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2007 = Worst Holiday Movie Season in history!

Darth Groovy

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I heard the dog dies though :(



You know, it's weird. I have no problem seeing lots of humans, even main characters, die in movies - even if they meet their demise in the most gory fashion, I only become emotional due to the means of their death, not their death itself. However, if I see an animal - particularly a dog - die, I'm always saddened by it despite whether it's at the end of a shotgun or a peaceful nod into eternal slumber near the family fire.


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The Golden Compass? = Baaaaaaad Narnia Clone
Trying to see the similarities. Can't.

One series of books on which the movie was based was written by an evangelical. The other series by an atheist. If you want to call that a basis of comparison, then I guess we can, but I don't know that I would agree.


I didn't particularly care for the movie, but I think that was because of some of the decisions that the director made with the pacing.


Luckily, I picked up the books and are finding them to be much more enjoyable (read the 2nd book in a single sitting :)).


Seriously, the Holidays are supposed to be the next season of blockbusters and great movies, and there is not one damn thing I would consider leaving my home for.
Hmmm...I always viewed the holidays as the time of artsy-fartsy movies in the run up to the awards season. The line up for prestige films is kinda lacking compared to years passed, but I guess I've learned not to expect greatness every year.


The writer's guild is on strike and boy does it show. Am I the only one that notices this?
The movies currently out were mostly likely filmed years ago and written years before that. The only films that would have been affected by the strike would have been those for which post-production re-writes were requested after the film bombed with test audiences. We tend to see a lot of that with Summer fare, but more than a handful of these films were probably picked up by major distributors after doing well at one of the various film festivals.


2008 and 2009 are the years where we're going to see impact from the WGA strike.


Better luck next summer I guess?
Don't count on it :(

I'd wager that more than a few "Summer 2008" films might end up being "Summer 2009" releases.

*wonders if Dark Knight will be affected*

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Oh! Speaking of Dark Knight, there was an AWESOME trailer for it at the beginning of I am Legend that almost made it worth paying my 8.50.


It. Looks. AWESOME.

If you see IAL at an IMAX theater, you get to see the first 7 minutes of Dark Knight rather than the new trailer. :D
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The Golden Compass? = Baaaaaaad Narnia Clone

I Am Legend? = ...

The Golden Compass does look like a Narnia clone. I haven't read the book but I heard that it was written by an atheist who didn't like Narnia or it's writer with it's Christian undertones. So he wrote The Golden Compass where in he story they try to kill god or at least kill Him in the minds of children. I haven't seen the movie either but I heard that they tried to dull that fact down in the movie but you can still see it's presence in there. I haven't read or seen it and I wouldn't like to be spreading anything but that's just what I've heard.


I haven't seen I Am Legend or read the book. I did hear that they changed some stuff in it though. I heard that's it's getting mixed reviews. I may see it when it comes to DVD. As for now I haven't seen The Omega Man (also based on the book I Am Legend) and have heard that it's better than this new adaptation. I do have on DVD The Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price which I thought was really good. Looking around at reviews (at rottentomatoes.com) I found that The Last Man on Earth got the highest scores of the three, The Omega Man comes in second, and then this new I Am Legend.


I recommend Last Man on Earth. If you can find it I suggest checking it out. I found it on DVD at a Dollar General Store which had another Vincent Price movie on it. If you don't want to buy it you can legally download it for free because it's a public domain movie and I have seen it up for download. Don't Know if the mods/admins will allow me to post a link to the web site. But the site hosts a bunch of public domain movies, videos, open source material, limited usage stuff, etc.

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Groovy = Grumpiest old Swampie there is. :p


Anyway, the Golden Compass was really quite enjoyable. Similar to Narnia only in the aspect of animals having a huge role. Otherwise it was really it's own thing. The author, Phillip Pullman, was an agnostic, not an atheist. The agnostic or anti-higher power issue didn't come across in Compass nearly as strongly as the Christian aspect came through in Narnia. I really don't know what the deal is. Plus it's got Sam Elliot and we all know that that owns all.


I haven't seen No Country For Old Men, but a friend of mine was thrilled with it.


Alvin and the Chipmunks is typical crappy token kid's movie stuff. I wouldn't get too worked up over that one. ;)


Don't know if they count for holiday season movies but Into the Wild and American Gangster were both great.

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Judging from what Wikipedia says...



Looks like Will Smith butchered another book-to-film translation. Urgh. I admit, he's not the one writing this stuff, but this always happens with him.

Just got back from seeing it. It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen.


Everything up till the third act was pretty enjoyable. I thought Will's acting was incredible. The CGI "infected" looked and moved like crap (must've been the same guys that did Blade II). The heavy-handed christian overtones in the end really turned me off (surprise, surprise).


I don't think anyone would be the worse for waiting until the DVD to see this one.

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I totally was frightened by I Am Legend. At least I wasn't like one of my friends (we went in a group of seven) who kept screaming "Oh my God!" at every scary part and had the whole theater stare at him.


Quite amusing indeed.



Will Smith should not be allowed to be killed in movies. That's what upset me, along with his dog's death. The rest was tight.



- PR-0927

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Got back from seeing IAL. It was decent overall. The CGI is indeed sub par for the humans, but then again no CGI humans have ever been completely believable. Smith's performance is pretty good, a little lower than some of his latest, but in comparison to anything else he's done a good job. The movie felt a lot like I, Robot. I thought that the infected whoevers could have been more fleshed out, but it still tells a decent story, if not a predictable one.


By the by, this movie defines going out in a blaze of glory.



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Never read the book either, but I thought the movie was excellent. With all the bitching I've heard about the religious overtones, I thought he was going to be a bible shouter or something. Instead, it was very subtle and only brought forth near the end. While all the atheists and agnostics complain every time God is so much as mentioned in any given movie, you can't sidestep the fact that lots of people, especially those in times of great stress and trouble as is depicted here, turn to God to explain what others could call coincidences. That's all they did here. There were no halos of light with a booming voice or bloody notes on the wall from the creator, just people coping with a situation how people tend to cope.


So, yeah, I appreciated the way the whole story played out. Superbly acted by both Smith and his canine companion. And yeah, the CG humans were sorta unrealistic looking, but somehow, it worked for me. Really stripped away their humanity to where you saw them exactly as they were.


It was incredibly well paced and for the first half, they employed the underused effect of "scare you with what you don't see" that has seemed to have lost favor with horror movies of late. This effect is used so well that when the sh*t hits the fan in the last half, you've already built up this image in your mind that is given horrendous life as if ripped from the depths of your imagination.


It isn't gory or a bloodbath. Instead, it's just a really intense, well acted, well paced, intriguing story. So even though it supposedly doesn't follow the book, as an unbiased observer, I give it high marks.

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Came back from seeing I Am Legend. I came in with high expectations, and it wasn't as good as I anticipated. Though, I did enjoy it. I thought Will Smith was great. Although, parts were cheesy, but it was going to watch tonight.


I could've gone and seen Sweeny Todd or National Treasure 2, but I have the holidays to watch them. :p


Now, that Dark Knight trailer.... :D

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