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[WIP] Recruit Ferc Kast

Ferc Kast

What game would you like to see this mod for?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. What game would you like to see this mod for?

    • Knights of the Old Republic
    • Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
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Recruit Ferc Kast


I've started my first recruit mod...But, I've got the utc and appearance in hand. I already know one character that I'm ready to replace in either game. So, the choice is yours. More information will be coming as I progress. As I need other modders, I will update here.


To do:

  • Create appearance line - 100% Done
  • Make .UTCs - 100% Done
  • Skin Head & Make DS Transitions - 100% Done
  • Place in an in-game module - 100% Done
  • Make scripts to recruit - 100% Done
  • Create pre-recruitment dialog - 53% Done
  • Create normal dialog - 0% Done
  • Look for any bugs - 5% Done
  • Set up with TSLPatcher to ensure compatibility with other mods - 0% Done


Total Percent Completed: 62.00%


Here is screens of him in-game:

th_Screen1.png th_Screen2.png



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I'm waiting on dialog until the poll is over. If anyone could make Bandon's face with an auburn goatee(or whatever you call his type of facial hair) and green eyes for me, I would appreciate it very much. (PM your try at it ASAP.) There is no need for voice acting as of yet. Although, I'll probably have beta dialog by next Friday for voice actors to record. Again, I'll have more details as they come.


My focus (until the poll is over) is to look for any bugs in his appearance line so far. Also, I'll be preparing the scripts to make him a party member. I'll also be creating more custom robes for him.

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Everything is set up for his recruit (give or take the scripts that make him a party member.) I decided to go with only TSL; Though, I may go back eventually to implement him into K1.


Also, I have the dialog leading up to his recruitment ready; So, I am now looking for male voice-actors. If you're interested, contact me for the dialog.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an idea of where you will meet him...; Anyway, I was thinking Visas, G0-T0, T3-M4 or possibly Atton for the TSL release. The two I would probably end up debating over to replace are T3-M4 or G0-T0.


You're gonna have an elaborate side-quest or so I hope...I'll post another screen soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will make the TSL version first per popular vote. (I will make a K1 version...eventually.) I am starting on dialog now since I am almost done texturing his head (still need to re-adjust the darkside transitions), portraits, clothes, etc...So, I will need voice actors ASAP.


Here are some more screens to keep you occupied until my next update:

th_Screen1.png th_Screen2.png

(Click on screens to see a bigger version)


I will make it so that you, the player, decide which NPC to replace during the dialog to recruit him. I have a general backstory planned out for him...I hope that it will be enjoyable when released.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: The textures are done, the appearance line is done, the UTC is done...All that remains is dialog and scripting.


In the near future, I will need a male voice actor. I would prefer them to volunteer sooner than later. In the meantime, enjoy the following two screens from the final DS transitions:

th_K2_00277.png th_K2_00276.png


Side Note: I'd like to thank DDD for the saber hilt he created for me per request. (What a lifesaver you are, DDD!! :D)


(If you want to be the voice-actor, you can record the following line for auditioning to do voice-overs: "I guess that I'll just be--")

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's the general idea, Darth Riddick & memarik. I'm putting finishing touches on the pre-recruitment dialog. As I've been working on this, I came across 1 minor bug so far. So, here's my question to fix the bug: how I make it so that the game wouldn't try to play G0-T0's cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk after I have recruited him?



More Screenies:

LS party selection screen

DS transition 1 party selection screen

DS transition 2 party selection screen


(Note: I leveled him up after he became a party member; He starts as a level 12 Jedi Guardian)

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Tell me, where did you find that robe skin in the texturepacks?


I custom-made the two robe skins, based on the K1 style of robe. If you look at K1_PFBI01.tpc in swpc_tex_tpb.erf or swpc_tex_tpa.erf, you'll see that the K1 robe style is present in the unmodded version of TSL. Also, see Shem's post here. (So, I'm not porting...if that's what you're thinking, DI.)

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