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[W.I.P.] [K1] URM (Ultimate Ranged Mod)


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FYI but the OP has indicated that this mod is on hold...


Because there seems to be an influx of posters who cannot seem to grasp that posts bumping this thread asking if it is still being made is considered off-topic spam here, and as such this thread will be closed if it is resurrected needlessly again.


Only Sithspecter may post an 'update' here to get this thread started again, all other posts will result in this threads closure.


Posts asking if it is still being made or other pleas for him to continue the mod need to be done via the PM (Private Message) system instead. -RH


I making a fun new little mod that adds and changes lots of different ammunition types. I'm changing some of the old ammunitions (ion, and disruptor) to make them more enjoyable to play with. But, I'm also going to implement new ammunitions as well, such as rockets (done) and grenade launchers, dart launchers, flame throwers, water blasters, the list is endless. I can do the ammunitions, but I need some modelers to help with modelling the new weapons. Here are some screens that I've been playing around with.







And yes, before you even ask, these are all coming out of a regular gun!

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Yeah, that's the poison shooter. On accident, I changed the blaster model to the swoop bike model. When Carth started pumping out the rapid shot, swoop bikes started spraying all over the swoop gang.


I can only imagine the reaction of the swoop gang; I can't stop laughing now. :rofl:



It looks good so far. Keep up the good work.

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I may not create completely new models for the guns, but expect a beta at the end of this week or next week that includes the swoop gun! I don't think I can do Carth models, because that would be a lot of polys, and the game doesn't use up much of the engine on blaster bolts.

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Just for laughs, you should include a gun that shoots Carth Models
Just Carth heads. ;)


Though I swear if I'll see one more mod that paraphrases USM heads will roll.

Isn't the lack of creativity stifling? :lol: I mean how many Team ______ groups are there? :p


Agreed! It is quite sad if you ask me... people need to make things their own and not try and ride the coat-tails of those who came before by borrowing their naming schemes. -RH

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I can't do extremely large poly objects (Ebon Hawk- 3400 polys, Bastila- lots of polys), but hopefully the gizka gun will work.


@Ferc- It's called ammunitiontypes.2da. Has the model for regular shot, something else that uses the same a regular shot, and the power blast. Also has the muzzleflash and whether or not the gun can hit a shield.


I'll post some more screenies next week of the gizka gun and others!


Here's the swoop gun. My PC was cranking out rapid shot at Carth and the swoop gang, and everyone was wondering what the heck was going on.



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