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Crysis Demo up for grabs!

Negative Sun

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The demo pretty much ran fine on "High" settings, and it looked amazing. Even when I started driving around in the hummer blowing stuff up, it was still mostly smooth.


I don't think I'll run out and get the game the second it comes out. Perhaps once it gets a price drop I'll get it.

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sweet demo. seriously, there isn't this much content in some games, so that was a nice touch. performance wise, i was able to run the game at a steady 25-50FPS (measured with Fraps) with most settings at High, and several settings at very high. granted, that was when i was running the game in 64-bit mode. running the game in 32-bit mode, there was a slight performance drop and hitching was quite a bit more noticeable especially during heavy action sequences.


for action fans, this game is hard to pass over. i've had this game preordered for a while, and this just proves that i didn't make a bad decision there. hardware-wise, i'm more than ready. :D


system specs:

Athlon X2 4600 (overclocked to 2.6GHz)

2GB DDR2-800 RAM

Radeon HD2900 Pro 1GB GDDR4

2x 10,000RPM Hard drives in RAID 0 (SATA II)

X-Fi Xtreme Gamer

Windows Vista Ultimate x64

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Hmmm...very, very good game. :D


The only thing is...my computer isn't running it very well. It recommended all settings for Medium, so I did. It played allright, but in some hectic moments, I could see a drop of framerate.


CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+, MMX, 3DNow (2 CPUs), ~2.6GHz

Memory: 2048MB RAM

Hard Drive: 250 GB Total

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT


Looking at stingerhs' stats I just wonder: there's two things different with our systems. You use an Ati Radeon video card, and Windows Vista Ultimate x64 (No idea what that is).


Is it just that my videocard is this bad compared to yours then? It's running on Medium with trouble over here, while you are doing the same on high settings?

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the Radeon 2900 series is leaps and bounds better than the GeForce 8600 series. about the only equivalent is the GeForce 8800 GTS 640MB card which is also much better than the 8600 series. the main reason is what the cards are designed for: the 8600 series is much better suited for multimedia, particularly hi-def (1080p). the 8800 series and the Radeon 2900's are better suited for gaming, and it shows by just comparing our two systems.


to be honest, the older GeForce 7900's and the Radeon X1950 series of cards would be better suited for Crysis than your 8600. to be fair, its not really your fault. ATI and Nvidia would like everybody to believe that the 2600 series and the 8600 series are better than the top of the line cards from the last generation. in truth, they're only better at the multimedia stuff and nothing else.


as for the OS, the x64 denomination just means that i have a 64-bit OS. basically, it just means that Crysis is able to more efficiently allocate memory which helps improve the framerate (although apparently not by much), and it helps to prevent hitching as things are loaded in and out of memory. the second part is the real advantage, and you would see the same benefits there on XP 64-bit as you would on Vista 64-bit. you just wouldn't get the DX10 goodies. ;)

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sweet demo. seriously, there isn't this much content in some games, so that was a nice touch. performance wise, i was able to run the game at a steady 25-50FPS (measured with Fraps) with most settings at High, and several settings at very high. granted, that was when i was running the game in 64-bit mode. running the game in 32-bit mode, there was a slight performance drop and hitching was quite a bit more noticeable especially during heavy action sequences.


for action fans, this game is hard to pass over. i've had this game preordered for a while, and this just proves that i didn't make a bad decision there. hardware-wise, i'm more than ready. :D


system specs:

Athlon X2 4600 (overclocked to 2.6GHz)

2GB DDR2-800 RAM

Radeon HD2900 Pro 1GB GDDR4

2x 10,000RPM Hard drives in RAID 0 (SATA II)

X-Fi Xtreme Gamer

Windows Vista Ultimate x64

Cool stuff stinger, thx for that!

So it looks like the 2900Pro is well worth it then I take it?


Tis cool you can run it fine on an "ancient" X2 4600+, stick it to to all the stupid Quad Intel morons who think they're "teh pwnage"

The X2 5000+ Black Edition is for sale here now and it's not too expensive, so hopefully that'll be the one for my next rig, unlocked multiplier w00t :)


@ Ztalker:

Now that you know better sell that 8600 to some n00b who doesn't know better and pick yourself up a nice HD2900Pro or an X1950 if your budget is a bit too tight...

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It is a nice game and to play an fps like that was like putting on a pair of well fitting gloves i had'nt worn for a while. Having said that, the framerate was bad and all graphics were at lowest possible settings. As much as it was off-putting i still kept going. Comparible to rubbing dog excrement on your face while making passionate love to a woman.

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Thanks for the explaination, stingerhs :)


Just wondering now: you mentioned the Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS and the Radeon HD2900 Pro. Which would be better for my system? I seem to recall AMD cpu's tend to work better with Ati Radeon cards or something?


Thanks in advance, I'll be checking prices for those two cars right now...uncle Ztalker is definately going to buy one this Christmas...

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AMD bought Ati not too long ago but that doesn't mean their CPU works better with either...I'd just say go for whatever's the best bargain in your area ATM, which would probably be the 2900Pro or maybe the brand new 8800GT that puts all GTS cards to shame...

At the moment, Ati sport the better graphics drivers as well though.

