be attack/Defense/Dexterity issues there surely?


whaddya think guys?

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Unfortunately, if you use the lightsabre-slices-off-arm, then you have to use the laser- blast-to-brain-pan-kills model as well. It'd be nice to dispatch peons this way, with stronger opponents having better armor and helmets, but then you'd get the guy where you say, "wtf! I blew out everybody else's eye sockets or beheaded, decapitated, or disembowed every other aggressor and this One Tough Guy wearing friggin' robes and no helmet is barely taking any damage!"


Maybe as finishing moves, but that'd slow down gameplay and take up more time (to make game and to play) and code to make.


Ah, the conundrum of the hitpoints system.

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true it would take longer to program in, but hey its not as if this is going to be used is it?


i just though it would be cool to see?


and with programming and timescales aside..

(assume for a moment Kotor was 'magic' and this didnt take any longer to do)..

i dare you to tell me it wouldnt be cool to see your dude slice through some sith in an armn cutting twisting gut thrust move as a small cut scene-esq finish to a hard fought battle!!

(unless of course you dont like that kinda thing)

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