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New Area Kit

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It's come to my attention recently and it's crossed my mind before that Quanon's new area tutorial is outdated. He even says so himself, so I've decided to create a new tutorial that includes helpful resources and shows how to scratch build a new area, add area effects (grass, sunlight, snow, .etc) set up your module file, and get it into KotOR. I will include an NWNWalkMaterial, tips on walkmesh making, how to add lighting to your area, and how to set up a layout file. I would like to know who wants this and what else you would want in it. So you can ask, and I'll try to make a tutorial that will be a more complete and smooted version of Quanon's original tutorial. It will not only be a tutorial, but it will include helpful resources in modelling an area.

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Very neat idea!


I think information on how to intergrate your new module into the game would be helpful (linking doors with 'new' modules etc...), as well as perhaps a guide on how to use elements from game's maps (like statues, the ebon hawk, crystal formations, etc...) in custom modules, assuming that's possible and legal.

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Well Quanon's guide is very presumptuous about previous skills. Perhaps you could do a simple "make a room" tutorial? So just a simple tutorial how to make a simple box room with a door, texture it and then add it in game. And then maybe some scripting like how to spawn a person in there - though that's more scripting.

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I got to working on it, and I'm including LOTS of pictures. I'm not just going to cover how to get your model into KotOR, but I'm doing how to model some of the stuff as well. I'm showing you how to model a simple hallway with correct scaling.

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I'd like to see a detailed description of every option available so that there won't be any questions to ask.


Item Creation

Character Modeling

NPC/Placeable placement

How to create an entirely new module

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You mean...a definition of what all those things are? Okay...


Item creation - There are two types here. One is copying an existing item model, changing the attributes, description, etc, and sticking it in game. For example; a new datapad, a buffed sword or a grenade. The second is to create a totally new item model and put it in game. Such as, a mini-gun (see sithspecter's thread for that particular piece of awesomeness :D) or a lightsaber. If you do a little search, you will find a few tutorials on this.


Character Modelling - I think this generally this means a reskin of an existing character model, but I could be wrong. There may also be something about taking existing skeletons and changing their heads, bodies, etc, though you can't create entirely new skeletons (ie, completely new species), since the animations don't exist. There are plenty of tutorials on this particular topic.


NPC/Placeable placement - A script done in K1 with the "whereami" console tool or in K2 with the "whereami" armband. Basically, you get the coordinates using one of the aforementioned methods, get your NPC .utc and put the spawn function in a .nss file and compile. Placeables are a similar affair, I believe. There are ample tutorials on them.


New modules - There are two types of module "creation". One is to take an existing module and add new textures, thus creating the idea of a "new" module. However, this has the same structure (obviously) as the original module, it just looks slightly different. See the Coruscant mod for an example of where this is used. And then there is the new art of "module creation". Only three modders have been able to employ this to achieve good results: Quanon, sithspecter and GCCC (or was it one less "C", I can't remember), now known as Doc Valentine. Its a new art, hence why sithspecter is making a tutorial about it.

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Yes please! One issue that made me give up on room reskinning was how tricky it is with the hex editing <.< I tried to reskin just the external of the ebon hawk within a module. It looked great except that all the silver metally bits didn't load, so it was the right colour, but half seethrough!


So a dummies guide to hex editing and light mapping and how not to screw up would be sweet <.<


Thanks for this - you're a hero!


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All the silver metally bits didn't load, so it was the right colour, but half seethrough!


That might be because you didn't create a TXI file stating that the Alpha channel is to be used for the blingbling.


Else the game just reads the alpha channel as "seethrough".


Well Quanon's guide is very presumptuous about previous skills.


Indeed, it was done pretty fast and its only the bare basics needed to get a room in the game.


I always wanted to redo or do another one, but hey... other projects and life occupied a great deal of my time.


Though I'm glad SS is willing to do a new and more in depth Tutorial on it.



On a general note things like Item creation and NPC creating is extensively doen in other tutorials, really I don't see the point why SS would have to on on that subject.


Though I hope if some of you feel the desire to model or do some work in 3D is to broaden your search beyond this bord.

Use the internet and google to the max, you'll see that there a lot of forums just on 3D.


Plus you'll soon realize that me or SS are NOT that "super beiings" in 3D.(Though that awesome Mini-Gun prooves SS gots what it takes ;) )

Anyway, I know the enthousiasme and dreamy fantasies of first time modders, we've all been there :p


I just play the old classic rant of take it slow and do an effort to use the Search funtion on the HL boards.( Though the Search function is taken off now and then. I guess it has to do with maintenance on the server thingys or of that sorts.)


You'll see that theres are lots of old threads dealing with the same problems you might have :)


[/Ends rant mode]


But well, I'll let SS decide what to do in his tutorial.

NVM my bullocks.

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Maybe you could link Darth InSidious's tutorial in yours, and just say "See Darth InSidious' tutorial on how to do XYZ" sort of thing. You just want to be careful around here, some people might think you are trying to re-invent the wheel ;). As far as all the other parts, you have my full support bud. It will be great to have one of these tutorials out there for people to check out.



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