And IMO the best bargain for the Yanks right now is the card stingerhs has, the Radeon HD 2900PRO 1GB 512-bit GDDR4 (Clicky)


It's about the same price range as the 8800GTS but it's got 1GB(!!!) of dedicated video memory and a 512-bit interface to back it up...It's brilliant, pure and simple and I want it lolz

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well, i mentioned both cards because they're both right in about the same price range. the difference is that if you have a 2900 Pro, you can overclock it or flash the BIOS, and then you have a 2900 XT. both cards are literally the exact same, but the 2900 Pro is just an underclocked version. that makes the 2900 Pro a better deal IMHO because you can overclock it and have performance thats on par with an 8800GTX in most things (especially with the 7.10 drivers).


you can't do that with an 8800 GTS because it has a number of hardware features that can't be activated even with a BIOS update so you're just stuck having peformance that's less than the 2900 and the 8800GTX. still, the 8800 GTS is still an excellent choice. just keep in mind that if you're getting the card just for Crysis, you'd be better off getting the 640MB version. it will help Crysis run better at higher resolutions, and you'll be able to use the high or probably even very high texture settings which will make everything look a lot better.


the reason why is because high resolution textures in Crysis also use high resolution bump and real mapping as well. basically, it just makes everything look better because there will be much, much more detail.


anyways, i hope that helps. :)

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It's not that I will buy one of the cars exclusively for Crysis. It's just...I got a new computer. And a game that's supposed to run on it doesn't. I mean...I got the duel core, Vista and everything, and I want to take full advantage out of it.

And with this current card, apparantly, I can't. I've already looked around some auction sites. The 2900 Pro is about 350 Euro's if i'm correct, and my current video card should give me a bit more then 150. That's not a huge gap to overcome.

I'll be looking for the Ati card then, I think. :)

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I just DL'd and ran through the demo on my computer, and I just thought I throw my 2 cents in for people like me who are still doing the whole Windows XP, DX9 thing for the time being.


Anyway, I ran the game at medium for every setting and no AA, I'll have to try that later and see what happens, and I got a pretty steady 30-38 fps, using fraps. I did however notice some pretty big frame drops and sluggishness during the opening cutscene, the fps ranging from 17ish-45+. The game itself ran pretty steady at the 30-38 range as I mentioned above. Now maybe I'm being picky but with everything set at medium, graphically I actually thought it looked worse than the Call of Duty 4 Demo. In the end I probably wont buy the game right now, I just feel that if I can't experience it the way it was meant to look and play, I'd rather just hold off until I do upgrade my computer, whenever that may be, anyway here are my somewhat dated specs for inquiring minds.


AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ 2.01GHz / Asus A8N-SLI Premium mobo / 2.5 GB RAM (2 1GB Corsair Sticks and 2 old 256MB sticks I had laying around) / Radeon X1900 XT (512MB)

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There's a new crop of cards coming out from both the red and green camps to deal with this crysis (sorry: I couldn't resist:xp: ).


They're supposed to offer comparable performance to the present top-of-the-line for roughly half the price.

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AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ 2.01GHz / Asus A8N-SLI Premium mobo / 2.5 GB RAM (2 1GB Corsair Sticks and 2 old 256MB sticks I had laying around) / Radeon X1900 XT (512MB)
well, one thing that would help is to take out those old 256MB sticks. your RAM is only going to be as fast as the slowest modules, and its highly likely that those 256MB sticks are not comparable in performance to the newer 1GB sticks you already have. besides, with XP, 2GB is more than enough for just about everything including Crysis. believe me, that extra speed might be a good boost for the game. it might not translate into anything more than a couple extra FPS, but it will help.


and, on a side note, my best friend has an almost completely identical system to yours with the mobo/CPU combo that i built for him. its a good system, and that CPU should be something rather overclockable, and that will make a difference on your system as well since Crysis is more CPU bound than GPU bound. just thought i'd mention it. :)


@Q - oh yeah. i'm actually starting to wonder if my purchase of my Radeon 2900 Pro wasn't a bit premature. the specs for the new 3800 series are dreamy.... :D

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Originally Posted by Negative Sun

Where do you live Ztalker? Cause 350 euros seems a bit much for a 2900Pro to me...


As finishing touch, God created the.... :)


Anyways, the card itself isn't out here yet. However, over here we do have a site that tests performance of videocards, prices and holds very good contacts with the companies. It's called tweakers.net


They state sale price will be around 300 Euro's.


Several of the posters beneath the article say they bought if for 350 Euro's.


Edit: The 320 MB version of the 8800GTS is placed around 250 Euro's, for comparison.

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@Q - oh yeah. i'm actually starting to wonder if my purchase of my Radeon 2900 Pro wasn't a bit premature. the specs for the new 3800 series are dreamy.... :D

lolz it's a neverending cycle though isn't it? That way you can put off buying a GPU forever since there'll always be something newer and shinier just around the corner...



As finishing touch, God created the.... :)

Lolz you're kidding? I'm from Belgium originally myself, Flemish to be precise ;)



Anyways, the card itself isn't out here yet. However, over here we do have a site that tests performance of videocards, prices and holds very good contacts with the companies. It's called tweakers.net


They state sale price will be around 300 Euro's.


Several of the posters beneath the article say they bought if for 350 Euro's.


Edit: The 320 MB version of the 8800GTS is placed around 250 Euro's, for comparison.

So it wouldn't surprise you now that I can understand that whole site?

If you have to get one right now the 640Mb 8800GTS would be suitable, but if yo can wait a wee bit longer the HD2900Pro, GeForce 8800GT or the new Radeon HD3800 would be much better value for money ;)

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the thing is that you don't have to upgrade right now. remember, Crysis doesn't actually launch for about another 3 weeks yet. IMHO, its pointless to go out and spend $300+ on a video card right at this moment especially since the only game he's going to see major benefits on is actually still just a demo. ;)

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Yeah agreed...again, I'm not buying a video card for Crysis per sé.

It's...more of an investment. I think I will get a new one for Christmas. Maybe I'll take a look what's around at that time...:)


But again, thanks for the advice. We're talking about large sums of money here, and every advice is welcome.

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