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[WIP] “Carth Rescue” Story Expansion [K1]


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Can I please voice a male?




Fixed. Thats what it should have looked like.


If you want people to start taking you seriously, you have got to stop spamming threads.


Side note: By the look of your picture, I don't think your voice will be deep enough to voice anybody.

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Heyhey! And she’s back! (Calm down, Q ;))


Q is a very cool customer... trust me :)


Nice to have you back Paper, hope you had a good vacation and I look forward to hearing progress updates as and when they happen, on a very interesting mod :)


If you want people to start taking you seriously, you have got to stop spamming threads.



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((Summary, because I waffled a bit : Progress = supershiny 8 minute animated cut and some awesome new toys that I’m not going to show you!))


Ahah! It’s official, I spend way, way too long animating stuff <.< I spent the whole weekend on a scenario that only lasts about 8 minutes. Still, it’s a spectacular 8 minutes.


[Rantywaffle – TLDR]

>_< Folks who haven’t tried to push the game’s limited animations to the... well... ‘limits’ will probably never understand how quirky it is, and how hard it is to make ‘organic’. Especially when said animations require two characters (or a character and a placeable) to be very close to one another (y’all noticed that characters can’t move that close to each other). So there’s an endless stream of scripts devoted solely to ‘jumping’ characters in and out of each other’s pockets <.< It makes me dizzy – and it doesn’t help that all my scripts are called ‘blerg01’ and ‘thing_again’

I guess a good animation is one that’s so natural that the player won’t even notice it... so based on that logic, I should probably make them a bit hackier eh? ;)


Gosh! And don’t even get me started on “free range” animation! You know, the kind where there isn’t a set space with set x-y-z and facings to work to, rather the actions happen around you and other characters, nomatter where you happen to be standing and facing. So every move has to be calculated on the spot. Blah.

[/Rantywaffle – TLDR]



Eheh, ok. That was a bit ranty. I’m just sorry that I can’t report a whole wealth of new stuff, considering the time I put in ^.^ Still, I’m there now. There are 3 very difficult scenes to animate in this mod – that’s one out the way. Woot!


And a new character!


<.< Actually, that’s what took so long. This particular ‘character’ has very limited animations (no, not a Jawa). I know I promised not too many NPCs, but you’ll definitely love this one – and their very existence means you get an entertaining (yet surprisingly useful) gift at the end of the mission (*providing I can make it work).


Actually there are a few unusual things in this mod. [~snip~ As much as I want to sell my efforts, I think I should leave all these things as surprises. :p Believe me, it’s torture not to reveal all. I wan't to share everything here and now, but I worry it will detract from the finished product].


So there layeth my progress report. About 8 minutes of official plot... plus seconds-to-hours of entertainment from some new toys, depending how easily entertained you are ^.~


*EDIT: I managed to get the ‘gift’ working... and wasted another 4 hours playing with it! <.< ...but I’m easily amused.


Happy Hunting!


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I'm kind of assuming you know about this if you're jumping people in and out of pockets to animate the scenes, but I did find out why cjt's wonderful Carth Romance Fix mod works--waypoints are 'sticky'. Some are, anyhow. So if you need someone to get extra close to someone else, plant a waypoint where you need it and have the character move to it. For some reason, that allows you to violate the 1 meter rule, as the person on the waypoint is 'stuck' until the scene ends or they're told to move somewhere else.


I think it works for K2 as well, since there were a few times I had to explicitly boot people off waypoints after a cutscene...usually they returned to their designated standing places, but occasionally they would get stuck to the waypoint.


Anyhow, if you didn't know about that, it can be very useful.


Still anticipating this one eagerly :)

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Don't worry, MasterWaffle! I've only been at this for like a month - suffice to say I still confuse myself sometimes ^.^;; Basically the conversation went like this:


Me - Animation is haaarrrd! *whine*

Artemis - here, try this trick. It's very clever.


