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Indiana image released

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

New Indiana Jones image released


The first picture from the set of Indiana Jones has been released, as filming on the fourth adventure begins.

Shot by director Steven Spielberg, the photo shows star Harrison Ford wearing his character's trademark fedora hat for the first time in 18 years.


The original Indiana Jones trilogy, a tribute to Saturday morning B-movies, made more than $1.1bn (£560m) at the box office in the 1980s.


The fourth film, co-starring John Hurt, is due for release on 22 May 2008.


Other names lined up for the action blockbuster include Cate Blanchett, Ray Winstone, Jim Broadbent and Shia LaBeouf, who is rumoured to be playing Indiana's son.


Little else is known about the film - not even its title - but it will be set in the 1950s.


'Back in business'


The franchise began in 1981 with Raiders of the Lost Ark, in which archaeologist Jones raced around the world to find the Ark of the Covenant before it fell into the hands of the Nazis.


Rumours of a fourth chapter in the saga circulated for several years, before the film was finally announced in December 2006.


"I'm delighted to be back in business with my old friends," said Harrison Ford earlier this year. "I don't know if the pants still fit, but I know the hat will."


Producers LucasFilm recently announced that Sir Sean Connery - who played Indiana Jones' bookish father in the franchise's third instalment - would not reprise his role in the new film.


Filming is expected to continue for the rest of the summer before moving to the post-production phase.




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Harrison Ford still looks like Indiana Jones to me. :D I noticed the "blood" on his knee too so at least we know that Indy's still a scrapper, in spite of his geriatric age, heh-heh-heh. :lol:


This should be a fun movie to watch next year.

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Argghh... waiting is torture.


And who is the mysterious man in the background? You see him? The one with the legs.


Perhaps cast and crew refer to him as "Legs"


Or not.


Harrison's looking pretty good for his age IMO, I'm pretty stoked about this movie, plus the game looks pretty rockin' too, some of the screenshots depict a fight on top of a tram in San Francisco, although the game itself isn't based off the new movie.

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