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Body of Bigfoot Found?

Boba Rhett

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I wish that they gave us a little bit more information on this. :dozey:


They didn't give out any information, other than what they'd already said. It really begs the question why they even bothered to hold a conference - but that's already explained by Biscardi's attention seeking.


I believe that there are creatures in the world that we don't know about, or that we haven't proved the existence of yet, but these people are making a mockery of cryptozoology.


It's shameful. :(

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There are new species being discovered relatively often. I'm sure some of the BBC-watchers here remember the undersea nature series where they discovered a completely new, and incredibly ugly, species of fish (had a lantern-thing on its head, big teeth, underbite, all that).


It is these legitimate discoveries that should be getting publicity, not this nonsense. These people ought to be ashamed.

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CNN story


AOL story:

PALO ALTO, California (Aug. 15) - Bigfoot remains as elusive as ever.

Results from tests on genetic material from alleged remains of one of the mythical half-ape and half-human creatures, made public at a news conference on Friday held after the claimed discovery swept the Internet, failed to prove its existence.


Its spread was fueled by a photograph of a hairy heap, bearing a close resemblance to a shaggy full-body gorilla costume, stuffed into a container resembling a refrigerator.

One of the two samples of DNA said to prove the existence of the Bigfoot came from a human and the other was 96 percent from an opossum, according to Curt Nelson, a scientist at the University of Minnesota who performed the DNA analysis.

Bigfoot creatures are said to live in the forests of the U.S. Pacific Northwest. An opossum is a marsupial about the size of a house cat.

Results of the DNA tests were revealed in an e-mail from Nelson and distributed at the Palo Alto, California, news conference held by Tom Biscardi, host of a weekly online radio show about the Bigfoot.

Also present were Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, the two who say they discovered the Bigfoot corpse while hiking in the woods of northern Georgia. They also are co-owners of a company that offers Bigfoot merchandise.

Despite the dubious photo and the commercial interests of the alleged discoverers, the Bigfoot claim drew interest from Australia to Europe and even The New York Times.

Biscardi said the DNA samples may not have been taken correctly and may have been contaminated, and that he would proceed with an autopsy of the alleged Bigfoot remains, currently in a freezer at an undisclosed location.

So we are just looking at a large opposum?! :confused:

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Didn't you know? Global warming is killing all the Bigfoots and their coats.


There are new species being discovered relatively often.


Yes, things as remarkable as bugs.


And that's all humanity can miss over the water and under the sky, bugs. Something that big would have been found some good decades ago.

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They do. I think that the bigfoot hunter is in denial and thinks that it was contaminated and wants it done again. That is just what one scientist had claimed though...


It is starting to sound like another hoax, to tell you the truth. ;)

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Welp, the story has finally been busted. As the "body" thawed out they tried melting some hair samples and found it to be rubber and plastic. As it thawed further it started getting cracks that revealed it's tastey rubbery center. The two "discoverers" have since vanished with Biscardi's money.





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Very interesting, Rhett, but, as you say, not really a surprise.


Funnily enough though, Biscardi's website is playing him up as the wounded party in this - when the more likely situation is that he's orchestrated the whole thing.

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Welp, the story has finally been busted. As the "body" thawed out they tried melting some hair samples and found it to be rubber and plastic. AS it thawed further it started getting cracks that revealed the it's tastey rubbery center. The two "discoverers" have since vanished with Biscardi's money.





Thanks for the link Rhett. I am not that surprised. I was hopeful for a little while, but the longer it took the more of a hoax it was.


These guys were only in it for the money. Millions. Millions just for pictures of a costume.

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