Thanks Artemis. I didn't know waypoints can sneak past the 1m rule. I do know that once characters are inside each other's "personal space" they do both get stuck and thus require some butt-kicking to get out again =] When I was first learning to write scripts, I also learned a lot from the romance fix. Actually, my very first sorry attempt at scripting & dialog is still hidden in the mod. I left it in for nostalgic value. When you first enter Ebon Hawk as Revan, have a chat to HK, you'll see :p. I'm actually getting very good at animating. The cut scenes in this mod are almost cinematic - I should call it "Papership's Puppet Theatre" because Kotor puppeteering is what burns most of my time!


Tutorial in the works

I've made up all kinds of improvisations and sneaky tricks to make the characters play out specific actions and interactions they can't usually perform. When I'm finished with this mod, I'm going to write a thorough tutorial on animating. I know this forum has a lot of basic tutorials on how to script and perform actions. But there's definitely room for a real nitty gritty 'step by step' on how to pull off elaborate stunts - with simultaneous animations, delays & timings, and most importantly a list of solutions, compromises and work-arounds for the problems and limitations you'll encounter as an animator.


Err anyway. I'm glad you're still looking forward to this mod. <.< So am I to be honest, hehe. Don't worry that the thread is quiet. It's only because I'm being hush about content.


What I'm currently up to:

I'm in the process of writing some more sub-quests into the plot. It strikes me that my mod is predominantly a mix of cutscenes and hack'n'slash. So a few little puzzles would be good to break up the action.


I wanted to post an awesome screenie for you lot, but I left my pen drive at home =/ Still, I have something shiny for you! "Subor's Darksaber!" Dingdong (aka M.Fett) made this beautiful custom saber hilt for me. Will post an in-game render of it asap, aye ;)


(Click for bigger view).


And here's Revan modelling the saber, which you might get as a reward if you play nice (or nasty – just play!). You see I've had a play (butcher) with the blades, trying to create the illusion of darkness (can't actually create black blades, because the game renders darkness as transparency). Still, the effect works quite well, even in daylight.



I'm yet to decide which one to go for, red or colorless (or both). I’ve almost finished the properties of said saber – it’s not just a pretty blade with super stats – it ‘does’ suff <.<


This screenie isn’t exactly new, but it’s new to you! :p Ah well, I'll have some fresh stuff for you tomorrow ^.^;;


Happy Hunting!

And Thanks again Princess!




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ===]=<(¬.¬<)

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^^^^ Never got the attraction myself either.


Anyway, this sounds like it should work out well... heck, its more 'advanced' than the project I'm burning hours on right now... (Far, far, far too many burnt too!)


Hmmm... Gifts? We get presents for playing!


This is definitely going on my "Download once it comes out" list. (URM and BoS:SR, being the only other members) Maybe I can actually learn something about animating once I'm done with my stuff...


To reiterate: it looks good and keep at it!


Edit: Oh, and the non-colored saber looks the best!

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I’m glad some of you like the blacked-out blade. And for those who don’t, well, it’s just another reason to hunt down that nasty Subor – to stop him waving around that hideous disgrace of a lightsaber.


As promised, here is a better render of the awesome hilt that DingDong (should I be calling you M.Fett now? Meh) modelled for me.


And a screen cap that DDD/MF will probably prefer.



And a couple of screenies from one of the new subquests I mentioned above.

tach1kz7.th.jpg tach2wu0.th.jpg crateman1vu7.th.jpg crateman2yx2.th.jpg


Aside from that, not a lot to report. I spent most of yesterday evening playing Lego Indy on my Wii ^.^;;


Hmmm... Gifts? We get presents for playing!

Correct. At least 3 so far – and not all of them are of the weapon/armor variety. <.< Some are just plain weird.


Happy Hunting!


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Latest screens looks awesome, I love the dialogue options!


I’m glad some of you like the blacked-out blade. And for those who don’t, well, it’s just another reason to hunt down that nasty Subor – to stop him waving around that hideous disgrace of a lightsaber.


I'll probably just edit it to a standard lightsaber :p

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Page 1, post 1, Setto.

