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Hot Fuzz!


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Since "Hot Fuzz" is rated R, my parents probably would whine at me if I went. They didn't know that "Shaun of the Dead" was rated R though. :) Btw, is there anything worse than was in that?


It's rated 14A here in Canada. Meaning, I was able to go without... parents. :D


Though, after seeing it, I'm kind of surprised it wasn't rated 18A, with all the content that was in it. In comparison to Shaun of the Dead, I would say they were close to being about same, I would say. Otherwise, I think IG summed it up. :)

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Just saw it earlier tonight. It has got to be the most hilariously absurd movie I have ever seen. The last 30 minutes alone is just plain awesome. There some nice cameos too. Anyone who liked Shaun of the Dead will like Hot Fuzz.



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Very funny movie, I was kind of surprised by the major genre changes it underwent during the film, but I really liked it because of them as well. The same genre defying style as Shaun of the Dead, I can't wait to see more these two have to offer.

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It's funny, but it could have used some editing and faster pacing.


Are you joking or something? I understand pacing is a personal preference, I my self am fed up with all the new style break neck paced movies, I like fast paced as well as slow paced, but the last few years, hardly any popular movies have a building atmosphere.


Anyway, about the editing, at first I assumed you were being funny but maybe not. I thought this movie had a huge amount of cuts in it. It had that Snatch fast cutting British style I really like, and it was used in the proper places, but it even seemed a bit overkill to me at times. Places where there would be 30-40 in the span of a just a minute or so.

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I don't mean cuts. I mean this movie could have been 20 minutes shorter.


The atmosphere imo wasn't building. It built and then stagnated for a good bit, then picked up again. I understand the idea of exposition and murder and no one believes him ya ya we get it. Move along.


Granted the humor kept the stagnation alive but just barely. I might have been just too tired for the movie but I gradually got sleepier as we hit the middle portion of the movie. Dialogue was funny, but not enough to keep me going. Once we hit the second jump to hyperspace though, I was awake and remained so throughout the second half.


I dunno, I just felt that Shaun of the Dead had superior pacing. Even so, we're comparing grand movies.


Also I felt it lacked action for a buddy cop movie homage. I kinda felt like it was joke joke joke joke joke action bit end. Not that I'm testosterone minded or anything, but eh...


I still give it an 8. 9 if it had what I thought it should have had.

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Ah I see, you wanted edits for better pacing, I just mistook your point. I think the dragging areas are probably a result of the genre switches. It was all over the place, which i loved, from buddy cop, to slasher, to even an almost 'wicker man'-ish horror/thriller status.

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Very funny movie.


I went into it not expecting much ( I tend to hate most modern comedies :/ ) but man, that was incredible.


Definitely plan on watching Shaun of the Dead next chance I get, and I'm going to be on the lookout for Spaced as well.

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