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Brutal Legend, Ghostbusters, more dropped by Activision


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Those little Ghostbusters virals shook the internet some time back. Everyone wants it. Also, the Riddick games were highly praised in the game press. Very cool games.

And Brutal Legend would have something to do with Jack Black right? More awesomeness.


I'm sure Nintendo will cancel their next Zelda after this

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So they want to focus on kiddy games?


I'm certain nobody's going to miss the 50 Cent game, Zombie Wranglers (never heard of it till now) and Leisure Suit Larry, but I was quite looking forward to Ghostbusters.


It had reached a playable stage, so it couldn't have been that far off of release - and judging by the reactions of a lot of those comments, it probably would have sold a fair bit too.


This sucks no end.

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This makes no sense, Ghostbusters was at E3 and it was an amazing game from what I saw and heard how could you even consider dropping a game like that for Crash Bandicoot Bleh! That's kind of really dumb, but I'm sure someone is going to make a load of cash off of Ghostbusters cause that game isn't going to die.

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