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New planet mod.

Taak Farst

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Once a lush green world, Mustafar was home to many Jedi Enclaves during the days of the Galactic Republic. It was here that they cultivated their abilities as well as training their students. One such Jedi Master was Chu-Gon Dar, an individual whose mastery of physical Force was unmatched. He created a unique Force-sensitive object while here known as the Chu-Gon Dar cube which was used to both channel and manipulate the physical Force to alter the physical properties of an item placed inside it. However, when the Sith became powerful, they wished to exterminate the Jedi, and so a climactic battle took place on the planet. This battle was so intense that one of the nearby gas giants was pulled into its current location by the Force, starting the gravimetric tug-of-war. The enviromental hazards caused by this tug-of-war forced the Jedi to abandon their temples on the planet. This caused all knowledge of Chu-Gon's cube to be lost.


I stand corrected... :lol:


It says Mustafar was once green though a battle took place in which a gas giant was pulled into it's orbit...


So we were both right :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

As I'm reading this and looking for a project for myself this sounds like a project I would be willing to take on. I will try to build it with the old republic era mustafar in mind not the galactic empire era mustafar. however the wiki entry gives me some good ideas of what to include as initial content.

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Okay if I'm going to do this project I would like some input of what to include. My current plans will be to have 2 seperate jedi enclaves, a jedi temple, and a major starport. The starport will have all of the classics cantina, merchants, shady characters, & so on. The enclaves will offer the player the chance to recruit new party members to replace many of the old characters. While the planet will be a jedi controlled and occupied planet there will be those with a darker nature that you can recruit.

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The enclaves will offer the player the chance to recruit new party members to replace many of the old characters. While the planet will be a jedi controlled and occupied planet there will be those with a darker nature that you can recruit.


Holy dialog writing, Batma... I mean, Darkkender!


Sounds very ambitious, and excellent. I think that you may want to reign back the recruit side of the mod, unless your goal is new dialog. It is almost two mods - a new planet, and a new party. Either of these I think would be fantastic in and of itself. Together it is the kind of thing that is either legendary or scrapped.


You certainly know all of that yourself, modding elder, and I mean no disrespect. I would very much like to play a new Darkkender mod :)

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This post is spam, so were the other ones I deleted, see that you do not post spam posts again, thanks. -RH


Edit 2: On a related note, you need to check out your above request post as you have gotten a 'tip' there. Also I have had to delete a repeat post in the Mod Requests thread as well. You are not allowed to do that there. I am going to include a link to our Forum Rules, as it appears you need to re-read them. -RH

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Yes it will be alot of dialog qui_gon_glenn, and ambitious. One of the reasons the THOR project slowed to a halt for now was lack of interest and poor leadership on my part. However this project is close to one I had already been toying with and wanting to make something like this anyways. So when I saw the request I thought hey here is my chance. I'm a fan of decent good content add-ons so I have no expectations of when this will be completed but I will create a Alpha/Beta release as I go. I have a friend who is studying 3d game development from the modeling aspect and he has talked recently to me on assisting with modding projects that I take on so he can build his skills. So who nows maybe we'll manage new area models, but don't hold your breath.

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