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[tsl] KOTOR: Revenge of Revan


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Hey everyone!


I just want to give you a progress report on the MOD.


The Plot is done. 100%


The Dialogue is about 10% written.


I have started to create some quick story boards for cut scenes.


Character artwork is 60% done.


Weapons have already been started.


Map/planet layout is 60% done.


My question to you is…… what, would you like to see in form of quests, aliens, drama...etc.




Kotor: Revenge of Revan


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Im ashamed to say that when i first saw this i thought it was a whole lot of....... hot wind, but now i see how serious this is and im now so very excited and, thats a rarety for me when it comes Kotor tsl, any way im loving what im hearing of this and i wish you and the team all the best in this project. :)

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why not have recan create a companion for hk 47 a new model that has 47 personality with some enhancements that make it compliment hk 47 so they cover for each other basicaklly hk47 weakness is new droid strength and opposite with hk47!!

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Hey Everyone!


The team and I would like to thank you all for your support.


On to your questions......


First off...Revan will play a major role in the game. You will be able to decide Revan's Alignment and Gender. I can’t get into the details since it would give away certain parts of the plot. Revan will return.


Bastila, Atton, Carth, and Mandalore will all make appearances in the game, but the ending to kotor1 and kotor2 will dictate how you meet them if you do at all.


There will be a new droid which will be a party member. The Droid will have arguments with HK-47 on many issues. We are looking at 2 different models to use. In a future post you will get to see what the droid will look like.


The Bounty Hunter contest winner will be announced Monday the 17th.

PM me your entries.



If you are interested in joining the team please PM me.





Kotor: Revenge of Revan


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  logan23 said:
Hey Everyone!


There will be a new droid which will be a party member. The Droid will have arguments with HK-47 on many issues. We are looking at 2 different models to use. In a future post you will get to see what the droid will look like.


sweet! robotic fueds! not seens sinnce the movies :lol:

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Hey Everyone!


I know some of you are wondering about the Bounty Hunter Contest.

It was hard to just select one bounty hunter so…..with some thinking I decided on the winner,

RakataDark’s …..Prime.

Male/ Selkath



But there was another entry that I liked which will also be placed in the game.

HK-52’s ….Naiko

Female /twi'lek


I will PM both of you guys on the details.


Details on these two characters will be posted soon.



Kotor: Revenge of Revan


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Hey everyone!


I added a drawing for one of the Lost Jedi who will become a party member.




The first planet you will start on will be.....Coruscant


Here is a run down of the planet.....


• You will meet your Jedi master

• You meet Liana who is your childhood friend

• Tutorial for the game

• Set the Alignment/Gender of Revan and Exile

• Meet the Jedi Council

• Learn about the New Jedi Order

• How does the Republic see the Jedi

• The Jedi trying to find their place in the rebuilding of the Republic

• How the Restoration of the Outer Rim has caused conflict in the Senate.


Things you can do......


You will be able to practice your lightsaber attacks with fellow students


Talk to Jedi, Padawans, Jedi Masters as well as Republic officials


Interact with the Jedi Council while they brief you and your master on you mission on Corellia




You will later return to Coruscant where you will get side quests......





Kotor: Revenge of Revan


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Hey everyone!


I will be making some updates on the website this weekend...


First...I want to tell you about another place you will visit in the MOD......


You all remember Vogga the Hutt..from Nar Shaddaa.

After the end of GOTO... and the money from sending Fuel to Telos....Vogga became very wealthy and powerful.....The Hutts start to push back the Exchange.....just as Kreia predicted......the struggle starts betweeen these two criminal bodies.....


Vogga the Hutt’s Cruiser

• Meet Vogga the Hutt

• Fix the Sister Hawk

• Findout about the growing tension between the Exchange and the Hutts after Goto was killed on Narshadda

• Meet a group of Exchange members who are plotting to take the ship over. You can choose sides.

• You meet an angry supplier who Kaila worked for right before she and Nindo was arrested for smuggling weapons.

• Meet XI-52, aka HK-47

• You need a droid who could translate the Ancient Book and the symbols.

• The Exchange attack the Hutts, you will influence who wins the battle.

• After the battle, XI-52 will join your party and give you three leads to solving the symbols.

• You can go to Corellia, Coruscant, and Malachor V


Things you can do.....


You will be able to bet on swoop races...


Take on Bounty Hunter missions.....




Tell me what you would like to know next??



Kotor: Revenge of Revan


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Woaahhh! This will be up there with Brotherhood of Shadow and TSLRP if it's finished!


This poll was on your site but I'd also like to mention it here: I would really like to encourage you to use voice acting, where possible (in other words, with characters who don't already have a voice over in KOTOR 2). I'm just speaking as a random player with minimal modding experience, but conversations that are silent just lose a whole level of depth and interest.


Best of luck!

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Hey Everyone!


I want to first thank everyone for their support! Thank you :)


I know the topic of voice-overs being part of the project has been brought up....its a topic which I have been tossing around.....I can not promise you that there will be voice-overs for all human characters, but as the project gets further down the road I will start some testing with the idea of getting voice-overs for the major characters in the game. I have a friend who does youtube videos and I want to see what kind of voices we can create.....

BigMike322, I can not confirm nor deny that the spirit of Ulic Qel-Droma will be in the game. I can tell you there will be a few Force Spirits ;)

The re-skinning of party and major characters has begun........

I hope to have screen images sometime this coming weekend......and....I might release the new skins version 1.0 for download.

These will not be the final skins but a taste of what is to come :D


MORE TO COME........



Kotor: Revenge of Revan


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to tell the truth, I am still a little skeptical about this project.


That is not to say I don't support it.


I know you guys probably have a lot of ideas about stuff you want to do, but if I may offer a suggestion as to the content of the mod... would you guys consider adding in content that explains what happened to the K1 party members if Revan was lightside?

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