Starting conditions;

Leviathan cleared,

Korriban cleared,

Female PC (naturally having followed the relationship plot).

(Sorry MalePCs. I don’t fancy writing 3 varying stories for FemPC Love/Hate & MalePC (maybe in a revised version). FemPC gives the most awesome outcome for this little arc, so you’ll just have to edit a save file!)

Sorry =/


I could make a version for the male PCs, but it would require a huge rewrite, and I don’t fancy re-doing half my sound splices. And a lot of content would have to be cut. And as for the ending, well... I’d have to think up something really clever =/ I can’t say anything without spoiling things, but there’s a key event in this mod – which requires you to be female – and without it, it’s kinda game over.


Bah, I’m just waffling now. Just go edit a save file, there’s a good boy ^.^



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I happen to like those black 'sabers. If you have to choose, I like the silvery one. And niiiice hilt!


I look forward to a nitty gritty animation tutorial. That's something that can be a huge pain. You're welcome for the tip about sticky waypoints--I've been poking around at the dirty work for another mod I've been too lazy to work on with a co-modder, and was hammering my head into my desk until I remembered some of the things I had to do to move Dustil around in my and Jiara's Dustil recruit. So yeah, waypoints! Totally lets you get around the rule. (And yeah, I know about the getting stuck to each other part, too...I was tearing my hair out on a cutscene for the Dustil recruit where Atton and Dustil kept getting stuck together...they didn't like that! ;) )


Again, very much looking forward to this, absolutely going to be an instaDL when it's out!

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Pap-pap, can I call you pap-pap? Sorry, it's a Tim and Eric thing. Anyways, I am really delighted to see your work! Especially that dialog, brilliantly writtern. It's really nice to see dialog that is very well done :). You my friend are the king of witty insults.


You suckle your mother with that mouth?





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Thank you, folks!


Looks like the grey saber is a winner. It’s my preference certainly, but I’m grateful for the second, third and fourth opinions!


[bit OT]

@ Princess A – You know I downloaded that Dustil mod, and I do own TSL for PC (bought it with Kotor), but I haven’t even unwrapped K2 yet. I’m totally parked on modding K1! Not that I haven’t played through both (I have’em on xbox), just haven’t played it modded. All joys to come - after I’m finished modding though! Don’t want to get new ideas!

[/bit OT]


New stuff

I’m currently in the process of adding a large quest hub. I have some serious module editing and reskinning to do (which is new territory for me), but the results should be spectacular (or total fail – but fail is funny, so I’ll get over it). There are two possibilities for this zone. When I’ve decided which location+story looks better, I’ll make the decision and start showing off the new area. Progress here is a bit slow and chewy, learning curve and all that.


Doc, I’m glad you like my insults :p It’s not something I’m usually complimented on! And you may call me pap-pap ^.^ Though having just googled ‘Tim and Eric’, I may have to kill you :p


Happy Stuff!


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Yep! Voice-overs, and some careful edits of existing sound files. There won't be any silent subtitles. Not like back in the 20's ^.^


There's a sample video at the bottom of page 1. Look for the big pink DAADAA!. The capture sound quality isn't great, and that scene has been changed a lot (New Na'ria and much better animations). But it should indicate the sort of voice over to expect.


Welcome to the thread, Tooplex!


[OT] P.S. Okay... What's a Grim Fandango? Hehe![/OT]

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Yep! Voice-overs, and some careful edits of existing sound files. There won't be any silent subtitles. Not like back in the 20's ^.^


There's a sample video at the bottom of page 1. Look for the big pink DAADAA!. The capture sound quality isn't great, and that scene has been changed a lot (New Na'ria and much better animations). But it should indicate the sort of voice over to expect.


Welcome to the thread, Tooplex!


[OT] P.S. Okay... What's a Grim Fandango? Hehe![/OT]


Thats good to hear. Its awesome the modding scene is alive and well. Keep up the good work.


[OT]Its an awesome adventure game made by Lucasarts. It has its own lucas forum.



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