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That is the worst site on the net! BAD! It sucks! The Site that is not worthy to be named has been b+ to even most Star Wars sites! It's that stupid! And Bad! Not only does it give off very bad ideas but starts the worst rumors on the net. It only brings death and destruction to good Star Wars News. The maker is a moron and his mother smells of old feet, Run don't walk, it is that bad. Get away and stay away from this site. Reading it will make your nuts shrivel up and fall off. Bad! Quoting it will make you give off odors that will forever repeal the opposite sex or the same sex what ever. Oh so BAD! Reading a quote may cause your eyes to burst out of your skull in flames and burn your house down. DON'T GO to this site. The worthless scum bag that is the case of all evil lives at this site. Did I say it is BAD! Do not trust. Do not give hope. Do not believe, any thing you ever read at this site, I am telling you that it really is that bad. Shake in fear at the stupidity of the site and warn your children when you are old, that this site is truly, truly that bad.


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When I looked at his 'I'm George Lucas friend and advisor!! Zomg" page and clicked on the thread in Ahto called 'Lucas sues SuperShadow' I kinda drew my conclusions.


But he did ruin my Star Wars experience for a little time though....because I honestly (and naievely) thought he was at least talking SOME truth...


By the way, him (or it..since no human beiing can be this stupid) was kinda of stupid to use standard language Sith titles as well. I was amazed when I found Darth Oorlog. Might sound cool to everyone else...it's just Dutch for 'war' though. Nothing special...

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True, but Vader's name can still be explained with the use of English terms like Invader and all. Darth Oorlog of Darth Patatzaak can't be :xp:


Just like you said, they should be based on real-world stuff, not a random foreign term.


If Star Wars would be a German or Dutch only thing and English wasn't the nr1. language around, Darth Oorlog would be something like Darth War and Darth Smile, in comparison. Or Darth Pedestrian. Just plain stupid :)


Although the Vader/Father part IS quit strange...because it actually fits.

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Boba Rhett wrote:

Don't forget Darth Abrikoos and Mongool.


And I, of course, would be Darth Reet. I'll let you look that one up.


Hmmm...the first once is juicy. The second one is when Jar-Jar would go Dark Side...and your is just...I suppose you would wear brown robes as well :xp:


Me, I'd be Darth Pannenkoek or Darth Stamppot :D


Ctrl_Alt_Del wrote:

Sullustan tongue actaully exists.

:confused: you mean there's a tribe or people somewhere speaking like that?

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  • 5 weeks later...

:confused: you mean there's a tribe or people somewhere speaking like that?

From wikipedia (take it for what it's worth):

According to the Star Wars Insider #67, p. 31, "Ben Burtt used the real-world language Haya, a Kenyan dialect for Nunb's Sullustan dialogue."

Never knew that myself. Huh.
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IIRC all (or at least most) of the languages in Star Wars were based on real-world languages. Huttese, for instance, is heavily based on a real (but appropriately obscure) language.


Also, just for the record, Ben Burtt is awesomesauce because he played the voice of Wall-E. :D


Not that he wasn't awesomesauce before that... <3

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