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Grammar Wars


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It is my opinion that grammar and form must agree to create a sentence that is correct.


A sentence should have grace.


Hallucination *should* have said 'to announce the extent to which I am awesome'. A little more long-winded, perhaps, but it scans with greater ease.


In general, one can lift syntax from Latin, with a few obvious exceptions.

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I think "announce my awesome" more grammatically sound than using 'later' in conjunction with 'former'. Besides, I don't think Hallucination was going for grammatical correctness as opposed to just defining the magnitude of how awesome he is. "My awesome" just sounds so much better than "my awesomeness".


So don't go around and be all "yay, Hallucination slipped up", because I think he did that intentionally. Meaning you all got pwned.

Don't make light of this issue Niner, it must be addressed for the good of all innarnet posters everywhere.

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I think "announce my awesome" more grammatically sound than using 'later' in conjunction with 'former'. Besides, I don't think Hallucination was going for grammatical correctness as opposed to just defining the magnitude of how awesome he is. "My awesome" just sounds so much better than "my awesomeness".


So don't go around and be all "yay, Hallucination slipped up", because I think he did that intentionally. Meaning you all got pwned.


How can you get pwned by something that is a mistake/incorrect?

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How can you get pwned by something that is a mistake/incorrect?


It's not a mistake if it's intentionally by someone who is fully aware that it is wrong. It's still incorrect, but it's not a mistake. Remember that a cook burns the top of creme brulee because he's supposed to burn it.



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Whoops, forgot about that. But still, how can you get pwned by something that is incorrect?


Technically, "awesomeness" is not a real word. Look it up. Try using define: on google, try looking it up on wikipedia, or in a dictionary. It is not a real word. In fact, here is a link.

But you could say, "Announce how awesome I am." But Hall is also wrong because "Announce my awesome." An adjective is never used at the end of a sentence unless it's describing something as in "The bear is brown." But since it's not, it's wrong.

Pwned by a 14 year old. :p


Quoting myself. Read the bolded part.

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Actually, it was more of a recursive pwn. Since you were so set on proving that he made a mistake, you inadvertently set yourself up for a pwning when you did your whole little dissertation on adjectives and whatnot. It was made moot by Hallucination showing up and saying that he did indeed formulate the sentence that way on purpose. Thus, you look rather silly trying to correct him when he clearly needed no correcting to begin with.


Are we done yet?

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There's only one way to settle this... MORTAL KOMBAT! *Play funky Mortal Kombat theme*


It is incorrect. You cannot say Announce my awesome. It makes no sense. Nada, zip, zilch, zero, nothing. No sense. I have never heard anyone use that line, and probably never will. Say it to yourself a couple times. It makes no sense. Announce my awesomeness makes sense now that I know it is a real word. Announce my awesome does not. How many times do I have to say that.

Put simply, one word: INCORRECT.


Edit: Rogue Nine, you even said yourself a few posts back that it is incorrect. I'm siding with Dark Lady in this argument.

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I know it was incorrect usage. Hallucination knows it was incorrect usage. The incorrectness was intentional. He meant to put it that way. He even incorrectly used it again to reinforce his point. Please understand this.


And really Dark_Lady, why should he? Deliberate mistakes generate so much fun, don't you see?

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Mod note: Thread split out from this thread since it's developing into a topic of its own rather than "Getting to know each other". :) ~M


@Darth_Reader/KotO[REvan: Hi, I'm Hallucination. Once you hear what I have to say, you'll understand. :smash: [/herbie]


@Devon: I demand that you announce my awesome to all newbies, and include the fact that I have just attached a phonetics lab to my grammar cave. :)


P.S. 'Latter' has two more than one 't'. ;)


How can "latter" possibly have two more t's than one t? Wouldn't that be three t's making it "lattter"?


@Rogue9 - Okay, I understand. But isn't it funny how he's saying how good he is at grammar while he incorrectly used a word?

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I get sucked into NWN 2 for a two days (literally several hours short on the days part), and look what happens... :xp:


Hmm, I'll concede the difference between 'later' and 'latter' with our language as a whole, but that's never been used anywhere I live. As English can vary from place to place, to expect someone to know a dialect of it they have never encountered is like expecting them to know a language they've never heard. Therefore, this technicality has allowed me to escape 'grammar pwnage'. :xp:


You guys should be writing fanfics if you're willing to have esoteric discussions on the difference between later/latter. Yes, that is a shameless plug for the CEC forum.... :D


I've toyed with the idea, but now that I have NWN 2... :D

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So don't go around and be all "yay, Hallucination slipped up", because I think he did that intentionally.

It's not a mistake if it's intentionally by someone who is fully aware that it is wrong. It's still incorrect, but it's not a mistake. Remember that a cook burns the top of creme brulee because he's supposed to burn it.

I know it was incorrect usage. Hallucination knows it was incorrect usage. The incorrectness was intentional. He meant to put it that way. He even incorrectly used it again to reinforce his point. Please understand this.

Well, he did it on purpose, so it's not like this was a case where he mistakenly thinks his usage correct. That would have been funnier.

With all due respect to Hall's grammar knowledge, if he starts to make mistakes, you can't say ''He did it intentionally!'' for every single one he made. He has no reason to make intentional mistakes. Also, the quotes above are sorted chronologically and show that Hall went along with ''intentional mistake'' only after Rogue Nine first tried to justify him. I think that by itself proves the mistake unintentional. Meaning that Hall will have to find another way to get out of this one and reclaim the position of Chief of the Grammar Police.

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It's nice for a thread to highlight all the Grammar-Nazi's for me. :smash: At the end of the day though, we are all from different countries from different places all over the world so should grammar really be that deciding factor in whether you like a person, as it seems to be here. :)

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How can "latter" possibly have two more t's than one t? Wouldn't that be three t's making it "lattter"?

I never said I was good at math.:p


With all due respect to Hall's grammar knowledge, if he starts to make mistakes, you can't say ''He did it intentionally!'' for every single one he made.

I could if it actually was intentional, like my usage of the word awesome as a noun.


Also, the quotes above are sorted chronologically and show that Hall went along with ''intentional mistake'' only after Rogue Nine first tried to justify him.

I assumed that everyone would notice something that obvious, and when only a few people did Rogue Nine replied before I did. Is it illegal to leave my computer for a few minutes to help my mother in the kitchen?

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With all due respect to Hall's grammar knowledge, if he starts to make mistakes, you can't say ''He did it intentionally!'' for every single one he made. He has no reason to make intentional mistakes. Also, the quotes above are sorted chronologically and show that Hall went along with ''intentional mistake'' only after Rogue Nine first tried to justify him. I think that by itself proves the mistake unintentional. Meaning that Hall will have to find another way to get out of this one and reclaim the position of Chief of the Grammar Police.

That's some of the faultiest logic I've ever heard.

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Maybe I should rephrase that last sentence - it doesn't sound very convincing when a third party claims that someone has done something intentionally, to make a joke, and then the person whose mistake is being discussed sees it and simply goes along with what the third party said. In my experience, when that happens, it's usually because someone doesn't want to admit that they made a mistake.

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