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WHAT?!?! EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!!! (legacy spoiler)


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He was in Stasis...


After the Clone Wars he retired to Tatooine. Just read his profile.

The next issue is about Obi-Wan, so I imagine it will explain why he became this DS mofo.


I wasn't surprised really...come on, we had Palpatine reborn. :xp:

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bit of an anticlimax

Agreed, I dont feel he is a strong enough character to be given this.


I thought it may have been Ben, but hey, he may have been involved in some main character standard storylines in his time back on Tatooine?

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bit of an anticlimax if you ask me...I was hoping it was a Yuuzhan Vong....whatever happenned to Nom Anor... his death wasnt really that certain
The whole plot line around Krayt's armour pretty much made that an impossibility, plus his identity, according to the authors, was never ment as a huge surprise, since they used lots of fairly obvious clues (name, tats, etc.) from the beginning. They have also claimed from the beginning that it isn't who he is that is important, but why he is. I guess we'll find out at the end of this arch.


As for the Vong, I would think you would like Legacy, Astro. It is pretty much the only EU right now that uses them as anything more than a passing mention. LOTF series has gone out of its way to "undo" just about everything from the NJO, from Force concepts, impact of the Vong invasion ("Oh, Remember when we said planet X was defoliated and destroyed? Oh look! This half of the planet is perfectly fine!"). I actually like how the Vong have been portrayed in Legacy, and they are being used in interesting ways.


ah well.... thats why theyre called "comics"..... funny stuff :D
In any event, Krayt has pretty much rendered whatever Jacen does in LOTF irrelevant. :D


I thought it may have been Ben, but hey, he may have been involved in some main character standard storylines in his time back on Tatooine?
But with the whole Skywalker legacy being a central part of the story, it dilutes that a bit if Krayt was also a Skywalker.


Plus, Luke has enough failures on his head with his students in the NJO (Jacen, Alema, Raynar, etc.) He doesn't need another!

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I thought at first he was Jancen then when I knew he was named Darth Caidous I then thought Krayt was a apprentice of the new academy but don’t know really which one. I need to admit that at the beginning I founded strange that the sith lord was named Darth Krayt with the name of the dragon in Tatooine I then thought that this sith lord was coming from Tatooine.

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